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Core Concepts

  1. Introduction to Pages

    Introduction Pages is our application that is designed to allow you to build custom areas of your community. These could range from custom reusable blocks to use in your sidebar, all the way up to complex applications built using our databases feature. Whereas our other applications provide a regimented (although customizable) front-end that's ready to use right after installation, Pages is a little different. Think of it more as a toolbox - it provides features that you use to build y
  2. Pages

    The foundation of Pages (the application) is the page (the thing).                         Tip To alleviate confusion in these tutorials, the application "Pages" will always be referred to with a capital letter; pages within the application or community will be lowercase. What is a page? A page is a container for content. Depending on your needs, a page can simpl
  3. Blocks

    What's a block? In Pages, a block is simply a section of reusable content. These can come from the applications in your community, be custom ones based on other built-in blocks, or be entirely custom. If you're comfortable with code, custom blocks allow you to achieve some complex results since the full range of IPS4 template logic is available to them. If you aren't comfortable with code, you can still create blocks based on built-in blocks using a simple wizard.  Blocks can be
  4. Databases part I

    What is a database? Databases are one of the most powerful and flexible features available in the Pages application. With some configuration and customization, they enable you to add complex, data-driven areas to your community, using some of the basic underlying functionality that full IPS4 applications have. Databases, as the name implies, are designed to hold data and display that to the user. This might be as simple as a table of records each containing a title and a body, from w
  5. Databases part II

    Database URL Structure Databases exist inside a page you've created with Pages. Individual categories and records in the database are accessed via the URL of the page. For example, if you had a page with the URL <yourcommunity>/mypage and this page contained your database, you might have a record that's accessed via the URL <yourcommunity>/mypage/category/record, where category is the category name and record is the record name. Your URLs would dynamically update themselves if
  6. Other Resources

    Often there will be resources you wish to use within pages, pages templates, or theme templates, such as images, fonts and more. While you could upload these via ftp to somewhere on your server, or another server, with the pages application Invision Community 4 provides a way in which you can upload these directly from your admin CP. Media Manager The Media Manager can be found in the following location within your ACP Pages->Page Management->Media P
  7. Templates, CSS & JS

    Templates, CSS and JS files are the means by which coders can take the default output of the various parts of Pages, and customize them to build unique parts of their site. Note: only those familiar with HTML, CSS and some PHP should consider modifying their templates. Since they involve editing code, it's easy to break the output of your site unintentionally!   Types of template in Pages Templates are the key to customizing areas of your Pages website so that they're
  8. Custom Fields in Templates

    When creating new database template, there will be times where you want to add custom fields in specific locations with them. This guide covers how custom fields are used within your own custom database templates, examples on how to enter these, and a brief explaination of each field display type.      The Basics In order to understand how custom fields are used within templates, it is important to understand the items in which will be used within your template code.  When
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