Engaged members generate value.
Create pathways for your members to follow and contribute.
Grow brand awareness, revenue and engagement
People want transparency and connection with their favorite brands! Use our innovative tools to help you achieve visibility within your community.
Members control what types of notifications they receive, including when another member quotes them, reacts to their post, receieves a follow and many more.

@ Mentions
Members keep each other in the know by tagging others' community usernames.
Categorize content with tags so it's easily discoverable and searchable.
Reward and empower your users for participating
Promote your community's content
Easily engage and interact.
Our Picks
Highlight the community's best content onto a dedicated page.

Activity Streams
Members can experience a tailored timeline of interests based on criteria of their choosing.

Following Content
Follow content you care about and sideline the rest.
Express your thoughts and feelings with status updates. They appear in your member profile as well as designated sidebar blocks throughout the community.

Project value onto a content item with our star rating system.
Replies are the bread and butter of a community. Our platform intentionally includes spots for member-contribution in every app.
Directly respond to members' posts, maintain a meaningful dialogue and open the door for others to weigh in.
Upload then share photos & videos and other attachment formats from your device directly into the community.
Convey positive or negative emotion by reacting to members' posts.
Social Media Sharing
Easily share community content onto social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
A little friendly competition never hurt
Members earn Reputation for creating engaging content other members can react to. Show them off on the community Leaderboard.