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Micro communities.

A community within a community.


Segment your community and let your members niche down

Using Clubs, members can flex their leadership skills by managing their own micro-community inside the framework of your main community.

  • Creates new pathways for members to venture into and contribute.

  • Offers new opportunities for a variety of content.

  • Self-managed by its Club leader, allowing for moderators to focus their attention elsewhere.

  • Promotes togetherness or exclusivity based on Club conditions and permissions.

  • Houses Club-specific content in its own ecosystem separate from the main community.

  • Grants managed power to your superstar members.

  • Builds and fosters unforeseen connections.

Screenshot of Clubs index page

Each Club features its own...


Our clients love their micro-communities:

Ready for community inception?

  • 30-day free trial
  • No commitments