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  1. Categories

    The first thing you will need to set up within downloads are your categories. You can set these up from the following location in your admin control panel. Community>Downloads>Categories Creating Once you are here, you will see a screen similar to the below image. To create a new category, simply select the "Create new" button. You can also create sub categories to existing categories if you wish by selecting the + icon next to any existing category. C
  2. Adding Extra Fields

    Within the download area on your site, you may find that there is additional information you wish for people to be able to enter on their downloadable items. For example, you may have an area where people produce their own applications and need to add co-authors or version numbers. The downloads application allows to to achieve this by adding extra fields. These can then be used per category. Adding Extra Fields To add some extra fields, you will need to visit the following are
  3. Paid Files & Other Settings

    Within downloads there are various other global settings that can be applied to your downloads area, and also setting regarding paid files which you can set. Warning Paid files will be unavailable if you do not have the commerce application installed, as there is a tight integration between the two applications. All sections below are found within the following area of your admin CP Community -> Downloads -> Settings Downloads Index Pag
  4. Files from URLs and the file system

    Within the downloads system, you can allow using URLs for download submission, and also link things directly from your file system. If you edit any of your groups, and select the downloads tab, you will see a series of options which can select on a group by group basis.  Submission Permissions Charging for files If you have a license for the commerce application, you can allow users to charge for files. This is similar to how it is used within the market
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