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Hump Day: your dream feature

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Happy Hump Day, team. 

I saw a lot of really great topics in the Feature Suggestions forum recently. It's the inspo behind today's Hump Day post. If you could dream up one single feature, what would it be?

The challenge here is to think of and share one (I know a bunch probably come to mind 😆), but if you had to single one out what is it? Inquiring minds would like to know. 🤓

Sound off in the comments!


As always, here is a list of updates and fixes since last week's Hump Day post:

- Fixed a missing language string in the related content widget.
- Fixed an issue where banned and spammer member filter options were showing for bulk mail.
- Added new webhooks which are fired when content is deleted.
- Fixed an issue where hidden or non-approved content was shown in the "Similar Content" Elastic Search widget (note: it was only shown to those with permission to see it).
- Fixed an issue where turning on template editing diff reduces the size of the editor.
- Fixed some issues upgrading from < 4.0.0 when using MySQL 8.0.2 or newer.
- Changed the 'Can use SQL Toolbox' permission setting to be hidden for CIC clients.
- Improved the default Robots.txt file to further increase crawl efficiency.
- Fixed an issue where the create topic page would show to search engines even if guests could not post.
- Fixed the HTML structure of the Featured Products widget, which previously resulted in a broken paragraph tag.
- Fixed the broken ranks XML export.
- Fixed an issue where 'Unmark as Solution' moderator log was missing the post id.
- Fixed an issue where some emails may have two HTML wrappers.
- Fixed an issue where the current date was not selected when creating an event from the day view.
- Fixed an error shown on the create event form when an invalid input date is provided.
- Updated HTMLPurifier to 4.14.0.
- Removed stripe.js from non Commerce related pages.


Looking forward to hearing what you all think!

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I know it's one, but I can't decide! One of the three below.

Then there are these other ones...its just too much to wish for I guess!

  • Targetting page elements with in different forums views
  • RSS import improvements, more content and media imports. RSS Enclosure Tag, Other File Types like audio/mpeg. Things like RSS Import Image as Blog Headers, add tags, etc
  • New notification when content is approved (from 4.6)
  • Subscription enhancements like coupons
  • Built in newsletter feature, scheduling, creation, subscription
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Star Trek Yes GIF

45 minutes ago, Matt said:

What would this look like?

And finally, it just needs modernisation. It really hasn't changed from the v3 days, if not v2. We've had very little features added to compete with our such commerce apps online.

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13 hours ago, AlexWebsites said:

I know it's one, but I can't decide! One of the three below.

Then there are these other ones...its just too much to wish for I guess!

  • Targetting page elements with in different forums views
  • RSS import improvements, more content and media imports. RSS Enclosure Tag, Other File Types like audio/mpeg. Things like RSS Import Image as Blog Headers, add tags, etc
  • New notification when content is approved (from 4.6)
  • Subscription enhancements like coupons
  • Built in newsletter feature, scheduling, creation, subscription

Lol in all seriousness. Thank you for these suggestions. Love the video streaming and newsletter ideas in particular! 

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We have this already in Pages:

Post a topic to the specific forum each time a new record is added
Use forum for comments

I wish the same for Calendar, Blogs, Gallery, Downloads, Commerce.

Yet, it sounds like more than one wish, but in fact this is only one feature that would help to integrate discussions in every IPS and third-party app.

Posting a new topic invites forum users to comment in a familiar environment. At the same time, having forum replies as comments right below the content item increases guest engagement. 

And no, activity stream is not the same, it is just browsing, without interaction.  

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