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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Go into your ACP, to the Search Engine Optimization section - if "Enable Friendly URLs" is enabled, disable it, save and go back to the front-end to see if it has made a difference to the loading of topics. If it has, then go back and enable the setting and if you have "Rewrite URLs" enabled then ensure that the htaccess file provided in the ACP is put in place.
  2. https://www.ynwa.tv/files/file/12-ne-mastodon-integration/
  3. Maybe you're not explaining things very clearly? Ultimiately, I think what you want to do is stop staff members who have access to the ACP from being able to use the live search to search for IP addresses because... ...the resulting details of the IP address search will have a 'Posts' section that, when clicked, displays the title of the topic where the posts exist. And some of those topics exist in forums to which the staff member doesn't actually have access on the front-end. If that is correct, then maybe your request should be targeted at asking for front-end permissions to be accounted for when displaying that listing of topic titles? If that isn't correct then you're not explaining things very clearly.
  4. It's a moderator permission. Another option...use the "solved" functionality (enable it on forums) Same result, something at the top, And the topic starter has control of that, if you allow it.
  5. Recommend the post that is considered to be the currently correct one? Result - it's at the top of each page..
  6. Ensure site working as-is on 7.4 Disable any non-IPS plugins/applications that you may have installed Turn site offline via ACP Switch PHP version to 8.0 or 8.1 - site will stop working Run this https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7046-invision-community-requirements-checker/ and fix any issues Download update from client area, upload it to your site via FTP Go to /admin/upgrade manually
  7. I've got some time to kill now, so hit me with a test site if you wish.
  8. That error usually appears after an issue reaching the SQL database...and look at that:
  9. Just run a search, with NO parameters..accept the defaults. And then when you see the results, click on the Spammers filter.
  10. If you had added it to your ban flters, yes. Correct - email = unique, so leaving them in there is a good thing. Or you add them to your ban filters if you want to delete the users. Correct - display name could be re-used if deleted.
  11. This appears to be caused by another 3rd party application potentially using the 'Forums' editorlocation instead of its own one. Issue patched for @Verto until I determine a better way to protect against that.
  12. Found a reason why some of the suggestions aren't working...all I did was enable the 'View word keys' setting to actually check the key of the item to be translated... Nope. Nope. It's 'forums'
  13. Difficult to tell from the video but when you are over the text you want to change, are you actually clicking/holding the mouse while on the text? And I'm going to offer this up, seeing as all the other suggestions are on how this usually gets changed - is it possible you've edited a template and hard-coded the name? Just check, please...go to the ACP area indicated: Once in there, switch to the advanced theme functionality and use the search - type your phrase in there just to make sure you haven't actually typed it into a template:
  14. Same place - but it's hidden if registration is disabled on the site, so have you disabled registrations?
  15. Edit the highlighted template (ideally, edit your own version of the default templates) Find this line: {{foreach $record->comments( NULL, NULL, 'date', 'asc', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, isset( \IPS\Request::i()->showDeleted ) ) as $comment}} Change 'asc' to 'desc' and save.
  16. Always look at the big picture... That states "This site key is not enabled for the invisible captcha." - your captcha isn't working on that page.
  17. It's easy to reproduce - just lock an account out, then go to the ACP and manually run the task.
  18. the cunningly disguised core_statistics table...
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