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Nathan Explosion

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Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. The count, yes. The user's choice, no.
  2. Deleted - can't be bothered with potential further engagement
  3. Zero knowledge of what API it is that you are referring to wanting to use so can't look at the data structure, and have no idea about how you want it to be displayed but here is what I would be doing on the page/block... Check if the data exists in \IPS\Data\Store If not, retrieve the data via the API and then store the data in \IPS\Data\Store::i()->whateveryourkeyisgoingtobe, adding something to the data to provide a timestamp for it being added. Display the data however it is you wish it to be done. On subsequent loads, step 1 should also be checking if that timestamp should be considered 'out of date' - if it is, get the data again. I don't think you should think about storing the data in a Page DB - I can envision that become overly complex for what it appears that you are trying to do. And if the data store gets cleared, your code would just pull in the data again into the store anyway.
  4. Reproduced as follows; Create a brand new theme Download the theme using the option in the console Edit the theme, populate the header and footer bits via the available tab. Review site on front-end, verify items are there. Use the "Upload a new version" option on the theme, and use the XML file that was downloaded in step 2 Edit the theme - the previously added header/footer content is gone Review site on front-end, the previously added header/footer content may still be there in the theme. If so... Run support tool to clear caches Review site on front-end, the previously added header/footer content are now gone.
  5. Disable others ability to use tags then. Group level permissions... Set them to Off for all groups except your own, then you're the only one that can create tags in your open system.
  6. Nope. https://www.sosinvision.com.br/index.php?/file/38-copy-topic/
  7. That isn't obfuscation. That is an ipV6 address
  8. specific email addresses? Understood...you've probably created a number of SQL queries then (1 per email address) and not just using one catch-all query. But for the benefit of those reading at a later point - if wanting to do this for a specific email domain then can be done via the above method:
  9. What are the criteria that you are using at the query level to select those members? Note: I'm more interested in here in showing someone that the query above isn't needed, just in case someone arrives at this topic at a later point.
  10. If that provided SQL query definitely is meeting your needs then you could have just done the following on the members listing in the ACP... On the resulting dialog, change "Group" from '-Any Group-' to the name of the group that people are in - then click the 'Search' button. Then click the link... Thus saving you many hours...
  11. Got Pages? In the ACP, do the following (specifics included only...if it's not specifically mentioned, it's up to you what you set things as) Go to Pages -> (Page Management) Blocks Click "Create New Block" Change "Plugin" to "Upcoming Events" Click 'Next' Name it & add a description Go to the 'Content' tab Change "Use this tempate as-is" to "Use as a base for a custom template" Find the following: {{foreach $events as $event}} Add this below it: {{if $event->online}} Scroll down to find: {{endforeach}} Add this above it: {{endif}} Save Go to Pages -> (Page Management) Pages Click "Add Page" Click "Next" Name it, give it a filename Click "Save" Give permissions On the resulting listing of Pages, click the "Open page builder" Use the block manager to drag your new block into place on the page. There's your online events page.
  12. You've probably found this out then - it looks like it is to do with the Privacy of the club. "Private" clubs - it's logged, but it doesn't show up in the "Deleted content" section.
  13. Actually just testing it out on a test site - it appears to not be adhering to it. Working fine on a dev instance though.
  14. No idea if this is intentional or not...just reporting it. Steps to reproduce: Log into the ACP Navigate to Customization -> (Localization) Languages Click 'Translation Tools' Enable 'Quick Translating' and click 'Save' Click 'Quick Translating' again Result: Now, right-click the 'Translation Tools' and open in a new tab or window Result: Now, navigate to anywhere else in the ACP that produces a tabbed display...example: System -> (Settings) Login & Registration First tab looks fine...click the second and third tabs Result: Now, to the front-end... Go to the Forum application Click 'Start new topic' Result:
  15. The key is in - it's right there in front of you. That isn't quick translating - that is "View word keys" This is quick translating...
  16. But it isn't so... <span class='ipsType_light'>{datetime="$topic->start_date"} {lang="in"} <a href="{$topic->container()->url()}">{$topic->container()->_formattedTitle|raw}</a></span>
  17. Try clicking on the pages then...that's how I found it. Anyway...on a default install with all applications, and nothing 3rd-party... It's on page 81 if doing a search for 'in' as the language key It's on page 51 if doing a search for 'in' as the language key, targeting the 'System' app only. Don't want to do that? Then use the 'Quick translating' tool that is available in the ACP.
  18. Upgrade - yes. Patch - as I've never gotten a notification of one despite having that set to notify me, nope.
  19. They mean that you need to apply the patch that is available in the support section of the ACP.
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