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David N.

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David N. last won the day on May 20

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  • Location
    Saint Martin
  • Interests
    Music Production

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  1. Sure but it no longer corresponds to the description (Marketplace: Themes, addons and plug-ins from verified developers).
  2. I keep having a smaller and smaller Max total size of files I can attach to my posts in this community. It's currently at 40 kB which is becoming challenging when trying to post images, especially in the Alpha testing forum. Can my attachment Max total size be increased? Thanks!
  3. There's still a Marketplace button that appears when one clicks the Services navigation menu on this site, I believe it should be removed?
  4. Fantastic new features! Lots of possibilities. It'll take time playing with all of this to realize all the power under the hood. Thanks!! 🙂
  5. Whoops, I found it, I can customize streams under ACP > System > Content Discovery > Streams. Great! 🙂
  6. Is it possible to remove specific forums from the "Unread Content" stream?
  7. A while ago I created a page as Manual HTML, now I want to convert it to Page Builder, is there a way to do that? If not, will it create any issues if I delete the Manual HTML page and create a new Page Builder page instead with the same name, same URL etc...? I can't imagine it would but I'd rather ask first. Will it affect SEO, links, the menu manager?
  8. All I know is that it's been going on for a while. It happened multiple times on: 6/14 6/11 6/10 6/9 6/6 6/4 6/2 5/20 5/16 ... and that's as far as the logs go.
  9. Just keep in mind, after Thursday.... ... it's Friday... then, it's Saturday, Sunday... (what!?) 🕺
  10. Woohoo!! That's awesome. Thank you @Matt and thank you @Esther E.! 🙂 Now one thing I'm still unclear about: will there be a way to merge different tags into one single tag? For example if I have topics that are tagged with the following tags: workaround Workaround workarounds work around bug workarounds Will there be a way to merge all those into one single 'workarounds' tag?
  11. Great. On my forum, we've been using tags differently though. My forum's topic is music production. People come to ask for help with their music gear. I've started tagging topics intensively since I discovered the "Relative Topics" widget. So I have tags for: Specific audio plug-ins Specific audio hardware (audio interfaces, synths, pedalboards, drum controllers etc...) Specific error code messages Specific issues ...etc. That way if someone comes and says they have an error code #48 on their Mac, I tag their post as 'error code #48' and with a single click I can find all the threads that mention error code #48. If they have an issue with a specific audio interface I add the tag for that audio interface and they can quickly find out info regarding their audio interface such as compatibility with various OS versions, driver link etc. If they have a specific issue like "audio cutting out" I add that tag and they quickly find all the threads were others have reported that issue with solutions, or workarounds offered. So as you can imagine that can amount to a few hundred tags quite easily, and the number will keep growing as new gear or new issues or error code numbers come up. Is there a specific reason for that? I mean from the feature set as I've seen it described in your video and your original post, I can imagine that it would work quite well for us even though we have narrow tags. Maybe I'm missing something though? But for example I can see how someone with the a specific piece of audio hardware would be happy to find a page with all sorts of discussions related exclusively to their piece of hardware. And there are at least a few hundred pieces of hardware that exist (although I have honestly no idea exactly how many tags I'm currently using on my forum). I can also see a benefit in Google indexing a page that lists all discussions related to one specific piece of hardware. Do you think I've been going about this the wrong way and our tag use will now work well with the new tagging system? I can imagine other forums would want to use tags that way, for example a cooking forum would want to tag individual meats, veggies, fish, nuts, cooking techniques, countries or regions, wines, type of event, etc... or for example a car forum would want to tag individual car make/model, etc?
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