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David N.

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David N. last won the day on May 20

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  • Location
    Saint Martin
  • Interests
    Music Production

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  1. I've tried about 6 or 7 times at different times of the day and always get that same error.
  2. When I try upgrade from Beta 5 to Beta 6, I get the following error:
  3. I just tried to update my Beta demo to v5 and am getting the following error:
  4. So my beta version is not available, can it be renewed? Thanks! https://x332394.invisionservice.com/
  5. I filtered it to members who have used the forum within the past year, about 3,500 members. The sending was done in 9 minutes. Wow. 😄
  6. I wish the Bulk Mail feature had a "send test mail" button to send an email to myself to check what it looks like before proceeding with the Bulk Mail. Meanwhile my workaround is to save the Bulk Mail with only the Admin selected and proceed.
  7. Ok got it, my apologies for posting in the wrong forum.
  8. I understand that and that's fine, but what I was suggesting is that then ideally they shouldn't be displayed in the Builk Mail editor either. No big deal, just if this wasn't too hard to implement, that would be better IMO.
  9. I asked around and it's not just me, all our members experienced the same thing as well, and the issue resolved itself without them doing anything on their browser.
  10. I'm having this issue again all of a sudden right now on my site, after using it all day. Chrome browser was open all day, and I haven't changed a thing. Same issue in Safari on my Mac, and Safari on my iPhone. "Clear System Cache" does not fix it. 😞 ... and now it's back... on all 3 devices.... but this is frustrating? I took screenshots if you want me to share them privately.
  11. When I edit a bulk mail, the editor embeds links, for example links to an article show the embed card with a picture, a youtube link shows a youtube thumbnail etc. Once I save the bulk mail, the embeds disappear and I see a text URL and a message to "Visit site to view video content." (with no link so no way to visit the site to view the video content?) I don't mind not being able to embed content in Bulk Mail but perhaps then the editor shouldn't embed the content either so I get a better idea of what the Bulk Mail will look like? Thanks!
  12. Alright great advice there, makes sense, thank you.
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