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Chris59 last won the day on July 19

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    Make graphics, Photo, Video, Drones , Driftingmotorsport with young son.

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  1. Oh Sorry , no hard feelings here , just that I have read in earlier posts pages app will have some changes . my English knowledge just make me sound weird . you guys have done a super job on v5 and I lift my hat for you guys . I just hoped pages app got some updated with some spicy templates etc . pages app is the best app in the suite in my opinion . because you do tons of things with pages app 😘 and deserve good looking templates etc Its Friday and be happy 🙂 excuse me if I sounded judgmental (my English, still learning 😉 ) i will love v5 for sure 👏 Cheers Chris
  2. Well , seems everything except pages app got some love. if i have a bunch of articles there is no option to make all this option you can on files, forum posts etc . no templates to make articles looks like files grid, carousel, listing or whatever view in the page builder . Have i miss something ? i did also maked a block with article feeds and still no view options
  3. Will there be some updates on Pages app ? or have i missunderstand things here ?? Cheers Chris
  4. Is this only on cloud at this stage ??? If there is a self hosted alpha am interested to betatest Cheers
  5. UPDATE `cms_databases` `cms_databases` SET `database_use_categories`='1',`database_allow_club_categories`='1',`database_template_categories`=NULL,`database_template_listing`=NULL,`database_template_display`=NULL,`database_template_form`=NULL,`database_cat_index_type`='0',`database_use_as_page_title`='1',`database_comment_bump`='0',`database_record_approve`=false,`database_tags_noprefixes`=false,`database_featured_settings`='{"featured":0,"perpage":10,"pagination":null,"sort":"record_publish_date","direction":"desc","categories":0}',`database_field_sort`='primary_id_field',`database_fixed_field_settings`='{"record_image":{"image_dims":[0,0],"thumb_dims":[200,200]}}',`database_fixed_field_perms`='{"record_image":{"visible":false,"perm_view":"*","perm_2":"*","perm_3":"*"}}' WHERE database_id=1 IPS\Db\Exception: Column 'database_template_categories' cannot be null (1048) #0 /Applications/AMPPS/www/system/Db/Db.php(1159): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*invision::roo...', Array) #1 /Applications/AMPPS/www/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php(520): IPS\_Db->update('`cms_databases`...', '`database_use_c...', 'WHERE database_...') #2 /Applications/AMPPS/www/system/Node/Model.php(2530): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord->save() #3 /Applications/AMPPS/www/applications/cms/sources/Databases/Databases.php(945): IPS\Node\_Model->save() #4 /Applications/AMPPS/www/applications/cms/modules/admin/databases/databases.php(1492): IPS\cms\_Databases->save() #5 /Applications/AMPPS/www/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(107): IPS\cms\modules\admin\databases\_databases->form() #6 /Applications/AMPPS/www/system/Node/Controller.php(69): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #7 /Applications/AMPPS/www/applications/cms/modules/admin/databases/databases.php(44): IPS\Node\_Controller->execute() #8 /Applications/AMPPS/www/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\cms\modules\admin\databases\_databases->execute() #9 /Applications/AMPPS/www/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #10 {main}
  6. you can look here as well . 6.4.2 https://forum.invisionize.pl/files/file/837-axen-font-awesome-6-in-ips/
  7. Why use a name who is blacklisted 😇 ok , need investigate this then
  8. Am trying to translate the lang key activity_member_reacted Text &nbsp;<img src="<fileStore.core_Reaction>/%s" width='20' height='20' data-ipsTooltip title="%s" alt=''>&nbsp; %s reacted to %s: %s Have try with chrome, safari, and when its save take me to index translation page every time, I also tried translate the lang key direct in file and import it without success so something is going on here . seems this <fileStore.core_Reaction>/%s get blocked in browser but is strange because I can't even import it after edit the core file either. Any help would be sweet 🙂
  9. I had exact same issue in my board and it end up I had to reinstall board 1 month ago . Happened when I maked a new database and for some reason a forum post was enable by default and when I make first post in pages it also makes one in forum , if I remember correctly I also deleted forum post and also opened database to deactivate forum post this issues start happened . real weird
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