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sound last won the day on May 18

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  1. Every forum topic url gets a 301 redirect when clicked on regardless of how many posts are in the topic, due to this {$row->url( "getPrefComment" )} in the topicrow template As this redirect is not needed on topics with just the one post, a simple if/else {{if $row->posts >= 2}} could be added either to the template topicrow or into the getPrefComment function This could then avoid many unneeded 301 redirects and so help with seo etc
  2. you could use the 'add similar event' feature baked in the event feature for any annual event repeat one click, change the date , all done for public holidays you could import a ics calendar with them on eg https://holidays.kayaposoft.com/
  3. have you tried using the delete/move content post options that shows when you click on a forum in the acp For content that matches all of the following conditions... admin/?app=forums&module=forums&controller=forums&do=massManageContent&id=1 without knowing your setup not sure if it helps but if your 'guest' posts are filterable - you could then move then to a temp forum then delete all when checked ?
  4. Would it not help the discussion if the discussion was split into admin use of the editor and the normal member use? i certainly have different needs/requirements of the new editor as an admin, espically on the cms article editor side than say a member posting normal forum topics
  5. as admin use it for the below to embed cms blocks via the 'external embed' method to embed 3rd party website embeds/iframes not just for forum posts but for nearly all content items such as articles, events etc
  6. The ip address purge appears to be working fine on a live site for members, however the nexus transactions ip appears to be kept So I am wondering if this is a known issue, working as intended or a setting that I may have missed?
  7. nope, am saying it doesnt show on the days in between the start and the end days as per below is this known?
  8. Am getting the below on both live site and generic test site Ranged events not showing in the day view On the event guide Set an event lasting more than 2 days - say starts Friday ends Tuesday The event shows ok in both the week and monthly view Now if I go to one of the Day views (not the start or the finish date) say Saturday, Sunday or Monday - on both live and test sites the event does not show in the day view! Can anyone out there confirm if this happens for them as well?
  9. nope can't do full path as the acp link depends on the database name/id so just use the link titled 'databases name' Fields then click on a field and you will see a field with the text underneath This setting controls whether the field will be included in the automatically generated topic, and how to format it. Use {title} for field title, and {value} for field value. Leave empty to not include in the automatically generated topic. more info and a screenshot here may help
  10. Point #1 is already available see the 'topic field' option you can turn it off for the main content field (by removing it) and then add your own 'teaser' field with the 'topic field' filled in as per This setting controls whether the field will be included in the automatically generated topic, and how to format it. Use {title} for field title, and {value} for field value. Leave empty to not include in the automatically generated topic.
  11. Isn't the url always added automatically to the forum post? It is for my site On the rest you can do this already, though the excerpt does need to be added manually when the article is posted (a simple copy and paste?) Use a new field called say 'teaser' or something and make sure that you fill in the 'Topic Format' You can also add a character restriction to this field if needed Then remove the 'Topic Format' from your original content field. Then when posting the article fill in the 'excerpt' manually (copy and paste) The above should then, when publishing an article, post as well a forum post containing an 'excerpt' (the teaser field) and a link to the article
  12. you should be able to achieve this by editing the content fields Topic Format just remove the (value} shown in the form This setting controls whether the field will be included in the automatically generated topic, and how to format it. Use {title} for field title, and {value} for field value. Leave empty to not include in the automatically generated topic.
  13. just checking in to see if any news about the future of this most useful app as the marketplace is now closed and version 5 is due out soonish?
  14. ah just seen this and this has sorted the views issues thanks again to @Adriano Faria
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