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SeNioR- last won the day on October 30

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    IPS Social Suite 4

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  1. This bug has been around since Beta 1 and I don't think it has anything to do with embedding videos. Beta 7:
  2. Yep, I've noticed the thumbnail issue on a few IC5 forums already, so it's definitely a bug that needs to be fixed.
  3. Any update? I uploaded a GIF as an icon and the image was converted to PNG. The funny thing is that the animation still works 😉
  4. I don't want to share this narrative, but I have to admit you're right to some extent. Here we can mention the Marketplace closure or the new Classic license terms, which we accidentally learned about from concerned customers. Communication has never been IPS's strongest point, but I understand that they have to make these decisions because of their business. I also think that by setting this tone, you're giving IPS yet another reason to completely abandon the Classic license and stay solely in the Cloud. I can only imagine that this change would have a quite positive impact on the entire team, because then they could focus more on developing the software and not "waste time" on solving problems that mainly concern the wrong version of PHP and incompatible third-party applications/themes.
  5. I have to admit that the new variable naming is much more intuitive and simpler than in IC4 👍 Even if we don't know the exact name of a variable, we can easily guess it.
  6. MariaDB is undoubtedly more effective. Google, Amazon and Microsoft are using this fork and these are not small companies 👀 https://mariadb.org/how-mariadb-and-mysql-performance-changed-over-releases/
  7. I understand that you used it for Movies and other apps, but the fact that this module was removed shouldn't surprise anyone because Matt or Marc (I don't remember) wrote about it a few months ago. In fact, I think it was even listed in the Deprecation Tracker, although I don't see it now.
  8. I agree, most of my users have never used it. In fact, I've had it completely disabled for years, so it seems like an unnecessary module to me. However, I understand that on other communities it could be used for some purpose.
  9. Yes, but if you look at the page source you will see that they have all been converted to PNG even though it shows Webp here. <link rel="icon" sizes="36x36" href="//media.invisioncic.com/a319035/monthly_2021_11/android-chrome-36x36.png?v=1709133612"> <link rel="icon" sizes="48x48" href="//media.invisioncic.com/a319035/monthly_2021_11/android-chrome-48x48.png?v=1709133612"> <link rel="icon" sizes="72x72" href="//media.invisioncic.com/a319035/monthly_2021_11/android-chrome-72x72.png?v=1709133612"> The problem here is that when you send an icon in webP, it only has the name changed from webP to PNG, but the encoding remains unchanged. When you try to open the file, for example in Photoshop, an error is displayed that this file is not PNG, even though it is in this format. As you can see, even though the file has been changed to PNG, it still has the encoding from the original file, i.e. WebP. WEBPVP8
  10. Hi IPS Team. I'm not reporting this as a bug, but I'm curious about the reason why Web App icons are automatically converted to PNG. Is there a reason for this? The same thing happens in IC4.
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