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SeNioR- last won the day on June 17 2023

SeNioR- had the most liked content!

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    IPS Social Suite 4

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14,309 profile views
  1. Example URL: site.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=100 Converted from: MyBB Error: Undefined constant "IPS\convert\Software\Core\uid" (0) #0 /public_html/applications/convert/Application.php(314): IPS\convert\Software\Core\_Mybb->checkRedirects() #1 /public_html/applications/convert/Application.php(298): IPS\convert\_Application::checkRedirects() #2 /public_html/system/Dispatcher/Front.php(415): IPS\convert\_Application->convertLegacyParameters() #3 /public_html/system/Dispatcher/Front.php(91): IPS\Dispatcher\_Front::convertLegacyParameters() #4 /public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(110): IPS\Dispatcher\_Front->init() #5 /public_html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher::i() #6 {main} Cause: try { $data = (string) $this->app->getLink( \IPS\Request::i()-uid, array( 'members', 'core_members' ) ); return \IPS\Member::load( $data )->url(); } Solution: try { $uid = \IPS\Request::i()->uid; $data = (string) $this->app->getLink( $uid, array( 'members', 'core_members' ) ); return \IPS\Member::load( $data )->url(); }
  2. This is fixed in 4.7.17 Beta 2. Marking as resolved.
  3. My mistake, please move the topic to the right area. Thanks.
  4. Hi, what do you think about the "ugc" attribute for outbound links? From what I see, the parameter is used by Reddit. rel=”ugc” – should appear in user-generated content, i.e. in the comments and forum posts 🎈 Example: <a ref="https://invisioncommunity.com/" rel="noopener nofollow ugc" target="_blank">Invision Community</a> 👉 More here: Qualify your outbound links to Google 🖊️ EDIT: 5 minutes later It is worth adding that Flarum uses this attribute for links and @Daniel F in his SEO Essentials app has included this option in the settings.
  5. I don't know if this has already been reported. If so, please merge the topic. The main page of a Events does not have an H1.
  6. Exactly. They receive a newly generated password to the email address with which they will be able to log in.
  7. I also have a technical question. Should a URL like this https://invisioncommunity.com/topic/475843-pasted-text-background-color-using-themes/?app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id=543491 be allowed? I think there should be some sort of 301 or 404 redirect here?
  8. Hi, I suggest adding the /language/ path or the ?id= parameter to the robots.txt file because Google is going crazy again and trying to index these pages. Thanks.
  9. Thanks. Yes, I know that, I'm not a beginner 🙂 I only meant the background color and the icon.
  10. Why is the button still in the old colors? 🙂 It should be black with an X icon.
  11. Referring to the topic "Links are not crawlable" and toggleQuote is Creating Errors in PageSpeed, you can also improve the spoiler code. javascript.xml ips.templates.set('core.editor.spoilerHeader', " \ <div class='ipsSpoiler_header ipsSpoiler_closed'>\ <a href='#' data-action='toggleSpoiler'>&nbsp;</a>\ <span>{{#lang}}spoilerClickToReveal{{/lang}}</span>\ </div>\ "); to ips.templates.set('core.editor.spoilerHeader', " \ <div class='ipsSpoiler_header ipsSpoiler_closed'>\ <a href='#' data-action='toggleSpoiler' aria-label='{{#lang}}toggle_spoiler{{/lang}}>&nbsp;</a>\ <span>{{#lang}}spoilerClickToReveal{{/lang}}</span>\ </div>\ "); Temporary JS fix: {{if !\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id and \in_array( \IPS\Dispatcher::i()->controller, array( 'topic', 'page' ) )}} <script async> $(document).ready(function() { $('.ipsQuote_citation a.ipsPos_right').remove(); $('.ipsSpoiler_header a[data-action="toggleSpoiler"]').attr({ 'title': '{lang="topic_approve"}', 'aria-label': '{lang="topic_approve"}'}); $('.ipsQuote a.ipsTruncate_more').attr({ 'title': '{lang="expand"}', 'href': '#', 'onclick': 'return false;', 'rel': 'nofollow'}); }); </script> {{endif}}
  12. There are at least 5 confirmed issues with PHP 8.2 on IPS 4.x. Well, if you want to take a risk, that's up to you.
  13. IPS v4 will not have support for PHP 8.2. The End.
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