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SoloInter last won the day on July 6 2024

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  1. All good. Thank you. Also for me. Profil pictures are not showing up anymore on the widget. But they are still here on the main page of the club.
  2. You should know also that you want to open cloud features to self hosted clients. 🤝
  3. https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=6031b854f1326109&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCN937CN940&q=Inzaghi+:+"Nous+avons+fait+trop+peu,+mais+nous+sommes+encore+en+course+pour+rester+dans+le+top+8"&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0CbCVgAZ5mWEJDg6aoPVcBg-SdB_VhkTgIuMkvHavRAAiziGwr0fMS1rkzDoC3l_h77Se9EH3d2OC_VzXRofxUu-XbwkLv03nB3UTB3Li2vPFKQ12lAARRz6Kd8fQudWV4ENgHSWqAG7VUTVzcWlfNWy44CqXfhLPJsdj9uvqaTzZ47Gw0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiQq4iT6J-KAxUYUqQEHdKaH4AQtKgLegQIEhAB&biw=1440&bih=812&dpr=2#vhid=m3sho_pDeFA5yM&vssid=mosaic You will see the picture we used (first result) Now article is like that : https://www.internazionale.fr/articles/interviews-inter-milan/inzaghi-nous-avons-fait-trop-peu-mais-nous-sommes-encore-en-course-pour-rester-dans-le-top-8-r20791/ I checked more. >> https://www.internazionale.fr/articles/page/2/ It's way more buggy. B6 : few cover photos are leaving eache day (last content published). But in B7, it's 90% of cover photo from ALL the content we have in DB. Just check the last link above; You will see tons of results without any cover photo.
  4. Nothing special. I wake up, open Google Chrome and launch our website, and PUF! Gray square, no more cover photo. I have to select the title, search in Google image to recover the old picture and update each article, player who is impacted; I notice that it's only the first 5-6 (depend) who are displayed on the homage page using Widget feed (topic/database).
  5. Oh great. Thanks for your message.
  6. Is it still buggy on B7 ? Can we revert the temporary fix ?
  7. I still have issue with pictures who disappear every day. Each time it's content from database who are showing up on the homepage.
  8. I still have issue with pictures who disappear every day. Each time it"s content from database who are showing up on the homepage.
  9. With Monday and Friday on a boat. But I don't know if it's Monday or Friday who falls into the water 🤔
  10. Ok thanks a lot. Top title should stay like that (Title add using the widget) Second title should be this (Folder Name) :
  11. Yes, but if I change the top title, it's change the name of the folder also.
  12. Is it normal than the title of the widget is display twice and at the place of the name of the folder ?
  13. Always asking me why there is a big thing like Calendar at the same level than Page, Downloads, Gallery, ... but so limited. We can not navigate on the past using the beautiful view on the main page of the app, we can not really play with the data. Would be great to have one option like date range to show any event in there.
  14. Is there a way to display past events from a range of date ? Example : Displaying this but for a start & end date in the past :
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