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WP V0RT3X last won the day on April 15

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  1. https://www.invisioneer.org/files/category/2-themes/
  2. You can add more autoembeds with plugins, maybe you find what you you are looking for here https://www.invisioneer.org/marketplace/ The best solution for clients would be an easier implementation of additional media sites just like XenForo does.
  3. https://www.invisioneer.org/marketplace/
  4. https://invisionify.com/vortex-development/free-plugins/extra-footer-links-r9/
  5. I did a little research, I guess you mean the plugin by @TDBF There is also a version 2.0, but the DL site is down too ... https://zaquria.com/public/d/7-website-footer-200
  6. You could try https://www.invisioneer.org/marketplace/ If it isn't out there, it looks bad. In that case I would recommend to switch to a plugin that is still supported.
  7. Isn't Radical Tags developend anymore btw?
  8. Hi, INVISIONify is not my site and I don't get admin emails over there. Back 2 Top was always a free plugin, you don't need a key. Simply download the latest version and install or upgrade it, that's all 🙂
  9. https://invisionify.com/fxpages/databases/create-community-faq/
  10. In the logs folder on your server should be a .gz for every domain.
  11. This site doesn't use the Blogs, it's a Pages database.
  12. Maybe this https://v0rt3x.dev/files/file/6-extra-footer-links/
  13. Another option would be this one, graphically a bit more sophisticated than the welcome widget and with many settings... https://v0rt3x.dev/files/file/62-hero-image/
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