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  1. Thanks so much! Exactly the info I needed.
  2. Hi! Working through some of the settings for subscriptions, and I'm wondering if there is an auto-renew option for members? If so, will that be default? Thanks!
  3. Thank you so much! Certainly looking forward to v5!!
  4. Thank you so much! I was hoping that would work, but since the coupons were under "Products", I was afraid it would not apply. Perfect!!
  5. I'm just beginning to configure some things in Commerce as our site prepares to offer subscription options. Is there a way to offer coupon codes for use on subscriptions, rather than products? Thanks in advance!
  6. Love the ability to assign levels via permissions. Thanks so much for the hard work on these features!!
  7. Just something that would be such a nice feature -- the ability to restrict individual clubs to certain user groups, rather than only being able to restrict all clubs by user group. We have multiple Moderator/Admin groups, and it would be very nice to have the ability to restrict certain clubs from certain groups.
  8. @WP V0RT3X Thank you SO much! The plug-in was perfect. I really appreciate that.
  9. Hi! Where do I find the option to create links in the footer area like you have here? Thanks!
  10. Thanks! Just the info I needed.
  11. We've been using the Bulk Mail tool successfully for site announcements. Previously, we had a newsletter list running through Mail Chimp and want to go to using the IPS Bulk Mail feature only. I've imported the e-mail list into a separate user group that we can select when sending a Bulk Mail -- but I notice there is a widget option for Newsletter opt-in. Is there a way in the Invision platform to offer users the option of opting into a newsletter (or opting out)?
  12. Figured it out! Currently, we are using oAuth for accounts to sign-in using the info from the main part of our site (not IPS right now but working on changing that). New registrations were disabled. Once I enable all of that, the buttons returned! Thanks for trouble-shooting with me. I was really confused. 🙂
  13. Thanks for the suggestion. I hadn't noticed the patch. Just installed that and cleared the cache. Didn't change anything or add the missing button, but I'm glad to have realized it needed doing! Not sure what you mean by "save the Administrator permissions". Do you mean just to go into the member group permissions and hit the "save" button?
  14. Yes, actually. The account is assigned two member groups right now, both Administrator and Technical Administrator. I just checked in there, and both those groups are listed as unrestricted: We are running three plug-ins, and I just disabled them and cleared the system cache to see if something was messing up that way. It didn't change anything.
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