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  1. Apologies for that. We have now created new credentials and updated the form.
  2. Sure. Member who wanted account closed: "Iamjanco" The "Iamjanco" account was then merged with our "EHW Ai" account. Here is an example of a post that did merge correctly: https://extremehw.net/topic/676-what-are-you-listening-right-now/page/39/#comment-46280 Here is an example of a post that did not merge correctly: https://extremehw.net/topic/3694-ek-is-imploding-investigative-report/page/2/#comment-46676 Thanks very much.
  3. I can confirm there are no background processes. What examples would you like? I can show a post that has successfully merged and one that hasn't but I am assuming you need something else as that would not tell you much.
  4. This was my other thought that perhaps the system was still doing it. I cannot recall now how many posts the user had and obviously I can no longer check. I merged the account at around 6 hours ago and I can still see posts from the user showing as Guest. Is there a way to check the progress on merging ?
  5. Hello. I frequently use the Member Merge function if a user decides to leave the community. This ensures that the users posts on the forums are retained while honouring the users wish to have their account removed. However I have hit a snag today. I merged said member with our default account "EHW Ai" which I use for merging all members content to. This usually goes fine and all the posts of the leaving member show under the ownership of "EHW Ai". However this time round, it seems to have done this for some of the users posts and not other. The other posts which have not merged correctly now show under "Guest", this is not correct. How would I go about rectifying this? If any more details are required, I am happy to provide. Many thanks, E
  6. Thanks very much 🙂 Mine is set to 85%, so I do not believe this is my problem. Upwards and onwards to the next thing!
  7. Hey guys, A very simple question, when images are uploaded to the IPS suite, is any form of compression undertaken? I am trying to eliminate an issue where clear uploaded images to the site (through adminCP as part of a custom award app) are appearing as it they are a lower definition. Of course this can be a server side setting or even the app in question, but I just want to remove IPS as a factor or indeed ad it as a factor for investigation. Many thanks, P
  8. Thanks. I did not consider that, I always operated under the impression that even though you have uploaded files as an attachment, that they do not show in the post unless specifically inserted, but obviously removing the attachment has resolved the issue :)
  9. Thanks guys, I figured this was the case that A. This is old news, so far as what browsers are doing these day and B. Any required alterations on a software level for the platform would be taken care of IPS. I only asked as a user with web development experience sent me a message with the following screenshots, just to make me aware, which spurred me to follow up with IPS on what will happen regarding Chrome etc.
  10. Hey guys, It is likely this has already been covered in another post/blog but what preparations have IPS made in light of Google/Chrome killing off 3rd party cookies and the introduction of the Privacy Sandbox? Many thanks P
  11. Hello, I noticed a strange issue with editing an image out of a topic today. When I tried to deleted an inserted image (mistakenly placed at the end of a post), it would seemingly remove from the post, however upon saving the edit the image would return. I have tried a few times and have the same result. I have disabled all my plugins/apps as well as switching back to the default theme to see if that causing the issue, but it made no difference. I made a short video as attached to demonstrate the issue that I shared with one of my personal developers, he also came to the conclusion it may be a possible IPS related bug. Any help appreciated. Many thanks, P Image Removal Issue.mp4
  12. Thanks for this 🙂 While I have your attention (You cannot receive PM's apparently, so have to put it here) I have been trying to get some support via email at support@invisionify.com with respects to account issues I am having on your site, but I have not had a response to my further queries. To cut a long story short I purchased the "Back 2 Top" plugin from yourself and redeemed it via my marketplace app key on your prior website Vort3x.dev, however since you created/moved to the new website https://invisionify.com/ , my account has been lost and I no longer have access to the app purchase/updates. If I create a new account on your new site, can I redeem this key again? Thanks, P
  13. Hey guys, I am looking to setup an FAQ section on my community but do not see such an option available on the stock IPS software. Did I miss something ? If this is not available, is there a known custom application that can be installed to achieve this ? Many thanks, P
  14. Thanks guys, have it all figured out now 🙂
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