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  1. I think I am getting too old to run a forum anymore, yes I was on my test site where of course I have registrations disabled!
  2. I just applied the 4.7.17 update and now the area to disable the post before joining setting is no longer in the same place? So where is it now?
  3. It was enabled and I have now disabled it
  4. Thank you Daniel, I have disabled it
  5. I am getting multiple undelivered messages from my host from this message being sent out Also with a button below that says "Finish Submitting" How and where is this sent out from? Is somebody trying to post something without being a member? If so how do I stop that? This is for 4.7.16 version Thanks
  6. Looks like the same behavior here on IPS. Why do user replies to my topics show up in the "Content I Started" list? Seems like a lot of posts that are unnecessary in the list because they are not "Content I Started" but rather replies to "Content I Started".
  7. Appears there is definitely a bug as it does not bring up the "Content I Started" because I can search for a topic and myself as the author and the topic comes up but is not in the "Content I Started" list. When I click on the "Content I Started" tab it also brings up "replies" to my topics from other users and my own replies to my own topics???
  8. I also just checked searching the last 365 days and got only 20 hits and I had more than 20 posts in one topic alone?
  9. No, I have not limited anything there. Everything is set to the default. Pic
  10. Had a user ask this question today....(using the "Content I Started" tab) they wanted to know why when searching a particular date range for their posts only 2 or 3 posts came up? I also tried this for myself and I entered a 6 month range for 2020 and I only got 3 posts when I know that I had many more than that? Anybody know why this is happening or is it a bug in 4.7.16? Thanks
  11. OK, thanks everybody will take care of it with my host
  12. Mailchannels states that the emails are "missing message id header" so they do not generate the message id header as it is not there when they get the email. IPS software is the email client as it is the forum software sending out the email directly from the forum. Yes, using SMTP and all email settings for the correct code was supplied by the host server team.
  13. I really don't know what to do as I am getting my forum emails blocked by Mailchannels due to the emails having no "Message ID header" according to them. Why does the software not add a message ID header to the outgoing emails? I have asked this before and this has not been resolved and was supposed to be escalated to the developers? Can someone please advise how I am supposed to get this done or is the software supposed to do this? I have had this problem since upgrading to 4.7.16 recently. Thanks
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