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Content I Started question

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Had a user ask this question today....(using the "Content I Started" tab) they wanted to know why when searching a particular date range for their posts only 2 or 3 posts came up? I also tried this for myself and I entered a 6 month range for 2020 and I only got 3 posts when I know that I had many more than that? Anybody know why this is happening or is it a bug in 4.7.16?


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3 minutes ago, Jim M said:

Have you limited your search index in ACP -> System -> Search to specific time period which is excluding content now?

No, I have not limited anything there. Everything is set to the default.



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2 hours ago, Genestoy said:

I also just checked searching the last 365 days and got only 20 hits and I had more than 20 posts in one topic alone?

Keep in mind it’s content you started, not replied to. IE you created a topic. 

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Appears there is definitely a bug as it does not bring up the "Content I Started" because I can search for a topic and myself as the author and the topic comes up but is not in the "Content I Started" list.

When I click on the "Content I Started" tab it also brings up "replies" to my topics from other users and my own replies to my own topics???

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Looks like the same behavior here on IPS. Why do user replies to my topics show up in the "Content I Started" list? Seems like a lot of posts that are unnecessary in the list because they are not "Content I Started" but rather replies to "Content I Started".

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