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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Products are intended to be more feature rich than Subscriptions. Subscriptions are intended to be plain jane and simplified. I am just stating if you want something like that, it is available. The feedback is still there for Subscriptions 😉 .
  2. Products can selectively show on the registration page. Sounds like you're wanting more complex items which products would be a good fit for you 🙂 .
  3. Glad to see you figured out it is an issue with a third party add on. Please be sure to post which one here so other are aware.
  4. It's worth mentioning that this already exists as a renewable product (what we use in the example above) or just multiple subscription with different renewal terms. So if the above is a goal, you can certainly perform this. it may not be 100% what is wanted here but at least you can perform it while this continues to be evaluated.
  5. Sounds good. If you do wish to be completely hands off on the technical side of things with our software, we do offer our Cloud hosting which is managed by us and all you need to focus on is your community 🙂
  6. You would need to run a manual upgrade if you're running an old release which only supports PHP 7.4. Instructions can be found here:
  7. Talking with one of our developers, there is a lesser known, not really documented way to redirect this: You redirect the entire old domain to <new-url>/ic-merge-X/* Where X id the id of the 'core' merge. That way your old topic IDs will be handled.
  8. The topic ID will indeed change. I'm afraid, there is no method currently to redirect this.
  9. You would just change that friendly URL, the real URL corresponds with code so cannot be altered. It's worth mentioning that the root Friendly URL cannot be change (i.e. forums in /forums/topic/1-test/)
  10. Correct. Passwords will transfer with the user except in events where the user is a member in both communities. In that case, the user's content is merged into the Community B user and that user will need to login with their credentials used in Community B.
  11. Glad to hear things are working for you.
  12. Can clear cache by going to ACP -> Support -> Clear Systems Cache.
  13. We have responded to your support request for more information about instructions from the vendor and then we can advise where to place this in our software to comply with what they require.
  14. The command we provide is correct to what is in your PHP configuration. We would not recommend changing the parameters provided to it in regards to memory_limit and max_execution_time. As mentioned by Marc, you encountered a 500 Internal Server Error when CRON ran. We would need the error log to further diagnose
  15. As mentioned, you can change notification settings for new members in ACP -> Members -> Notifications. Existing members would go to Account Settings -> Notification Settings. Account Settings is on the front-end in the topic right when they click their display name.
  16. I cannot read the language there. Individual users would need to change their existing notification settings in Account Settings -> Notification Settings. You can change the notifications for new users in ACP -> Members -> Notifications.
  17. While I understand you believe there is an issue there, there are no others encountering issues there. We deal with communities in the millions of posts and members and they are not having the issue either. Without further information pointing towards a specific problem, we cannot investigate the issue further. If you would like to provide us access to your installation, we can further investigate there but short of getting some guided approach that we were hoping for from the Slow Query log, it may be something completely specific to your community.
  18. If the user posted that message on the user who received the email's profile, they would correctly receive a notification. The only other way would be if the user who received the notification followed the user who posted the status update. This can be managed from the Notification Settings.
  19. Unfortunately, there is no evidence of this happening. If this was the case, we'd be seeing something here with the slow query log or some other means of logging. I would advise upgrading to the latest release though as there have been some performance upgrades since the release you mentioned there.
  20. As long as the pricing of your Subscription is not set to lifetime, the subscription will issue a renewal. Whether or not payment is automatically taken would depend on your payment method and the settings you have configured for it. For example, PayPal would need to use what they call Billing Agreement/Subscriptions. You have the option for to allow the user to opt into automatic payments, force automatic payments, or not allow automatic payments. For Stripe, the user must agree to leave their credit card details on file (with Stripe) in order for automatic payments to work. If they do not opt in to automatic payments or you do not allow them, the user would need to manually pay the issued invoice.
  21. If you add any text in the post with the YouTube video does the video post?
  22. We have assisted you in your ticket 🙂 .
  23. I would advise turning on slow queries in your MySQL server to see what may be happening here.
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