ok, so what about the notifications that should show up under the bell in the navigation, should that also show that you have created or replied to posts under a club if you have followed that section.
When you say follow the club, is there a particular part that I have to follow, so for example overview, forum, or would i have to follow each section under that club. At the moment I am testing just using the chrome browser.
For notifications I enabled “follow content” after I made the first post in the club. As a test another person replied to that post but I didn’t receive any notifications.
The option for follow discussions send me: a notification when new content is posted is selected.
The aim is we want to test the following:
If all members will be notified when a discussion is started within a club
If all members will be notified when someone comments on a post or will it only be the author of the post within a club
If all members will be notified when a document is uploaded within a club
GMP support is enabled and there doesn't seem to be any issues for push notifications according to the ACP.
I have also attached the settings within the ACP for notifications > followed content.
Any help would be great!
For changing friendly URL’s from clubs to committees, is it just a case of updating the friendly URL and that is it, the real URL just stays the same? Or would I change both?
Are there any issues with this IE breaks in the site.
The plan is to change the word club in the URL to committees across the site.
I am not worried about SEO as its a fully private site.
When they try to access the ACP via the admin link, it just comes up incorrect email or password, but i know its correct as the password is generated via Wordpress with SSO.
I have an SSO set up and created another Admin which is tied to the Admin Group. When that user logs in they have access to the blocks via the front end but not the ACP. I have a feeling that the account might be blocked but not sure where to check these logs to unblock them.
With the contact information box which shows the email address of that user in their profile, it states that only staff can see this. Is it possible to change so that a member can see the email address on profiles?
I was just wondering if there was a quick way to add around 500 users to different clubs via the admin side or would I have to log in as each member and then add them individually, just to note that I am also using an SSO.
Is it possible to have an alternative language for a name of a club, so one in English and the other in French. My guess that its just a label as I don't see any string to change for this.
I noticed that on the admin side of the community in the members section it allows you to choose via the edit preferences what language is set for that member, either EN of FR as their default. (English or French)
Can the member set this option via their account settings/profile as I didn’t see an option there.