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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Kevin - I downloaded and started playing with this the other day and I just have to say that this is probably the best mod/addon/plugin/application/whateveryouwanttocallit I have seen for IPB/IPS since I began using it 12 years ago. Cap well and truly doffed to you. Could I get your input into a set of rules I'm thinking about? I run a fan site for a football club and use the calendar for match fixtures. We also have a forum in which a topic exists for each match. Previously keeping both updated has been manual and I'd like to try to automate part of it. When I create a fixture in the calendar, I'd like to create a topic in the forum with the same subject/title as the calendar item, but also include the start time & date of the calendar item. In addition, if/when the time/date of the calendar item changes then the subject of the topic is updated too. Is this achievable with the application?
  2. As you said, you went to your site. Go to /admin/upgrade first instead.
  3. A little tip regarding the setting up of the CRON job to handle the tasks for rebuilding - I upgraded my 3.4.7 test site, containing ~56,000 topics/2,600,000 posts, to RC3 on Wednesday and calculated out that the rebuilding tasks would take close to 72 hours to complete even with the CRON job set to every 1 minute (was seeing only a .02% increase every minute for the posts rebuild) The smallest interval that a CRON job can run at is every 1 minute - but there is a way to go lower: sleep xx; (where xx is the number of seconds to wait before running the command after the ; ) I have 3 CRON jobs now set up to run the tasks, each every minute - first one is as presented by IPS when viewing the CRON options within the ACP, but the other two have sleep 20; and sleep 40; added prior to the same command. Result: the task processing was down to every 20 seconds, and I started seeing a .05%/.06% increase every minute for the posts rebuild as a result. So if you are in a position to know that running faster than a minute will not impact your hosting, then give it a try. Note: once the rebuild is complete, no real need to keep the extra 2 so just revert back to having the 1 running every minute.
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