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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. version 1.0.4 released, fixes the following issues: Unable to save settings when 'Allow dice to be quoted' enabled Replying to a PM resulted in an 'Out of Range exception' when the plugin was enabled. Fixed issue with database prefix.
  2. Thank you - and it was indeed inspired by that topic. Had a little 'coding block' on another plugin and needed to change my thinking away from that one for a short while, so jumped on this as a test. I don't believe a review can be posted without purchasing, however.
  3. Support topic for (NE) Dice Roller
  4. Apologies for lack of presence in the last few months - been 'off the grid' for a while due to personal issues. I'm a little behind the times with IPS versions now so just need to get my license renewed and get myself back in to the swing of things to refresh my head.
  5. No - maybe at a later stage (you are first person to request it)
  6. No misunderstanding at all... In my experience, I wouldn't put PHP 7.x in place until after an upgrade as it has always resulted in issues previously for me. In your experience, it worked fine for you. The above shouldn't influence anybody's decision at all - the results of someone's own testing should influence it more.
  7. Feel free to read the few posts from this one onwards: When I can type consistently with more than 1 finger at a time, then I will be able to complete the work on merging the 2 plugins.
  8. I have not completed one single successful upgrade with PHP 7 as the version before IPS4 is actually in place. All my test upgrades (I've done way too many at this point) that complete successfully are on PHP 5.x, none on PHP 7.x are successful. While PHP is suitable for running IPS 4.1, it may not be (I'd say "isn't") suitable for an upgrade from 3.4 to 4.1 at all. Suggestion: lower down to a PHP version that is supported with 3.4 then perform the upgrade (or even do the test change via phpmyadmin) Once done, go to PHP 7.0.x
  9. @Lindy 1 topic. 2 posts (opening post, plus a reply) How do you merge them? You can't because the first post, unlike in 3.4.x, cannot be selected.
  10. By looking at the URL, and determining what it (and other urls on that same site) starts with and determining the commonality between them. Then drop the http:// or https:// and BOOM...you've got the entry. Because you've entered it directly via the source method - works fine, and isn't controlled by that setting. But you're not going to be allowing everyone to use source mode, are you? So then you need to allow people to post certain urls...and that is what the setting is for. You then need to provide them with a method in the editor (ie a custom button) to allow them to use iframes. What exactly are you trying to achieve here, as I've a feeling this is going to go around in circles very soon. The above information has been covered a few times on here, and a search for 'iframe' should pull up any other informaton you need.
  11. No idea what it should be for you - what is the url of the items that you are trying to put in the iframes in your content? Does the URL start with http://jotform.com/embed? If so, then yes jotform/embed is what you need to put in there. What is the difference? Well, without it filled then you won't be able to out foreign URLs in iframes within your content. With it filled you will be able to put foreign URLs in iframes within your content - it's that simple.
  12. It tells you in the placeholder and the instruction text. example.com/embed/ means "any urls that start (ie have a base) with example.com/embed/"
  13. He probably thinks the same as the person from IPS who agreed it was not a logical step and mentioned that he would bring it up internally for discussion.
  14. ACP -> Customization -> (Editor) Settings -> Advanced. Look at the 'Allowed iframe bases' setting. You don't need codemirror to enable source mode in the editor - you need to allow your group "Can post html?" in the group settings, and then the 'Source' icon appears for you if you are in a forum that allows html to be posted. Once you see how it works, you can then play around with creating a custom button in the editor to allow people to post links that you can convert to an iframe, all without the need to enable the 'Can post html?' setting.
  15. About This File Plugin which allows administrators to control the display of topic replies to guest viewers, showing a custom editable message to guests. Guests must register & sign-in to be able to view the replies. Can be set on all or specific forums. Topic exceptions can be made using a comma-separated listing of the topic IDs which will not be affected. Developed & tested on IPS, and actively being tested on 4.1.7 Beta
  16. No worries - in the event that you are using categories, then you can cross check their ids in the cms_database_categories. The 'category_database_id' is your link to the database_id from earlier.
  17. Insert one item in to your pages database. Look at the cms_databases table in your site database and identify the database_id for your pages database. Look at the cms_custom_database_X (where X = that database id) table and review the content, and how it is populated. Take that structure and mirror it in your excel spreadsheet (titles etc) Use the Import -> CSV functionality in phpmyadmin to import the csv file in to the table. It's how I've populated over 100 years worth of football league tables in to a pages database - approximately 20,000 records.
  18. Doubt it - that is intended to update a database that is not UTF8/UTF8MB4 to one of either UTF8 or UTFMB4 - if the database is already UTF8 then I doubt it would do any conversion. Easy way to figure it out for yourself - that database checker is included in the IPS4 package.....go to http://www.yourdomain.com/admin/convertutf8/ and see what it says to you.
  19. Then download & do a localhost install - they are present in a new install, so are probably extracted from somewhere. Edit: admin/install/emoticons
  20. download the full package and look in uploads/emoticons
  21. localhost, plain install (no upgrades)
  22. Aren't they the ones that have the "@2x" added to the filename of the original file? (all in uploads/emoticons)
  23. Probably - install a localhost test board and try it out.
  24. Something that may help those who are planning upgrades now that PHP 7 is available.... For the last couple of weeks, I've been doing a test upgrade/rebuild every few days in preparation for doing an upgrade next week. My forum has ~3 million posts and the rebuild process was taking approximately 2 days (just over 2 days) to complete via CRON, running on PHP 5.6.x When PHP 7 was released, I put it in place on my server - left the PHP version at 5.6.x for my test site, went through the upgrade and then changed to PHP 7.0.0 when the upgrade had completed. I then put my CRON in place and left it to it. Checked just 24 hours later and it was close to finished. Since then I've performed 2 further test upgrades, one with 5.6.x entirely and the other putting PHP 7 in place after the completed upgrade but before running the rebuild tasks - and the results have been great with the switch to PHP 7.0.0 for that rebuild portion. Now looking at a down time of just 2-3 days instead of a previously planned 4-5 days.
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