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Nathan Explosion

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Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Video tab: If not there, then please refresh the Plugins page in the ACP.
  2. Version 1.0.3 released: added option to use fluid width instead of fixed width/height for videos (assists with responsiveness, and helps maintain aspect ratio of original video) minor typo fixes minor modifications to settings layout, in preparation for new functionality changes in version 1.1
  3. Just a little taster of some of what is coming with version 1.1
  4. As requested ...a copy of the MP4 file please (feel free to send via PM) You would see the above in a situation where the browser is not able to play the file natively.
  5. Here is what I think is going on - you may have mp4 added to the list of audio extensions, which will mean that it is listed as both video and audio. The code execution will identify it first as video and then again as audio, and will use the audio player. If you have mp4 listed as an audio extension then remove it.
  6. Helpfully asked via the review system (last time I'm going to provide support for anything posted there) Provide the MP4 file for testing Post a screenshot of the resulting item posted on your forum Provide a screenshot of the plugin settings for both Video and Audio
  7. Asked via the review system: The tag is displaying as default in browsers, so is behaving as designed (not my design....this is just simple HTML5 going on here). At a later point in the plugin's life, I may look in to adding this functionality through other methods (if possible) but for now - it is behaving as designed
  8. What do you mean exactly? Update: I *think* what you are asking for is to expand this functionality to the content of status updates, so can you confirm that, or explain further what it is that you are requesting?
  9. Just taken a look at an implementation of VAST ads at http://www.html5vast.com/ The answer is yes, it would be possible to implement VAST in to videos - it looks like it targets the ID of the <video> tag, and then plays the ad before the video itself is played. I can't help with the integration of VAST itself, but I can make it easier for you by adding an ID to each video that matches up to the ID of the post within which the item is played (example: this post is ID number 2717066, so I'd make the video's ID nevid_2717066...I'll add in something to handle multiple videos in posts too.... nevid_2717066_1, nevide_2717066_2 and so on) Then in your VAST implementation, you could target those IDs.
  10. Got an actual example of what it is you are looking for? I'd need to see one in place to understand it better, as I don't have time to go through that link - I've got a rough idea of what you are asking (ie user plays a video, the VAST stuff places an ad within that video?) Got an implementation guide I can read? This plugin takes the following (attached audio/video files or remote audio/video links): and produces the following:
  11. Not possible with the default video settings I've put in place (started with the basics) but I've been looking at the additional options that could be available for the tag via javascript, so will keep this one in mind for a future version. @All: v1.0.2a of the plugin has now been released to fix the following issues (all users are encouraged to upgrade to this version as soon as possible) issue with capital letters in the name of the uploaded or linked items. issue with attached images and emoticons no longer displaying The image which Steve attached of a video displaying outside the width of the controls is from Chrome on a Mac, so I'm looking in to whether there are any kludges to force it back in line. If you come up with that issue on another browser, please post browser name and version details up here for me to check on.
  12. Thanks Steve - that looks like something I missed actually....CAPS!!!! I'll test and update the plugin shortly.
  13. @Adriano Faria correct me if I'm wrong (don't use the app myself) but wouldn't your current permissions cover this requirement already. Simply, put the quiz in a category of its own and use the settings that Adriano showed above.
  14. Forum plugin which will display a HTML5 audio or video player for audio/video attachments and/or remotely linked audio/video files. Ability to enable/disable the player for audio or video or both (disabled by default, so effect will not be immediately seen on posts) Ability to enable/disable the respective players from handling remotely linked audio/video files. Ability to control the initial size of the video player so as to avoid 'large' videos pushing outside the post container. Ability to include the original link, to act as a fallback for users with browsers which cannot either display the HTML5 player or play the audio/video file Admin configurable list of audio/video file extensions. Plugin is compatible with IPS 4.1 (tested with and IPS 4.2 (tested with 4.2.5) Please note the following: If you require support then please post in the provided support topic. Do not use PM and do not use the review functionality. Plugin support does not extend to assisting you with adding support for playing a specific audio/video file/codec to your browser (Google is your friend in this situation) Want to test your browser's ability to show a HTML5 player? Go here: https://tools.woolyss.com/html5-audio-video-tester/ Questions: Why are you charging more than your usual $5 for your plugin? Development of this plugin took longer than others, and I envisage future development and support will be time consuming too. Will the plugin be extended to work on other applications in the IPS suite? I will try to develop it to work within the Pages application, however other applications will be more difficult due to me not owning licenses to use them. Never say never, but for now it's a 'No'
  15. I'm currently working on version 1.1 of this plugin - this new version will allow the admin to put multiple dice ranges in place, thus allowing different games to be created. Currently the plugin only allows one set of dice ranges only, so is limited to that. I've also spotted a bug with the use of 2 (or more) dice of the same type resulting in only one of those appearing in the result. Example: 1-2,1-6,1-8 will result in 3 dice rolling. But 1-6, 1-6, 1-6 will result in only 1 dice rolling. This will be fixed in version 1.1 too.
  16. The plugin is now called '(NE) Hide post content from guests', and version 2.0 is now available with quite a few additional features - check it out: Many thanks to @AlexWebsites for assistance over the past few weeks as development of these new features has been completed and tested out.
  17. Flat-earthers cry out in pain!!!
  18. I haven't developed a "Group Mention" plugin. Your request is outside of my intended scope of the plugin, really - the plugin was intended to enhance the list displayed as you type, and not to modify the functionality or look of the resulting mention. Additionally, the resulting mention is placed in via the ipsmention CKEDITOR plugin, and I have no plans at all to even attempt to modify that. If I do decide to put this feature in then it will not affect the look of the mention when it is viewed in the editor - but will affect the mention when the post is viewed instead (i.e. it will look normal in the editor, but would appear coloured when viewing the post)
  19. Viewing your site as a guest, looking at the blog poll you put up the other day: Theory: guest cache settings = wait for the cache to clear so it works.
  20. If you require support, please keep the following in mind: provide a screenshot of your settings provide login credentials for your site (can be sent via PM)
  21. It's because you are expecting this plugin to do something that it is not advertised as doing - it doesn't allow you to mention groups, it changes the look/content of the results of the default mention behavior, which is a user list. If you want a group mention plugin then:
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