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marklcfc last won the day on November 14 2021

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  1. What about the two if codes I want to place in the body line?
  2. I can't use the Advertisements feature as its too limited. It won't let me add 4 adverts to topics for instance, just one after the first post. I know that now but I'd need to get something on the source code so ad network can use it to determain how many adverts to display if its for someone logged in or not, I do that now through the body class line, and wondering how I'd achieve it in the next version. Then this is all achieved through one script that is also placed into globaltemplate though from the ad network
  3. I use this code as the ad company need to know who is logged in and sees 2 adverts in topics, who is a supporter and sees no adverts, and who is a guest (sees 4 adverts in topics plus a footer ad). <body class='{{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id }}logged-in {{endif}}{{if \in_array( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_group_id, array(9,32) ) }}supporter {{endif}} So I am logged in on my site, the body will look like this If I am a supporter (this is for those who donate to the site), then it will say logged-in supporter If I am a guest, logged-in doesn't show and it shows what it normally would. But now the ad company knows to show more adverts to whoever is a guest. This was the easiest solution we came up with
  4. Thanks, hopefully it will be easier to achieve. Will I be able to edit the body class as I showed earlier or is this just allowing new lines of code to be placed somewhere? The padding was an example, I have also edited templates to hide things on phone that are not hidden by default, and make the topic title/follow / forum title area the same as it was in earlier versions, meaning less bulk to have to scroll past on mobiles. I couldn't do that with just css, but I'm no expert.
  5. I have done, but it doesn't tell me everything. How do I find out the code to use for logged in / or in member groups # if I can't view the templates, or is it the same as I posted earlier?
  6. How would I know what to use when the templates are not viewable
  7. That doesn't help for adverts where I need to add some info to the start of body class line so it can display certain adverts to logged in and more to guests or in the supporters case, none. This is what I'm doing currently at the start of body to determain if a member is logged in or not. If you remove things there needs to be alternative way to do it. <body class='{{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id }}logged-in {{endif}}{{if \in_array( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_group_id, array(9,32) ) }}supporter {{endif}}
  8. I read that I wouldn't be able to edit templates. Are they still viewable? Currently for adverts, I have to alter the body class line in globaltemplate, how would I achieve this? There are also certain scripts I have to add to this template. I've also made various other minor changes but for display reasons, like changing the padding to padding-half that kind of thing. Can I no longer do this? 🤔
  9. Partly both and to encourage new topics but I also had problems years back where search / view new posts was slow to load, no end of times I contacted support about it and they ran lots of tests but couldn't work out why. This was fixed around 3/4 years ago with one of the Invision releases and it's been fine ever since. But now I have every topic archived that's older than 6 years without a post (85% of topics) The posts table will be large if not archived as I have 7.2 million posts now
  10. I would like archived posts to show up in search results, and also show on user profiles. As my forum is coming up to 20 years old, alot of old profiles just look empty, a few members have unfortunately passed away but there is nothing to look back on on their profile as their posts are in archived topics
  11. Not sure, existing posts may start to look like this if they switch now As mine did pre 2015 or whenever it was first introduced when I selected go to new line. All posts prior to that lost the paragraphs. Example Likewise, if I had to switch now to start new paragraph All my posts past 2015 would start to look like this.
  12. Can you still select go to next line for enter?
  13. Update - confirmed with one of the members that it was a genuine request, so maybe the other one is too, awaiting confirmation but if so the above can be ignored
  14. And just realised I did delete an account a few days ago that may well have been hacked now😔
  15. It's not just spam posts, I've had two account deletion requests in the past 24 hours from regular members and I almost deleted the account, but I checked the IP they came from one was from Kenya and the other was from Russia
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