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Chris Anderson

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Chris Anderson last won the day on November 17 2021

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  1. Forum is back up for the moment.
  2. I've been asking for this for 3 years. I sure hope it is on the to-do list for v5 as I am loath to have to resort to a third party solution.
  3. IPS should remove the website address from the provider directory until such time as the issue is corrected.
  4. I thought one of the major reasons for a major update to the visual interface was to be faster, leaner, and offer more options than ever before. "If" an .svg version of a graphic file can be reduced as much as @aia claims than it would meet all three of the criteria I mentioned earlier. I am not sure why it hasn't been included up to this point (It has been around for 25 years) or being talked about being added at some future point in time.
  5. This site has many members that are developers. https://www.invisioneer.org
  6. This also occurs when trying to save permissions for these menu items too: Store/Donations Store/Gift Cards Store/Subscriptions Store/My Details/Account Credit Store/My Details/Alternative Contacts Store/My Details/Payment Methods Store/My Details/PayPal Subscriptions Unable to further debug for several hours as I am not at my usual computer.
  7. The "Guidelines" menu item fails to save any specific permissions you set on Version 4.7.12. Please see below for an example: Normally when you click on the "Save Menu Item" the screen goes back to the Menu Manager main menu. But for this menu item I am consistently presented with the following screen instead: The new permissions are not saved and the "Publish this menu" button remains greyed out.
  8. Based on the plusses and minuses of 8.3 you mentioned above, will you skip supporting PHP 8.2 and jump to PHP 8.3 as your next required PHP version once you have updated the calendar app and taken advantage of the new Read-only classes and json_validate() functionality?
  9. With 8.3 being released at the end of this year do you see any potential problems with the v5 codebase and tools working with that version considering upcoming new features and deprecations? Is there anything in 8.3 you are at all excited about?
  10. IPS has a larger development team and is more familiar with the codebase so they will invariably release a new product or feature that will widely be used by the vast majority of their customers, but occasionally a developer might create a better version that "some" customers may prefer to purchase. An open marketplace should encourage innovation by all developers including IPS. This would also better address continuity of service. Products are often supported for finite periods of time by both IPS and marketplace developers and once a product is no longer supported it leaves customers in a precarious position. Having the ability to have more than one version of a product in the marketplace gives everyone the option to be able to migrate to a competing product if the need suddenly arrises or a competitor offers a far superior product from other marketplace developers or IPS themselves.
  11. There have been quite a few developers and theme designers that have left the marketplace or are on the fence as to whether they will continue developing for v4 let alone the v5 platform. Your team has been working extensively on two different codebases and have become quite intimate with it. I would recommend trying to visualize how difficult it would be for a developer new to the platform to setup a development environment and learn how to effectively create programs that meet your marketplace acceptance criteria. Things to generally think about: How closely do your programmers adhere to common programming methods for each of the languages you utilize? Is your codebase entirely PHP 8 compliant or are you still utilizing code written for earlier versions? Are your APIs intuitive to use? Is the cost for entry too high for the first couple of years a developer is learning how to write really good programs and their sales are next to none? Could your error messages be more informative? How does a programmer effectively test their apps? What lessons learned from your testing team could be useful to a new programmer or to your customers that help beta test two different versions of your suite until such time as v4 is fully deprecated? Would it be beneficial to put a little more structure around public beta testing to minimize the number of additional betas or dot releases after final release. What might you do differently to make becoming a developer more appealing to make recruitment "MUCH" easier and to keep the ones you already have for the long term?
  12. Are all of the marketplace files you have installed from invisioncommunity.com or did you download them from the developer's site? It's a possibility that one of their files has been compromised.
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