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Jelly Belly™

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  1. sorry for being a bit slow but this bit is confusing
  2. is that a long task and does it effect anything else ?
  3. My forum is over 20 years old and we have only just started using the badge system I've recently added some rule based badges to reflect 5/10/15/20/25 years memberships but I'm not sure if they are auto applied to those members who qualify or do I need to rebuild members achievements ?
  4. It doesn't always remove sensitive info, one of my members is a pro photographer and he messaged me to say that his full business info, address and location was on display I think it would be a better to be able to remove all exif data as an extra admin option
  5. I don't use facebook much anyway but I do find it helpful if a group I've forgotten I'm in suddenly mentions me
  6. can I ask why ? I agree it wouldn't be a great option if offered to all member groups but it could be useful for admin
  7. I get asked about 5 times a week since Invision chat was discontinued when is the chat room coming back it was an important part of the site, was busy 24/7 and a lot of my regulars just drifted away so I'd love to be able to replace it and had hoped the live chat mod would be a solution but its seems its not possible on cloud
  8. I'd like to suggest an expansion on the @mentions function in V5 Whilst single user mentions are very usefull would it be possible to consider adding @everymember and @usergroup ?
  9. perhaps the link could be a unique referral code so that if somebody clicks through and makes a purchase we get credits towards licence/cloud hosting fees ?
  10. This doesn't seem right 🤔
  11. so I'm noticing 😆 really helpfull..............not 😂
  12. since around the same time as we upgraded and migrated which was late January this year this is the biggest ebb in 24 years, the last big one was when invision chat was withdrawn, that did cause a huge drop as our chatroom was very popular but since then its been recovering although not to previous levels I've tried that but as my only contact with these members is email, if they don't have access they will never know that I reached out I'm not trying to blame the software or the hosting, just trying to make sense of why we have dropped so much, wondering if perhaps I've done anything my end that could have cause an issue On a similar note, I've recently started using google analytics and search insights and it says that over 11 million pages of my site can't be indexed even though the content exists and is viewable by guests 🫤
  13. I had taken that into consideration before upgrading and migrating I used to manually approve all new accounts checking each email, username and IP against clean talk etc before approving so I have a fairly good idea how many bots/automated accounts were signing up before, now I just let IPS spam defence using the default settings unfortunately mine have dropped at roughly the same rate as registrations, people who were very active site regulars for years have not been seen for ages I seem to remember similar happened when we upgraded from 3.4 -4.1 as well
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