Text Align
After 43 years I’ve found my calling. Pest controller.😂
Invision Community 5: Week 1 Update
From someone that brought some of these to your attention, would be rude of me to not stop by and say thank you and the team once again. I will never miss an opportunity to fluff up your ego! Raised the issue with the image scanner and template locations, patch released that day within a few hours. Found a couple more with Paypal and Privacy policy the patch released the next day. I get why some big sites prefer to wait, however as an owner of a site with nearly 3m posts, I never doubt the team here to rapidly fix any issues. If we all held back, these issues would take longer to find, so I'm happy to be the guinea pig with my trust so high. 5x has gone down really well with the members so far, they love the new and I quote "sexy" dark mode and the new nav bar on mobile is adored. @Ehren needs a pay rise!
Text Align
Not sure if intended or not, text align is greyed out and not an option unless you allow headings in the editor. I prefer not to allow the changing of font sizes, colours etc. as posts would be a mess with my lot having the "creative" freedom. Text align though is a much used editor tool that is used for various reasons.
- Smilies
Minimum iOS version?
I’ve had a couple of people claim they are unable to reply or post on my site since the update to 5.0.0 Both have admitted to running “old iPhones”. Which leads me back to the title, what is the minimum supported iOS for 5.0.0?
Whos Online Block Feedback/Suggestion 5.x
On the who's online block, the number of members and guests have been removed. You can access the full list and it will tell you the number of members online, not the guests, which I'm not hugely bothered by as many were bots. I just kind of miss having that number there to gauge how busy it is on the home page than trying to guess looking at a block of text. I renamed in languages Whos Online to Fans Online to suit my site, but like this would be nice whilst retaining the language string so a Taylor Swift fan site could have 267 Swifties Online for example.
Ajax Page Loading
Good point well made. We're out here educating staff and clients at the same time! 😂 As this is feedback. May I make a suggestion. Would it be possible to allow us to insert a redirect into the ads.txt box option. I have manually entered the ads.txt content, however ideally I would like the ad provider which is Raptive to control that as they have previously. This would be beneficial to all Raptive clients that are on the Cloud. Pretty please.
Ajax Page Loading
Apology accepted Jim. The ad provider CSS has fixed the loading issue. Now our ads.txt is all sorted. Feel free to banish this topic of misinformation out of here lol Oh Jim, go stick the kettle on and take 5 minutes to reset 🤣🤣
Ajax Page Loading
I'm back, apology maybe in order. Ads.txt is still an issue for us that needs resolving. However our ad provider believes the loading issue is due to auto height on the CSS at their end which they are removing now. I had flashbacks to 4x when that was first released and Ajax caused major issues with the loading. So I offer you my full apology and beg for forgiveness!
Ajax Page Loading
I'm not seeing them nor are several members. I'm not sure if related, but domain/ads.txt no longer loads, but domain/ads.txt/ does. I was using a page redirect back to the ad provider for them to manage it. It would seem like now you are unable to create a page without using a wrapper? I set the ads.txt file to use CustomWrapper, entered by redirect code which I was given on here to use. If I go back to the ads.txt in pages now, it's removed CustomWrapper and shows as none. As you know, one or the other is required so it would be impossible to create without the steps I did.
Ajax Page Loading
Same as the players at Derby, all makes sense now 😂
Ajax Page Loading
Interesting, I can only get them to load on the initial page I land on, then switching through pages of either the topic listings or posts, they don't show.
Ajax Page Loading
Unless I'm mistaken, there is no option to disable this. As with the 4x launch, Ajax page loading blocks adverts from appearing beyond the first page of any topic which is a huge revenue killer. I've searched Ajax in the admin panel but nothing is showing up.
Invision Community 5.0.0 Released
And we're there, all live and working. Couple of minor issues which turn out to be bugs, I expected a couple, only natural but yeah, the 5 journey begins! Members early feedback has been positive, so I must pass on my thanks to @Matt @Stuart Silvester & @Marc not just for the last few hours rescuing me, but the years of work to get us to this stage along with the rest of the team. Very much appreciated. Oh, do we have a release date for 6.0.0 yet?
Invision Community 5.0.0 Released
Thanks, although as I said in the ticket. I don't even have image scanner in my plan 🤷🏻♂️