Help shape the future of Invision Community by suggesting new features or giving feedback on existing functionality.
We would love to hear your ideas for future versions of Invision Community. If you see a feature idea already posted that you like, make sure you reply and let us know!
25,502 topics in this forum
- 13 replies
I've brought this up in the past, and I can't find the topic anymore. I think this something that needs added fairly soon as it may confuse readers... Take this topic for example, each reply we made was a new "answer". Which can be misleading to users when they look at it and then notice that they're just comments. I believe something like what Stack Overflow does would be nice to see in the near future. P.S. Sorry this wasn't longer, didn't know what else to say.
Last reply by chilihead, -
- 8 replies
Right now IPS includes a rather large amount of JS and CSS on every page, and a decent amount of it could be combined into a single file and minified, as a best practice. It would be nice to have this happen automatically, or for IPS to include an ACP option to enable it.
Last reply by sudo, -
- 20 replies
I had an idea wanted to throw it out there, maybe it's been mentioned before??? I'm sure there are a lot of forum owners out there who would love to make more money. I find that when it comes to how I personally define a successful forum, it tends to be one of two things: More RevenueLarger more active forum (signups / posts / etc)If I'm achieving one of the two above, I consider my forum a success. I visit and evaluate many forums / blogs online trying to determine what has made the particular forum popular or profitable. One trend I'm noticing in blogs is the ability to TIP the content creator. Currently, most members post on forums for free. The members who don't po…
Last reply by Cyboman, -
- 4 replies
With IP.Downloads it would be nice to have an option to show the subcategory files in the main content area of an empty "parent" category. An example of what I'm talking about can be seen here: If I were to link to that category at first glance it isn't obvious there are any files available as the subcategory menu is easy to miss unless you are used to the interface and the words "No files in this category yet" are much more prevalent. One possible approach I've thought would work well for these types of "parent" categories, like how with IP.Board forums you can list it as either a categ…
Last reply by Ramiru, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I do not recall a time when we could sign into the (IPS) site anonymously. Why even have that option as a checkbox if it's disabled?
Last reply by GrooveOnBeat, -
- 3 replies
First, I'm sorry if this topic is unclear ... Yesterday, I've opened a ticket because one member can't see in the unread AS the content of one forum, even if he can read this forum. The problem was that this forum (eg. Forum3) was in a category like bellow: Category 1 Forum 1 Forum 2 Forum 3 The member has access to Category 1, Forum 1 and Forum 2 via his group. The member also has a secondary group to have access to Forum 3. The secondary group in question doesn't have the permission to see Category 1, but has the member have access to Category 1 via his group, no problem to see Forum 3. But even if like that…
Last reply by Morrigan, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
So that FASing a 419 spammer will actually have an effect.
Last reply by Colonel_mortis, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Where is the setting to get notifications when another moderator comments on a report in the reportcenter?
Last reply by Kjell Iver Johansen, -
- 5 replies
This is present in 3.4.x but IPS support says it's "by design" so I'm going to presume it's present in 4.1 as well. EDIT Here's a topic reporting it in 4.1 When a user registers with an error in the Display Name field, such as entering a name that's already in use, the system will present a message that the name is in use yet somehow still save the registration as Incomplete. As near as I can tell, saving a registration as Incomplete when it has an invalid Display Name field does no good for anyone. The user doesn't realize the registration is useless and can't log in, generating complaints that are work for the admin. If the admin should look in ACP > …
Last reply by crabpaws, -
- 3 replies
I wanted to share some thoughts on the new Best Answer forum before I leave on my little vacation and focus my efforts elsewhere. I am sure that a great deal of thought, effort and planning went into the QA forums so I'll say that I appreciate the IPS effort. At this point I'm having difficulty in understanding and using them since, IMHO, they don't follow commonly accepted conventions or what I feel is logic in presentation. It's possible that maybe I'm missing settings, options or other variables aka "user error" so I apologize in advance if this is the case. I'm hoping that IPS or other members can weigh in. (1) Incomprehensible format Look at this topic on DMCA Law an…
Last reply by Markus Jung, -
- 2 replies
I see your portal has dead links and are not helpful. Sorry to state that. 1. The important link to install is missing from the client area: 2. During upgrade, your system detect that license need to be renewed and shows the link which is dead: This is the link which it shows: and is dead. Kindly correct them as for a client, these important dead links and a big message that 'Please check this box if your issue is critical and causing your community to be offline or otherwise completely unusable. NOTE: Misuse of this feature may result in a $25 fee and…
Last reply by KKP, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Dear IPS Sales, I have sent ya'll several e-mails and I haven't heard back from you on several projects can ya'll reach out to me pm or some shape or form with the projects that I have given and paid for.
Last reply by MADMAN32395, -
- 38 replies
Please, provide another service instead of Mandrill and Sparkpost.
Last reply by Lindy, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi, I don't know if this is a bug or a feature request? When posting/writing an article/blog/private message, if I press Tab ↹ Tab key it is not moving through he fields correctly. I'm using safari on mac, 'TO' to 'SUBJECT' is ok. 'SUBJECT' then goes to the safari address bar. I can press again to go to 'MESSAGE" if posting a private message. If making a new topic it follows the same pattern. For example on this forum it just went TITLE - Notify of replies button - Address bar - post editor. In chrome on mac it still jumps erratically. I've not been able to test any others. But this is happening on my forum and this s…
Last reply by chilihead, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
There was once something called the Feature Plan, and on it was Physical Products Marketplace. It disappeared so I'd like to officially suggest this to see where it stands (and how it gets tagged). If it's "Planned" for 4.2, yippee! This may be my #1 request.
Last reply by Théophraste, -
- 0 replies
Hello. For a user, it is difficult to understand that one can see in a video message hosted elsewhere (youtube and others). But we can see in a video message uploaded to the site. This encourages members to use other services like youtube or facebook. And so to leave the community. If we have to go on facebook to post a video on the forum, so then stay on facebook. We need a complete ecosystem, so that members can stay without having to go elsewhere for certain things. My forum works with a large server. I do not have space or bandwidth problem. I hope that soon it will be possible to read directly in a message a video hosted on the website. …
Last reply by Théophraste, -
- 0 replies
As far as I can tell, this isn't possible, so I'm making it a request. When multiple custom fields are being used to alter the inventory/price of something, currently, the multiple fields are done in an "AND" fashion. So if using two custom fields, there are four rows to fill out (price/inventory for each). However, it would be nice if there was a way to have individual fields be independent of others or better yet, be able to choose which fields must be grouped together. Example: Someone is selling a shirt with a logo on it. As add-ons, there are four different bumper stickers and also four different refrigerator magnets to choose from. Let's say 20…
Last reply by Wolfie, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
argh, I wrote this out and something fubar'd... Could of ideas that I'm sure Mark can easily handle, for new license key options for sold products. Custom PHP code Admin can write some PHP code and optionally use some supplied information like the member's ID number or name, generate a key and then return the result. Pick from a list of pregenerated keys I'm thinking this would be better as a (product) custom field. Sort of like a select box, except there would be a title and content box for each set of keys for the custom field. When editing the product, stock/pricing adjustments, the title would show, along with a count of the keys …
Last reply by Wolfie, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
This is a two-fold request. First one is easy enough, grouping so that the view within the ACP is easier to look/sort through. If someone has multiple (but related) databases, it would make it easier to manage them if they are in the same area as they would all be together. Second one, a bit tougher and understandable if not implemented. A way to link the database group to a page. Similar to the {database} tag on a page now, just each database would branched off to it's own URL within it, sort of like categories within a database. Difference being that there wouldn't be a global list of categories or filters or anything that would span all the databases, wou…
Last reply by Wolfie, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Should reported content (a post not a topic) have the "Delete Topic" option? as it seems to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Your only viewing one post on a discussion that could be pages long and that option seems a bit to drastic unless someone is reporting an initial topic?
Last reply by Ocean West, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
there has to be a way to dismiss or ignore hidden content. I want to switch hats from ADMIN / MODERATOR back to enjoying the site - having these around are taking up cognitive processing. The issue was resolved but for retention and roll back functions the content needs to be maintained for some indeterminate period. I would like the ability to dismiss these items as it's not necessary to be visible to myself who hid them or is it necessary to have moderators have to see them who perhaps login hours later and have to step over these hidden posts.
Last reply by Ocean West, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
One area thats almost caught me out is when you are working with the members list in ACP, I tend to remove members manually if not visited for 12 months. So I search via last visit, delete the first member in the list then it automatically returns to all members again, I have almost deleted genuine members a couple of times with it doing this plus its a pain having to search for them again and doing this for everyone. There should also be a check box beside each member so you can mass delete.
Last reply by Joel R, -
- 11 replies
Right now, you can use Mandrill for sending all the emails that comes off of IP.Board. Any thoughts to add SendGrid in this line up as well. It is one of the power house service providers for transactional email. Thanks.
Last reply by Luis Manson, -
- 1 reply
I think it would be nice if each product listed in the cart is clickable to quickly browse to its product page.
Last reply by -FP, -
- 7 replies
I had 4-500 users online at all times in 3.4. When I switched to 4.0 I lost everything, traffic, sponsors etc... A decade gone... My site got down to single digit numbers from search engines. I've also had no relief since the 4.0 transfer.... Now, all of a sudden after a upgrade to 4.1.10 I have my traffics back in large numbers. First time in almost 2 years. The past 24 hours has been a breath of fresh air. I hope this is here to stay. With this kind of traffic back I can see a future again with sponsors and getting back into a dedicated server. There's light at the end of this tunnel it appears. Now I'm left wondering what was changed to make this happen? Besides t…
Last reply by sobrenome,