Mark as Sold
Uninstall and then reinstall it.
Mark as Sold
Hmm, that's interesting. Can you re-install the plugin?
Mark as Sold
The permissions are under Members > Moderators > {select group/member} > Forums. There are two options, Can mark topic as sold? and Can umark topic as sold?. If the permissions aren't set for the moderator user/group then if you're not the topic creator the buttons won't show up.
Mark as Sold
That is correct, the topic would only be visible to the ones who can see them. There's no need to add an option to move the topic since a user with the right permissions can already do that. Everything is showing and functioning properly, make sure you've selected a forum and setup the permissions correctly.
Mark as Sold
Plugin has been updated, enjoy!
Mark as Sold
I got busy moving on Friday and still haven't finished unpacking. I will try to get it done during my lunch today.
Clear Cache
Plugin has been updated!! Enjoy!
Mark as Sold
@sound this is actually going to have to wait until the weekend. There should be an option on each plugin to update or install a new version.
Mark as Sold
I should be able to update the plugin tonight with that option. I'll keep you posted.
Mark as Sold
Post Number
Plugin has been updated! Enjoy!
Post Number
I'm gonna take this weekend to update a lot of my plugins to work with 4.2.
Mark as Sold
Plugin has been updated for 4.2! Enjoy!
Mark as Sold
Interesting that I didn't see it in the News, thank you for letting me know! Plugin will be updated when I get home tonight.
Mark as Sold
4.2 has not been released, it's only in beta. I have the plugin update for 4.2, but I'm testing it to make sure it works properly.