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Stuart Silvester

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Posts posted by Stuart Silvester

  1. It sounds like your server no longer meets the minimum requirements for Invision Community.

    The DomDocument extension is enabled by default (and is perhaps missing from your PHP 7.4 build) and is required to run a lot of PHP based software. Please run our requirement checker to see if anything else is missing


    If that doesn't show anything missing, I would next suggest re-uploading a copy of Invision Community, overwriting your existing files.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Boeie said:

    Is there a fix for this topic yet? Experiencing it too on my site, also in the default template. 

    This was an issue in a release for about 1.5 hours before we pushed out to address it. If you're still seeing it, please submit a ticket and we'll take a look to see what's going on.

  3. You will need to make sure that your store currency is set to EUR (iDEAL can only be used with Euros).

    If you're still having an issue, please create a ticket and one of our support agents will be more than happy to look into it for you.

  4. You can already 'feature' (recommend) a post that's displayed at the top of the page to attract attention to it.

    It sounds like this may be what you're thinking of?

  5. Security through obscurity isn't the best idea. We recommend using the built in tools instead such as requiring multi-factor authentication for AdminCP access.

    We also often see that customers that have done this still forget to rename the folder when upgrading manually and they end up with two admin folders, one that redirects to the other completely ruling out any obscurity advantage.

  6. Note in your stack trace that you're seeing code load for the frontend (See Dispatcher\_Front) - 

    #6 /usr/home/xxx/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(109): IPS\Dispatcher\_Front->init()


    It looks like when you're going to /admin/upgrade it isn't actually loading the upgrader, but redirecting the request to the front end. It could be a mod_rewrite rule that's doing this.

  7. 53 minutes ago, borangeatx said:

    I've converted several databases before from WordPress but once I initiated the conversion for the current one I am working on, it seemed to have finished but ended up with the following:


    When I look at the converter again, there is an X underneath the "Finished" column which means it didn't work.  

    Anyone ever seen this or have any ideas why it is not finishing?  

    Typically this can happen when GD runs out of memory processing an image -- It doesn't have to be a huge image, but it might be a complex one. You can (if available) switch to ImageMagick for image processing or temporarily increase your PHP memory limit.

  8. 8 hours ago, TheJackal84 said:

    IPS will not allow me to upload a new version as it needed to add a cat_id to the clubs database and IPS no longer allow us to alter their databases and the way IPS works the cat_id needs to be in the clubs table, so if anyone who has purchased it send me a PM as I have updated it for my own website and anyone who don't mind it altering the clubs database to add a single column to hold the category ID can get a copy of it with the expiry date what you have here, if it's expired then you will just need to pay the renewal to gain access to it

    Don't forget about the potential security issues and other issues we also rejected it for.

    We care about the quality of resources our customers can install, even more so with the much wider audience enabled via the AdminCP Marketplace. That means we need to hold submissions to a higher standard than we did prior to the release of 4.5, unfortunately that does mean that some submissions will be rejected and will need to improved.

  9. 2 hours ago, Cobar said:

    I had this same error a few days ago trying to migrate from vBulletin 4.2.2.  @Stuart Silvester do you recommend I try to unselect everything but forums and gallery then try again, or did your team find something else when investigating?



    Yes, if you don't have any vB CMS data to convert, uncheck 'pages and records'. We've fixed this in an upcoming release so it's a bit smarter and knows if you don't have vb CMS even if you check the box.

  10. @Paul E. makes some great points. Communication is the key with your members, let them know when things are going to happen and (if you choose to run the background tasks after launch as they're designed) let them know that some things may look slightly wonky for a short time.

    I would also recommend not making knee-jerk reactions to comments your members make immediately after the conversion. People generally do not like change and will be saying "make this work like vBulletin". Take some time and let them settle in with how the new platform works and then collate their feedback.

    We did throw some good muscle at that conversion (and it wasn't vBulletin) so you might not be as quick, but we've definitely made some good performance related changes. A note I made when working on the performance changes says "[vBulletin 3/4] Posts step was around 900ms per 200 posts instead of 19 seconds". Your mileage may vary of course based on many factors. 

    @Paul E.  There were many performance specific tweaks, but the changes to how links are handled showed the biggest improvements (a lot less queries).

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