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Stuart Silvester

Invision Community Team
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Posts posted by Stuart Silvester

  1. 10 minutes ago, Linux-Is-Best said:

    That's worded in an odd way.  But OK.  -- Thank you.

    Here's an overview of the feature


    10 minutes ago, Linux-Is-Best said:

    But in the guest group, where is the option to allow you to post? I see no option in

    /?app=core&module=members&controller=groups  > Guest

    This would be a permission not a group setting, click the padlock icon there

  2. 21 minutes ago, Dean_ said:

    Would you offer a way to still have it appear below the username, so we can still have the choice? 

    Profile fields can be made visible on the author pane, that's one of the primary reasons we opted to convert them instead of remove them completely.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Afrodude said:

    A question. If we decide to use the new rank system after a while from upgrading to 4.6, What will happen to the custom titles in the new custom profile field? Will it still exist or removed ?

    Member titles are moved to a custom profile field regardless of the option you choose. They will continue to exist in a profile field unless you delete them.

  4. Hi Kyle,

    You should be able to access everything although I can't see from your screenshot what the content is you're trying to look at. Feel free to send me a message with the URL if you're still having an issue.

  5. 19 hours ago, Ford Doctor said:

    I set my home page to use the Page Builder for content. I just put an embed code in a text widget and it broke the page - some content won't load, sidebar is gone but most importantly the page builder button is missing so I cannot see the box to determine if the code is partially missing or to delete the content outright. If I go to the control panel I am only given the option of going to the page to edit. Is there a workaround for this? I don't mind diving into the database but I don't know where to look.  I suppose if all fails I could delete the page and create anew one if all else fails. The rest of the site is not affected.

    Please submit a ticket so we can have a look at that for you!

  6. 14 hours ago, Ocean West said:

    why didn't the upgrade drop the deprecated member_title column after the data was moved to a new custom field? 

    We typically avoid dropping columns like this when they have user content. We'll remove it in due time when we know there aren't any issues with the profile field conversion,

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