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Stuart Silvester

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Posts posted by Stuart Silvester

  1. 12 hours ago, Joey_M said:

    Can members login into an IPS powered site by using OAuth?

    I'm trying to understand this method, as I am seeking notifications to be made for my webview app so that users can get their own specific ones. If a user logs in with OAuth via the app, it can generate a registrationToken that can be used. 

    Yes, you can enable OAuth 2 server functionality in AdminCP > System > REST & OAuth. You would need to create an OAuth client with the appropriate configuration for your integration.

    The access token can then be used to access the REST API for account information (i.e. /core/me). We've also got some further documentation for that here: https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/rest-api

  2. We have published a patch to change how the email sharer works, it will now open the senders email client instead of sending email via Invision Community. This patch effectively backports the functionality from 4.5.

    If you're affected by this you can obtain it from AdminCP > Support > Something isn't Working > Click 'apply patch'.

  3. Hi,

    @Andy Millne replied to you on Thursday to confirm that your message had been received and the site in question had been cancelled at the end of the current renewal period. Andy also asked for further information about the error you were seeing. - So to confirm, renewals were removed on your community so it will expire at the end of the period.

    I'm sorry that you haven't received our reply, please feel free to send me a PM directly on here with a screenshot of the error page you're seeing (please make sure the screenshot includes the URL in the browser).


    Kind Regards

  4. 20 minutes ago, Adlago said:

    This is found in ipb 3.4.x - A few hours ago I made such a change to a one site


    with this


    PP. Now I checked - Google check is OK.

    Wow, that's so old I had forgotten about it 😄. I'll of course recommend that you upgrade to a supported version 😉 

  5. 22 minutes ago, Sonya* said:

    Just got a warning from Google:

    As of April 6, 2020, data-vocabulary.org markup will no longer be eligible for Google rich result features. https://webmasters.googleblog.com/2020/01/data-vocabulary.html?m=1

    If you have any of this markup present on your site, it may be something custom you have implemented. We haven't (as far as I know) ever used 'data-vocabulary' markup, we've always used schema.org markup, a project search doesn't find any either.

  6. 27 minutes ago, marklcfc said:

    #1040195 ignore the leaderboard part as that got fixed

    I've had a look at the ticket, we do have some further Elastic search changes in 4.4.7. I would recommend upgrading when it's available and then rebuilding your search index. If the problem persists, let us know via a new ticket.

  7. 2 hours ago, expeditedshipper said:

    Does it support OpenID Connect?


    What does the bespoke SAML-based solution cost?

    We don't have native support for this time, but that's also something we could implement easy enough (since OpenID Connect uses OAuth).

    There is some basic pricing information on here: https://invisioncommunity.com/services/sso/ but I would recommend emailing our sales team for a quote (click the contact us button on the right)

  8. SAML is a bit more complex than things like OAuth, it is not something that is natively supported at this time.

    Based on experience, most authentication providers that support SAML also have OAuth 2 support which is natively supported in Invision Community (It's also much easier to set up). We can provide a bespoke SAML-based  solution if required, please see here for more information: https://invisioncommunity.com/services/sso/

    Personally, I would look at using OAuth if it's a solution that's available to you.

  9. You would need to write a plugin to overload \IPS\Text\Parser::_htmlPurifierModifyHtmlDefinition() to whitelist your custom attribute on the chosen tag. I would recommend taking a look at that method to see how we're whitelisting certain attributes.

    Allowed JavaScript controllers is purely for controllers (data-controller attributes that we use to load JS)

  10. 25 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Anyone having issue to display on ACP? It works fine on front-end but I can't seem make it work on ACP:

    - Front-end:

    		<div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines'>
    			<span class='ipsType_break ipsContained' style='white-space:normal;'>
    				{template="richText" group="global" app="core" location="global" params="$row['note_content']"}


    ACP table:

    		'note_content' => function( $val, $row )
    			return \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'members', 'membernotes', 'admin' )->noteContent( $val );

    Template noteContent:

    <ips:template parameters="$note" />
    <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-size='3 lines'>
    	<span class='ipsType_break ipsContained' style='white-space:normal;'>
    		{template="richText" group="global" app="core" location="global" params="$note"}


    Doesn't show the image.

    No it's a front-end thing only, core.front.core.lightboxedImages is a front end controller only. In the AdminCP, you could just add data-ipsLazyLoad to your container tag

  11. 4 hours ago, AlexWright said:

    Good to know, thanks! Would it be possible to implement other forms of password encryption? Would this even be necessary? 

    We use whatever PHP defines as the 'default' algorithm in your PHP version. At the current time, that is blowfish for all PHP versions. Argon2ID was added in PHP 7.3 and would be eligible to be the default algorithm in PHP 7.4/vNext, although there's no guarantee they'll do that.


  12. 6 hours ago, SMBiT Professionals said:

    To be honest i'm not sure, i would suspect oAuth of some sort, we're not using the inbuilt Invision put together an application for us and it is not using the inbuilt oAuth support in 4.3, maybe i should go back to them and ensure that the MemberSynch  is being called?


    Thanks for the reply.


    7 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Yes. Tested "Other OAuth 2.0" handler with onCreateAccountonProfileUpdate and onDelete. All work fine.

    You are assuming that if member validation is enabled, that everyone will validate. This isn't true for anyone that signs in with an SSO (be it Custom, OAuth, Facebook etc) or anyone that registers (when purchasing an item) in Commerce. You would be better to just use onCreateAccount() and make sure you have onDelete() supported for accounts that get removed (currently there are only methods for onCreateAccount() and onValidate())

  13. 38 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Reeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally weird. It's the FURL again. /applications doesn't work. /staffapplications works fine. The thing is that /applications isn't used anywhere, so it *should* work.

    /applications is a folder on the file system where the applications are stored.

  14. 29 minutes ago, Gabriel Torres said:


    I really appreciated that as of IPS 4.2.2 broken member photos are replaced with the name of the user, improving the aesthetics of our community. However, on these cases, on the member's hover card, the image is still shown as a broken broken image.

    This is probably a small issue that you guys want to fix in the next release.

    See screenshots below.

    Thank you in advance.




    This is actually a bug that's fixed in 4.2.3, they should be displaying a letter photo instead.

    p.s. support issues and bug reports should be submitted via a ticket in the client area.

  15. Just now, heartbreakers said:

    On IB 3.4.6, what does the rebuild post content do? Will it throw off any posts? I used the rebuild signatures feature and the editor coding in my members' signatures malfunctioned and showed the codes. Is it a good idea to use this feature before upgrading?

    No, this tool is only for users that have upgraded from 2.3 (and should only be ran once). We removed it in 3.4.7.

  16. In preparation of the 3.4.x files it is best to manually remove all third party skin themes, mods, hooks and applications before proceeding to the upgrade.

    It sounds as though you have fragment hanging around during and after the upgrade. When you do a fresh install there is nothing to convert so therefore nothing to be missed during its cleanup...

    Try another upgrade. But first manually remove all third party skin themes, mods, hooks and applications as explained in this topic.

    That really isn't required, anyone following this instruction will permanently delete any data stored by those 3rd party applications and be unable to upgrade to their IPS4 version. The upgrade process will remove any 3.x themes and plugins.

  17. There seem to be a bug with the upgraded topic and forum subscriptions.

    In ipb348 the subscriptions have been stored in table ips_core_likes. The area field only contained plural words of "topic" and "forum".

    After the upgrade to ipb4 the subscriptions have been moved to ips_core_follow. But now we have both versions (singular and plural) in the area field. I opened a ticket and after a couple of conversations they told me that this seem to be a bug they don't have a fix yet.

    This means some subscriptions are not working in ipb4 because the area field has to contain singular words only.

    Could you please check your follow table?

    The bug report for this particular issue

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