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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Marc

  1. 4 hours ago, Saurabh Jain said:

    My facebook app has banned 

    they were asking some email address password to login 

    I created an account and gave them.... still they rejected


    My members now cannot login with facebook not every member will mail admin. that they are not able to login... they will simply leave the site and go away


    I want to identify accounts who login with facebook and want to send the email ....  kindly reset your password 

    Sincere help will be apreciated...


    You would need to email all members to let them know if they use facebook login, they need to reset. There is no way in which to specifically target users with facebook login at present

  2. As mentioned above, you would not click to download the full package. You need to download the individual plugins you wish to use, and upload those. This is described in the documentation here, however if you have any further questions, please let us know



  3. ^ that would indeed be the very first thing you should do. Failing that, I would suggest first of all asking your hosting company what is causing your hosting to crash. If they can provide you with a query that is running for example, we may have a better understanding of what is causing you problems

  4. There is not such a feature built in as such, however you can add group formatting in html, so you could add whatever you needed in there. To do this you would edit your gropu, then select "Use HTML" next to the group formatting item, and add your code as needed

    Note  you may also then want to go to Members->Member Settings->Profiles->Profile settings, and switch to 'Global' for the Group formatting setting there.

  5. The only items you can order by at present are the items shown in the "Default sort order" list. There is no way in which to order by a custom field at present. As you are still asking if someone else may have other ideas, I have moved this to the community support forum. If you would like to see sort orders for custom fields added, please feel free to post this as a suggestion within our feature suggestions forum.

  6. The progress bar is unrelated to these. Thats a visual bug. 

    When you get -200 this means the server itself is throwing an error at some point during the upload process. Usually this will be that its hitting something like upload_max_filesize, memory_limit, or some other limit on the PHP setup

  7. 2 hours ago, Pavel Chernitsky said:

    So after going over this "issue" with Marc, turns out it isn't an issue at all and the system doesn't take into consideration forums where we've checked off the "increase user post count" so we still can't replicate our old ranking system.

    Seeing as more people are complaining about the achievements, maybe you guys should reconsider giving us the option to either revert to the old Ranks+Rep system or at least allow showing the reputation under the user's avatar. The way that things sit right now, the community has no way of awarding or taking away "respect" to and from users the members deem helpful (or harmful). The only way to give a user any form of easily visible acknowledgement is by us the admins, and that distances "us" from "them", which is something I'm trying to avoid at all costs. 

    As at present this is actually working as it was intended, I have moved this to our suggestions area for consideration.

  8. 23 hours ago, Kjell Iver Johansen said:

    Hello - I still have several users complaining about this issue, and one reason could be that "Enhanced Tracking Protection is turned ON for this website" is a setting that is default ON.

    They say that when they switch OFF Enhanced Tracking Protection, everything works fine (after deleting cache). https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enhanced-tracking-protection-firefox-desktop

    I have no clue to why this all happens on this version only..


    Excellent find! I will get some more information on that my end now, and see if we can get this confirmed, then logged as a bug

  9. 8 hours ago, Zone Plate said:

    We have had someone complain about this too. 7M posts over time. Person says they are missing a bunch from various time periods. The compressed forum posts table are 3.3GB before and 3.8GB after. I don't know what the extra 500MB could possible be. At least it isn't smaller. 

    Maybe there is a reason why they don't show?

    I have created a ticket for you on this. Its impossible to say without investigation why this may have happened. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Luciann said:

    Yeah I know the option under Support > clear system cache but my problem is different, my theme updates still aren't live.

    I paused cloudflare, purged cache there, I'm using litespeed web server could that be the reason?

    It can only really be cache external to the software if theme updates arent showing after clearing cache. I would suggest contacting your hosting company on that issue

  11. 4 hours ago, iacas said:

    Oh, and if I click "Manage" in the ACP I get this list:


    Could someone (@Marc Stridgen, @Matt, @Stuart Silvester) comment on this, possibly? This is obviously when I ran the recalculation of the achievements, not when the member signed in again (he hasn't signed in since last year, a day after he registered).

    Ive opened up a ticket for you on that, so we can get in and take a look for you to see what is happening.

  12. 27 minutes ago, action-reaction said:

    Hello Marc,


    I tried once again and this time it works at first time.

    I will change the menu in the next days, so if that problem is back, I will make a point here.





    No problem. Glad its now working for you in any case

  13. 3 hours ago, Davyc said:

    I had this issue last night after a user reported it to me.  I don't use FF as a rule and only use Chrome or Edge.  However, I did find that if I changed the theme to default in Chrome and went back to FF everything worked as it should.  I then changed back to my usual theme and everything worked in FF as it should.  I'm completely at a loss as to why this would happen, but I'm now giving people who use FF the option to try this and let me know if anything changes for them - I'll let you all know 🙂


    I have seen your ticket on this, and will do some back and forth with you on there to see if we can get to the bottom of what is causing the problem for you

  14. Glad to see you got it installed there. Could you please give me a little more information on how you are adding the page there? What items is it using etc? I created a page using only the page builder, and selected to use a different name. When doing this, it created with that name no problem at all, so want to ensure I catch this bug if possible.

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