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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Marc

  1. On 8/15/2021 at 5:51 PM, Pavel Chernitsky said:

    Hi, coming back to update on the issue. 
    We've upgraded to and did an achievement rebuild as you suggested, but unfortunately the point still don't add up to what they should. 
    Here is an example of a user that has posted 9490 content items, but has over 20K achievement points (can we just calls those "APs"? I'm soooo tired of misspelling acheivment... see? did it again).

    Any other ideas as to what can cause this?


    I have created a ticket on this for you, so we can try and get to the bottom of your issue. I will respond to this shortly

  2. On 8/22/2021 at 2:23 AM, 10Plays said:

    Hi, I bought a license key for a fully created site I Made already but when I went to change the demo key to the activate key it says key has already been used, help?

    I believe I have tracked down a demo that you were using to create a site, and it seems you have inadvertently created a new account, rather than clicking to purchase your demo. We can certainly get that sorted out for you, and I have responded to your ticket on this. If you can take a look at my response and confirm, we can get that done straight away for you

  3. 47 minutes ago, Simarilius said:

    I'm now suspecting a new type of Ad from Google which started poping up a few weeks ago, in combination with the Adblocker
    If i find time, i'll try to reproduce it on my site

    Screenshot 2021-08-20 at 15.54.48.png

    I suspect its quite possible this is the case. Either with ghostly or adblock

  4. @Kjell Iver Johansen and @tigerhome de . Please could you check with the users who are having this issue the following, so we can see if we can get to the bottom of the issue for you guys.

    1. What version of firefox is being used in cases where this is happening?
    2. What browser plugins are being used on those versions
    3. Also ask specifically if they are using "Ghostery", as this has been mentioned above by @Simarilius as a possible cause, so it would be good to rule this out.

    As much information as you can get from the users as possible would be helpful. 

  5. 16 minutes ago, riko said:

    Aaand now it suddenly works without me changing a thing.
    Maybe it was caching thing and I was too quick between deleting the old and creating a new test forum but it accepts my licencekey-TESTINSTALL now!

    Thank you all for chiming in and giving me a piece of your time.💪


    Glad to see you managed to get it working 🙂 Happy testing

  6. 1 hour ago, AlexWebsites said:

    Thanks, I appreciate it. I just replied.

    Not a problem. As suspected by my colleague there, the issue is that the moderator group has restricted moderator permissions on the "forums" tab of moderator permissions. In this case it was the permission "Can set best answer/solved for questions and topics?". Therefore the user was not actually a moderator in that respect

  7. 12 minutes ago, Brad Eden said:

    Thank you Marc. We’ve communicated in the past on minor issues and upgrades. As you know I have a great deal of respect and appreciation for the Support team this software provides. This prolonged issue just has some of us a bit on edge.

    Fully appreciate that. Unfortunately on this occasion it was an issue on AWS side. It should be resolved now, but of course please feel free to let us know if you see any further issues

  8. 6 hours ago, AlexWebsites said:

    I've confirmed this on two of my sites this evening that the users were not online and they still did not get an email and no email dispatched in logs. They only received a site notification.

    Check you are running the latest release with all patches installed, and also disable any and all 3rd party items while you test this. If you are then still having an issue, please submit a ticket so we can take a look



    3 hours ago, Anawa said:

    BTW, users on my site do not get notification when someone posts on their profile. They are only notified when they reply to that post and someone replies back. Please check on your end if possible.


    The same as above for this one, Anawa. 

  9. 15 hours ago, Kjell Iver Johansen said:

    Yes I had the app in developermode doing this, but it was not at all possible to connect the two accounts in developermode. Have you done that before? When i tried that with testuseraccount from forum it gave an error in fb.

    So fb have now opened my app for 24 hours and it is now working and I can connect the two accounts and I have replied to them with the info and hopefully it will work as intended tomorrow.

    The hole procedure with facebook seems unproffessional to me. When i replied to them now with login info I got an automated e-mail saying; "

    Your appeal has been rejected multiple times. As a result, this case is now closed and can no longer be replied to."


    Hopefully that gets them to approve it for you. I agree, the procedure on facebooks end is far from being ideal, and in addition seems to change constantly. We are essentially playing catch up with their changes at times to ensure you guys have the facebook connection.

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