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Allen Bradford

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Allen Bradford last won the day on April 28

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  1. Never mind sorta….I had this happen some time ago and apparently started a Topic then which explains it. Here for anyone interested: Blocked emails Topic
  2. One of my Members is getting this email warning: Your email address is blocked in our system because it has rejected too many of our messages. Please change your email to keep your account secure. And this shows up in his account Activity: Email address was blocked by the Invision Email Service because it rejects incoming email (as a hard bounce) *He doesn’t have and doesn’t want to use another email address. How do I clear or correct this so his email is no longer blocked and he stops getting this warning?
  3. Thanks to Support for dealing with this issue. As a bit of a digital dunce I can’t help but wonder exactly what happened? Anyhow, everything seems to be back to normal on my Board. I’m sure the Support team understands Board owners/admins and moderators frustration when they go down. These Discussion Forums/Suites etc are very important to the owners and as much if not more so to the Members. Mine was launched in 2002. And I still have charter Members who have been active for 22 years. Many freak out when they can’t get on Board.
  4. Yikes. Thought same thing. Those Members experiencing the blank screen/redirected URL have no way of reading how to fix this. I can’t see trying to email 100’s if not 1000’s of Members…
  5. A pattern is emerging that eventually all Browsers fail to load. IMO. Will await further instruction.
  6. Is someone from Support going to chime in here with what’s going on? I understand it’s the weekend but my Board and apparently others are down with a blank screen and a redirected URL to some Admin/Install URL.
  7. Not happy to see people are having Boards go down on Firefox now as well as Safari etc. I’m staying away from my MacBook laptop….my device access are dropping like flies…that laptop might be my last line of defense…😳
  8. Mine went down on Safari iPhone yesterday but stayed stable on Safari iPad until this morning when it struck a server error and went dead white with that default URL. I can currently access my Board in Firefox browser on devices but I suspect its only a matter of time.
  9. See Topic “Site Offline” Topic. My Board experienced intermittent slow downs the last couple days and is now dead on my main Safari Browser on my devices. There is no indication of this issue on the Status Page.
  10. There is a widespread problem. Glad it’s not just me… My Board started to go down yesterday on iPhone/Safari. I immediately put in a ticket with Support but haven’t received a resolution. I’m on Cloud Hosting. Bookmarks and typing in the URL bring up a blank page with the URL converting to this URL https://uplandjournal.ipbhost.com/admin/install/ When the Board went dead on IPad this morning I was trying to add a link to a PM and a Server Error appeared, then the Board went blank with URL noted above. I can’t access my Board or Admin CP on iPad or iPhone using Safari Browser. I can currently access the Board and Admincp on Firefox Browser on iPad and iPhone. But I suspect that will not last long. I took my Board Offline . This begs the question; should I go to AdminCP on Firefox and clear my Cache etc. ???? or sit tight since there is obviously something more egregious going on with Server. Help…
  11. I see my Topic is still popping. The images that upload black are photos taken by my daughter on her iPhone 15. (So far none of my Members have complained about this issue. Yet.) It happens when I save her photos to my iPhone/iPad photo gallery, from a text or an email. I can’t very well tell her to change her phone settings just to accommodate photos I want to upload to my Board. What I do now is I attach her photos to my Gmail and send them to myself. I then “save to Files” I then go to my Files folder, and save the photo from there to my iPhone/iPad photo gallery. They will then upload correctly on my Board. A hassle…but sort of a workaround. For what its worth…
  12. Sorry to be a pain…I’ll check back here later. I did notice I can now no longer edit any of my pasts Posts here. Must be a time limit. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  13. So you are suggesting it’s my iPad 3rd gen with current IOS and my iPhone 7, also with current IOS that’s the issue? I just tried uploading and posting those photos to that Topic on my Mac Pro laptop (2015 but with current IOS) and it worked fine. So if the issue is my iPad and iPhone is there anything I can do about it (change a setting?) since I prefer those two devices and find the laptop cumbersome? I find it hard to believe those devices are now obsolete as far as uploading current gen iPhone photos to my IPB Board. *Oh just occurred to me. Why is it that I can post those same photos on the same iPad to this community Board and they upload and post fine? Doesn’t make sense. Like this one: I’ll go to my Board now and try and Post the same photo. See last Reply there. Thanks.
  14. I can start a Topic and post the black boxes and Post a link here. My Board is Private not public so I assume you will be the only person here that will be able to access that Topic?
  15. First time I’ve zipped files on iPad. Here a couple photos from an iPhone 15 that will only upload and post as black on my Board. download.zip
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