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Allen Bradford

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Allen Bradford last won the day on August 23 2024

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  1. Just checking back in hopes the Support team is seriously considering adding back the Popular Now or Trending Now feature to lower tier plans on the next Software Update. My Board Members miss it and are not happy it was suddenly removed.
  2. Another note concerning the removal of Popular Now and reason to bring it back in lesser tier Plans. This is unfortunate for Moderating a Board. I would always check the hottest Topics block whenever visiting my Board. A lot of times very active Topics were going off the rails and needed Moderating. It was a quick way to see what was cooking. Just this morning I stumbled upon a Topic that had gotten out of hand with politics (No Politics Board) and caught it late. I would have seen this Topic heating up if the Popular Now feature was intact. It may have been an engineering decision but it the removal negatively impacts the running of a Discussion Forum.
  3. Thanks I do appreciate the consideration.
  4. I dont mean to be a pest, well maybe I do. I have always been a champion of this IPB Suite Software for the last 8 years since my Conversion from another platform. And I’ve never been a complainer. I will ask again. Will the developers consider adding the Popular Now or “Trending Now” block back into lower tier Plans? And if not, why not?
  5. Also it’s standard practice and highly recommended by IPB to do the Upgrades regardless of what the Release Notes indicate for changes. Stuck between a rock and a hard place so to speak.
  6. True, I never had any issues with that feature. Being able to quickly find and access the most active Topics from the Home page was an integral feature. Why not replace it with the Trending Now similar Block rather than eliminate a popular feature that was native to a Board/Plan? Is there a process in which this could be considered and implemented for those of us on lower tier plans with smaller communities?
  7. Posted this on Feedback Forum and got crickets. Actually I know why. The powers that be at IPB eliminated, removed, took away that Hot/Active Topic Block from lower tier plans at the most recent software update. Maybe it was in the Update info, I don’t know, but it came as a shock and disappointment to me and the Members of my nearly 23 year old Board/Discussion Form….which converted to IPB in 2016. I contacted Support and apparently this Block was removed from the Plan I am on. A similar “Trending Now” Block is available on other Plans. Starting at $250/month. That would put me out of the Discussion Forum business. This is a blow to my long term community. That Hot Topic block is an integral part of my Members Board browsing and participation experience. Could the IPB team PLEASE explain to me the reason and logic behind arbitrarily eliminating this very popular and useful info Block for those of us with smaller more intimate Board Communities? That one block and the data needed certainly wasn’t taxing the server enough to warrant this. *And more importantly is there a process in place to get this basic feature reinstalled for lesser tier plans on the next Software Update?
  8. Any explanation forthcoming? And is there some process that this feature can be reinstated for basic plans on next update?
  9. And more importantly is there any way this can be added back into “lesser plans” with the next Software Update/Upgrade…????
  10. Well, without any prior notice that I was aware of, when I updated to the recent Board software the POPULAR NOW Block on right column of my home page disappeared. Kaput. I contacted Support and apparently this Block was removed from the Plan I am on. A similar “Trending Now” Block is available on other Plans. Starting at $250/month. That would put me out of the Discussion Forum business. All for one simple Info Block. This is a blow to my long term community. 22 years running with a Conversion to IPB in 2016. That block is an integral part of my Members Board browsing and participation experience. Could the IPB team PLEASE explain to me the reason and logic behind arbitrarily eliminating this very popular and used info Block for those of us with smaller more intimate Board Communities. That one block and the data needed certainly wasn’t taxing the server enough to warrant this.
  11. Never mind sorta….I had this happen some time ago and apparently started a Topic then which explains it. Here for anyone interested: Blocked emails Topic
  12. One of my Members is getting this email warning: Your email address is blocked in our system because it has rejected too many of our messages. Please change your email to keep your account secure. And this shows up in his account Activity: Email address was blocked by the Invision Email Service because it rejects incoming email (as a hard bounce) *He doesn’t have and doesn’t want to use another email address. How do I clear or correct this so his email is no longer blocked and he stops getting this warning?
  13. Thanks to Support for dealing with this issue. As a bit of a digital dunce I can’t help but wonder exactly what happened? Anyhow, everything seems to be back to normal on my Board. I’m sure the Support team understands Board owners/admins and moderators frustration when they go down. These Discussion Forums/Suites etc are very important to the owners and as much if not more so to the Members. Mine was launched in 2002. And I still have charter Members who have been active for 22 years. Many freak out when they can’t get on Board.
  14. Yikes. Thought same thing. Those Members experiencing the blank screen/redirected URL have no way of reading how to fix this. I can’t see trying to email 100’s if not 1000’s of Members…
  15. A pattern is emerging that eventually all Browsers fail to load. IMO. Will await further instruction.
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