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My Sharona

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My Sharona last won the day on August 27 2023

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  1. Not sure if it's a bug or a feature, but you have to be logged in to view(?).
  2. There is a plugin created by IPS to address this problem that was previously reported by myself. It is to be included in 4.7.18 to prevent this from happening, as it has happened to me two different times on one forum and once on another.
  3. I had the same issue this morning here and on one of my sites, while my other site (though on the same server) loaded just fine at the time.
  4. I am supposed to tell all my members that can't access the site to clear their browser's cookies?
  5. Trying to access this site, I got the admin/install page as well. Tried going to just https://invisioncommunity.com/, and it kept kicking me to the install page. I didn't clear my browser to gain access, I went to an open tab of the client area, copied that url and pasted it into this tab, backed out of the client area and got here. And... it wont let me upload an image of the admin/install page... Let's try this: And then... while trying to post a hosted image, I got another error:
  6. Just had a look and while not hundreds of pages, there are redis, template, javascript, and datastore errors. I also experienced other issues with this as well, which can be found here.
  7. My apologies then. I just coupled your response with the previous discussion here and kind of assumed that was the case.
  8. It's okay that you don't believe what happened. I have living proof that a user was moved from one group to another at the timeframe in question.
  9. It happened again today. I have a member who was moved to another group. From all indications, it happened when the Cloud had issues today. This is not good. What if the next time it happens, a member is moved to an administrative group. Because of the previous discussion here, and the impression I took away from it, that I wasn't believed, I have not done anything with the member in question so you can have a look for yourself and see. I would like to have this investigated quickly so I can move the member in question back to their rightful group.
  10. I had IPS add the DMARC record not long ago and it passes for my websites. They also added SPF and DKIM records and they pass as well.
  11. The information is private so you will want to start a ticket with IPS.
  12. Well... I am quite positive that those members were in the group I thought they were. There is the fact that both of them have been posting to the Private forum since their joining, as is evidenced by their postings to the private forum through the years. This is easily provable if you login and look at their postings through the years, up until the point when they could no longer access the Private sub. If they were not in the Private group, I'm not sure how they could post to the private sub. They could not post to the private forum being in the group they were found to have been in on Thursday. Other than that... I'll leave it at that. I might suggest that you indeed get a backup of the database from prior to that point in time in order to check the groups. Other than the above, at this point, I don't know if there is anything else to say in this matter.
  13. I placed them there, manually. Yes, one member did, the other was Wednesday, the day after the redis event. I will concede your contention that the two are not related. Honestly, as I said in my PM, this is not a big deal for me, it was more of a FYI for your team. I do, however, find it strange that there is no record of them being removed from a particular user group and odd that it happened in the first place.
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