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KT Walrus

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KT Walrus last won the day on February 8 2020

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  1. This would be very concerning to me. Examining over 700k rows will take a lot of time in the db. It might be very hard to optimize this query and your solution might be to disable fluid view on your forum.
  2. Did I miss an announcement? Can I download a copy of IC5 right now?
  3. https://mailtrap.io/ is very popular in the Laravel community. Might want to check it out.
  4. Could you add built in support for embedding Bunny Stream videos? Bunny is the cheapest video transcoding/hosting/streaming service and I use in my WP blog. Would really be nice to recommend to my IC5 users instead of telling them to just use YouTube. Most users don’t pay for YouTube Premium, so these users will see annoying ads in content posted by others. Or, can you test the new Custom Embeds to make sure I can safely allow users to embed Bunny Stream videos in their content?
  5. Maybe checkout https://www.the-art-of-web.com/php/dkim-mail-signature/ if you want to develop a plugin for adding DKIM to your PHP mail. Or you could run postfix locally to relay your outbound mail to either a transactional mail service or your bulk email provider. SMTP queues outgoing mail so you can rate limit and send mail asynchronously. Or, you could see if IC5 distinguishes between transactional and bulk mail to allow ACP configuration. Should be something Invision could easily add, even into IC4.
  6. I use Zoho ZeptoMail for transactional mail. It is cheap and Zoho has the best privacy policy I’ve found. ZeptoMail is just $25 for sending 100,000 emails. I also use Zoho Mail for all my email accounts. It is only $48 a year per mailbox with even less expensive options available if you have a very small budget. Zoho has a fantastic suite of apps for businesses. I moved from Google Workspaces just because of Google’s privacy policy being so bad for us consumers.
  7. Will the test sites come with the option of a pre-loaded testing database (like forums, topics, and user profiles already populated)? Or will it be just like a self hosting installation on a new database?
  8. Ditto. Seems like I’ve been waiting forever for the self-hosted beta, and now it might be July or August before I can move forward with v5. I’m moving on to the Laravel framework, I think.
  9. 3 seconds to paint seems way high. Is this repeatable by others?
  10. Last night I used the PWA to access this site and got a 403 error. This site was down, but I had no way to refresh the page as the 403 page had been cached locally in the PWA. Please implement “pull to refresh”. It should be a little JS to easily add this to the PWA. Note: I did have to force quit the PWA this morning to reload the page with the 403 server down error. Not all users will know to do this and would be stuck. Also, the error page was from AWS Cloudfront CDN for this site. You should also configure custom error pages for your CDN so the error pages have a “reload” link to the page (and “pull to refresh” JS and no-cache response header).
  11. My point is that the PWA, as it is now, gives very little reactive feedback to the user when a link is clicked while in a browser, you get immediate feedback as you wait for the server to respond. Maybe the PWA needs JS or CSS to put up a spinner or some other visual feedback on link press so there would be more feedback while waiting for a response from the server.
  12. Yes. This site has been slow to load pages regardless. But with a browser, you get feedback. With the PWA, on iOS, at least, you get almost no indication that the request has been made and the PWA is waiting for the response from the server. So, I end up clicking multiple times, probably making the server even more overloaded. I’m hoping Invision devs are spending a lot of time using the PWA to test and develop v5 and the PWA will be more reactive. That is, I’m hoping the PWA is a high priority for v5, instead of an afterthought as it is in v4.
  13. I have transitioned to using mostly the PWA on my iPhone to keep track of v5 progress. But the PWA doesn’t give feedback to me when I tap on a link like the browser does. So, the PWA has been especially frustrating to use when clicking on a link takes 3 to 15 seconds to load the page. Last night I got a few page loads that timed out after 30 seconds or so I’m hoping that v5 will make the PWA on iOS much more reactive and responsive so at least I do not feel the need to keep tapping a link multiple times due to zero UI feedback. The PWA should feel more like a native app, but right now, it feels more like using a poor browser.
  14. Sorry. I didn’t understand your issue. Maybe putting Cloudflare between the bot traffic and your server would help? That is, if you don’t mind blocking most bots from scrapping your site. Or maybe you could rate limit these bots with Cloudflare.
  15. Isn’t this the way the web works? HEAD requests are an optimization so no need to refetch the page/file if it hasn’t changed. You wouldn’t want Google or some other search engine re-downloading something that hasn’t changed. This would waste tremendous amounts of bandwidth.
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