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  1. Hello 🙂 I had to fix a few problems and now I'm back. 🙂 Yes, I have many forums. I've disabled one third party application and checked that I have no database problems. Tihngs appear to be ok. Here is the slow_query line corresponding (I believe) to my problem : Each time I use fluid mode, I get a line like this one. Hoping it will help. 🙂
  2. I've checked and today the image no longer exists on the server. So it has finally been deleted. 🙂 I've had a closer look to the "Deleted content" topics in the CP Moderator. There is something wrong with the dates. It says : Deleted by xxxx on 06/30/2024, will be permanently deleted on 06/30/2024 ? First it was set to be permanently deleted after a period of 7 days and yesterday I changed it to "Immediately". This is perhaps why there is a problem with the dates ? I will check in 8 days to see if it is deleted. 🙂
  3. Hello 🙂 I've created a topic and posted an image in it. Then I copied the image's url (like : /uploads/monthly_2024_07/image.thumb.jpeg.d39601e5dd223320b81eb9d049e6d6ed.jpeg) and I deleted the topic to check if the image is really deleted. Now it's been about 20 minutes that I deleted the topic (and also deleted it in CP Moderator, Deleted content ) and the image is still on the server... Another problem : I also noticed that topics and posts in CP Moderator, Deleted content have not been deleted (I saw I have 868 pages of deleted content there, waiting to be deleted for good). I went in the ACP, System, Settings, Posting and set "Permanently delete content" to "Immediately" (it was 7 days before). What else should I do to try to fix these issues ? Thank you 🙂
  4. Hello ! 🙂 When I turn to fluid mode on my board, it takes several seconds to load the topics list... Is it because there are many pages ? Is there a solution to speed this ? Thank you 🙂
  5. Hello 🙂 I would like to create a section in my community about the Olympic Games with possibilities for members to : - download files, - read articles, - ask questions in a forum. But I don't want members to create articles or upload files... Is this possible in Clubs ? Thank you 🙂
  6. Hello 🙂 English is not my mother language and I sometimes don't understand some words. I wonder what "Review files" in the Download system permissions mean exactly ? Does it mean members can modify the file and send a new version ? Thank you 🙂
  7. 5000 posts was an example. But I see what you mean. Anyway, I believe you should make members' experience more comfortable, if this is technically possible/easy to do : members should be able to delete several posts in one click. 🙂
  8. Hello 🙂 It seems like the above solution is no longer working. Any news about this ?
  9. But if you ave 5000 posts, it will take ages to delete... It would be interesting for members to be able to delete several posts in one click.
  10. I've checked and I already have this option enabled. Members can delete their content if they see it in a topic for instance. Does it mean they can't have a box to check, which would allow them to select the content they want to delete ?
  11. Hello 🙂 How can members proceed to delete some or all their posts ?... Thank you 🙂
  12. Is this something which will be improved in the future versions ? I've just written a new article in Pages and it's impossible to promote it :
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