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Joel R

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  1. Haha
    Joel R reacted to Pavel Chernitsky in User Statistics Block - Most Users Online   
    Oy, Going to have foot-from-mouth removal surgery 😓
    Please lock, delete, and throw this thread into the nearest radioactive waste disposal site.
    Thank you.
  2. Like
    Joel R reacted to CoffeeCake in For communities dedicated to science and maths   
    Have you looked at?
  3. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from supernal in Using Pages as a Wiki?   
    Some thoughts:
    1. If MediaWiki includes an oAuth 2 integration (and you'll have to check although other users have investigated), you will be able to connect it to Invision Community by setting up a new login method.  This is better if you're needing the full functionality and complexity of a full wiki.  
    2. If you'd like to control and offer  a seamless experience completely within Invision, then yes you can enable wiki editing on a Pages database.  Keep in mind that the wiki editing is very basic, so you sacrifice the power of MediaWiki for the unified experience if your suite.  
  4. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from sobrenome in Community Guide on Setting Up Wasabi and CloudFlare   
    I'm staying with free tier right now until I can verify the ongoing pricing of Wasabi + Cloudflare for a month.  
    I'm definitely considering the Cloudflare business plan though with their additional features.  
  5. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from LiquidFractal in Feedback on Clubs   
    I can't, in good faith, recommend Group Collaboration by Kevin anymore.  It was a nice run while it lasted, and it's far more powerful in terms of its functionality, but I started catching template errors when I needed something solid to offer to my Club Leader.  At least with Clubs Enhancements, you can disable without any noticeable front-end impact besides the homepage.  The plugin's main benefit is in its backend utility, such as deleting / reordering / converting nodes.  
    It's a choice between two very distasteful futures and I'm swallowing it because Clubs will be professionally supported. 
     With Club Enhancements ... yes.  You can convert a community node into a club node, and vice-versa.  That saved me.   
    With IPS default ... no way.  
  6. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from FZ in Feedback on Clubs   
    Need blocks for club feeds.  
    Trying to revamp my homepage.  No blocks to pull content from clubs.  
  7. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from Sonya* in Custom fields everywhere   
    Personally, I never understood by IPS didn't allow custom fields everywhere, only in certain apps like Pages and Downloads.  
  8. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from PrettyPixels in Custom fields everywhere   
    Personally, I never understood by IPS didn't allow custom fields everywhere, only in certain apps like Pages and Downloads.  
  9. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from supernal in Please help me with how to back up my forum   
    There should be instructions for cpanel that you can find on how to save a backup.  
    If you need managed assistance, there are several competent third party providers in the community like @Makoto @ASTRAPI @DawPi and @Spanner who can help not just make a backup, but also run test conversions to prep your board for upgrade.  
  10. Like
    Joel R reacted to newbie LAC in How to show going number in Calendar widget?   
    [data-controller="rsvpevents.front.widget.eventcountdown"] .cWidgetComments div.ipsType_small:last-child { color: #990000; font-size: 12px; }  
  11. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from Spanner in Please help me with how to back up my forum   
    There should be instructions for cpanel that you can find on how to save a backup.  
    If you need managed assistance, there are several competent third party providers in the community like @Makoto @ASTRAPI @DawPi and @Spanner who can help not just make a backup, but also run test conversions to prep your board for upgrade.  
  12. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from ASTRAPI in Please help me with how to back up my forum   
    There should be instructions for cpanel that you can find on how to save a backup.  
    If you need managed assistance, there are several competent third party providers in the community like @Makoto @ASTRAPI @DawPi and @Spanner who can help not just make a backup, but also run test conversions to prep your board for upgrade.  
  13. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from DawPi in Please help me with how to back up my forum   
    There should be instructions for cpanel that you can find on how to save a backup.  
    If you need managed assistance, there are several competent third party providers in the community like @Makoto @ASTRAPI @DawPi and @Spanner who can help not just make a backup, but also run test conversions to prep your board for upgrade.  
  14. Thanks
    Joel R reacted to Daniel F in Improved Clubs Enhancements   
    The app is breaking new registrations/validation on client boards
    OutOfRangeException: (0) #0 /home/nginx/domains/dome/public/applications/clubsenhancements/extensions/core/MemberSync/clubsEnhancements.php(93): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord::load() #1 /home/nginx/domains/dome/public/system/Member/Member.php(3767): IPS\clubsenhancements\extensions\core\MemberSync\_clubsEnhancements->onValidate() #2 /home/nginx/domains/dome/public/system/Member/Member.php(4275): IPS\_Member->memberSync() #3 /home/nginx/domains/dome/public/system/Member/Member.php(4242): IPS\_Member->validationComplete() #4 /home/nginx/domains/dome/public/applications/core/modules/front/system/register.php(760): IPS\_Member->emailValidationConfirmed() #5 /home/nginx/domains/dome/public/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\core\modules\front\system\_register->validate() #6 /home/nginx/domains/dome/public/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #7 /home/nginx/domains/dome/public/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #8 {main} looking at your code it seems that you're catching the wrong Exception
  15. Thanks
    Joel R reacted to AlexWebsites in Landing Page ( Support Topic )   
    If your images are squashed with the carousel try adding to custom.css
    /* Landing Page */
    body[data-pageapp="landingpage"] .ipsColumns > *:only-child{
        flex: 1 1 1%;
    I have a custom theme from ipsfocus and was having a similar issue.
  16. Haha
    Joel R reacted to Day_ in Add TikTok as Social Profile   
    Ahh TikTok, the site where kids do dumb scripted stuff in the hope of going viral.
    Starting to feel too old for the internet 👴🏻
  17. Like
    Joel R reacted to evcom in Custom fields for shop-admin in Commerce   
    Thanks @opentype for this suggestion. I keep testing the different settings and options and hope that I can somehow work with the given set of features. E.g. pricing, shipping and availability information should be doable with the given tools. Should there be any functionality missing to make it not safe to use, I will raise the point in the feedback forum. 
    What I like so far about the Community Software incl. Commerce is the simplicity in using it. I really hope I can make use of it in my Community. It would be awesome. 
  18. Like
    Joel R reacted to Davyc in Give guests more freedom   
    Getting people to join is a struggle - even if you have created something that you believe should interest specific groups of people.  User interaction is important to any Admin especially if they want to know that they are moving in the right direction.  Post before register is a good start, but how about letting guests vote in polls and allow them to rate articles and topics using the star system.  This can go a long way to helping admins understand what is and what is not appealing.  Getting someone to register just to say that they like or dislike something is never going to happen, but give guests a little more leeway and it might just tempt them to register and take advantage of everything else on offer.
    I have no idea how this could be implemented, but I'm sure there must be a way.
  19. Like
    Joel R reacted to Jimi Wikman in Pages in Clubs?   
    Option 1 would be more than sufficient I think.
    It would probably also be good to have a ACP setting for the databases that define what databases can be added to clubs as well as we most certainly do not want all to be available.
    For the editor though it would be nice if we could assign it to a page rather than a template, but that is a completely different topic 🙂
  20. Like
    Joel R reacted to bfarber in First byte - analysis   
    I've made a note for us to review this area of code for 4.5.
  21. Thanks
    Joel R reacted to shahed in Quick Links - Supporttopic   
    Plugin works only in Desktop. IPS itself have something similar in mobile, so plugin just hide in those devices.
  22. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from kmk in Community Guide on Setting Up Wasabi and CloudFlare   
    It was primarily a cost reduction move for storage + bandwidth compared to AWA.  I'm saving ~$80 mo, which comes out to a thousand dollars per year.  That's not an insignificant amount of money.  Amazon S3 is very expensive on egress bandwidth (the storage is cheap, the bandwidth is where they get you); Wasabi is free egress.  
    If you're already on Cloudflare, you probably won't see a performance improvement.  
    (On a further note, if anyone is considering Wasabi, I highly do not recommend US-EAST-1.  There experiencing considerable growth pains on that server).  They don't have enough throughput capacity, so their get and put are both degraded. Their other locations are probably fine.  
  23. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from sobrenome in Community Guide on Setting Up Wasabi and CloudFlare   
    As an update to this topic:
    If you are changing your CDN URL (and you most likely are, since one of the biggest benefits is to switch away from a paid service like Amazon Cloudfront and move to free Cloudflare), you may need to revert "attachImages" template.  Mine contained the prior CDN URL hardcoded into the template; reverting it will update the URL.   I still haven't passed one full billing cycle, but I'm projected to lower my storage + cdn costs from $92/ mo to $6 / mo.  For reference purposes, my community contains 400 GB of storage and 1400 GB / mo of bandwidth.      
  24. Thanks
    Joel R got a reaction from Joy Rex in Community Guide on Setting Up Wasabi and CloudFlare   
    One of the biggest reasons for switching from AWS S3 to Wasabi is that you can use Cloudflare. 
    Even if you don't have a need for third party storage like Amazon S3 or an S3 compatible storage, you should be investigating Cloudflare anyways with your server admin.  
  25. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from sobrenome in Community Guide on Setting Up Wasabi and CloudFlare   
    Hey @Steph40 you may need to move off the free plan and setup a credit card on file. 
    I was trying to check some of my files that were moved over, and I got a message in the console saying there isn't public access on the free plan.  You'll need to add a credit card on file.  As soon as I added the credit card, the images appeared.  No money no honey.
    As another note, if you are actually performing a file storage migration from S3 to Wasabi, you should first test with a minor setting like Profile Fields.    
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