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Posts posted by Davyc

  1. 15 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    Is it really that important? If so, flag the developers and ask them directly why they removed it.

    Well, yes it is because if you hadn't replied to my topic I would have been in the dark as to why - how many others have reported what they thought were bugs but turned out not to be and no word of explanation.  It would be courteous to give a short explanation and then close the report.  That way if someone else encounters the same issue they would see that it really wasn't an issue lol.

  2. @Nathan Explosion Thanks for pointing that out to me, it makes sense.  It doesn't explain why the report was removed without explanation.  It would have been easy to state what you said and then closed the bug report, but just removing it without explanation is not the kind of response expected.  Anyway, thanks for clearing that up for me, I'll stick to using custom CSS at least I know that works 🙂


  3. OK I added a bug to the tracker about an issue with the Page Builder - Upload Images Block and it's disappeared without any reason as to why.  The issue is that in the Advanced Tab there is provision for some custom CSS, which doesn't work.

    For extreme measure to be sure the CSS was not working I entered a border-radius of 100px - nothing (I tried other numbers BTW)



    So I did some console work and found the element I needed and added a 5px border (as seen below) and added the command to the custom CSS file and it worked.



    So two questions:

    Why isn't it working?  and more importantly, why was my bug report removed from the tracker with no reason given?

    Another question is, will this be fixed or is it to become an unworkable relic?

    With thanks 🙂


  4. Running IPS 4.6 on my upcoming site (it's going to be a while before it launches) and so far everything is working the way I expected it.  Not using a custom theme on this site, but I am customising the default theme and it's working out great.  Sample from the forums below:


    A few of @opentype plugins seem to be working OK in theme as is @onlyME Friends app - the support section is showing them as Important Issues, but they work:


    That's 2 plugins, 1 app and the default theme which I've customised.

    All I can say is, fantastic work guys - love the new Achievements and I'll be tinkering with those too.  I'll have to hold off updating my Movie Buffs site until all the apps and plugins I use are updated, but that's no big issue.  So far, loving it.


  5. On 5/12/2021 at 5:14 PM, Jordan Invision said:

    @Charles and I joined forces here in Las Vegas this week because we're planning something super exciting.

    I wasn't expecting Charles to be so young looking.  I had this impression in my mind that Charles was in his early 50's, grey hair, tall with a stern look about him.  He looks like a really nice chap that I could easily have a beer with 🙂


  6. When doing your refresh can you also take a look at the help files?  Some are way out of date and most don't give clear examples on how to implement some of the options available.  Not everyone is a PHP coder, but many don't mind getting their hands dirty now and then to make some positive changes to their sites.

    An example would be (and this is just an example as it comes to mind) - how to implement Google Maps.  The instructions are out of date and it was a minefield navigating how to set it up - I gave up at the finish.  Another would be how to use custom fields and how to best use them, including any CSS examples that are needed to dress those fields so they look the part. Plain English examples are needed.

    I'm sure that a lot of people would appreciate being able to make changes without any horror stories occurring.  As the suite evolves so should the help files and if you are including community enhancements that involve third parties, who are also evolving, then the help files should reflect this.  I believe this is just as important as a site refresh and apologies for hijacking the topic, but a refresh should be more than just some site cosmetics 🙂


  7. 29 minutes ago, christopher-w said:

    You are clearly a very visual person - same as your site. I think learning CSS basics would pay huge dividends for you. It's the easiest and fastest way to give a site a new look, and with the latest CSS tools, it can transform the user experience.

    I can second this - most of the changes on my own site are just down to CSS changes in the custom.css file.  Once you know which descriptors affect which elements you can nail things down pretty much the way you visualise it in your mind.  It's well worth looking into - a good place to start is: https://www.w3schools.com/css/

    @christopher-w those are some really nice layouts you have there.  I know your site has been a WIP for a long time, but the dividends are paying off for taking your time; I look forward to seeing the finished works when you publish them 🙂


  8. 5 hours ago, opentype said:

    You can just drop that in any template that is used for the view you want to change. 

    Thanks Ralf, I tried all the templates but none worked - the template that it should have worked in just threw that line of code onto the page as though it were part of the content.  I've since managed to get rid of the sidebar, but there is a long list of CSS commands for each article page lol.  It's a sledgehammer to crack a nut, but it works 🙂


  9. @opentype Hi Ralf, is there anyway to turn off the sidebar in the listings view? I have the system categories block on the index page which is fine, but I don't want it to appear in the actual record view as it takes up real estate on the page and it would be better for the listing to have more breathing room.

    I understand that \IPS\Output::i()->sidebar['enabled'] = FALSE; can be used to turn off the sidebar, but I can't find where to place this (if indeed it can be placed) in which template, but only for the record view page.

    With thanks 🙂

  10. 28 minutes ago, Kjell Iver Johansen said:

    do not have that button - ref first post also

    Yeah, that's why I mentioned a desktop with keyboard - the same applies in the opposite direction pressing end takes you to the bottom of the page, whilst page up/down moves one screen at a time, but you do need a keyboard with those keys. This was the reason why that function was removed - not sure if that was the right call, but hey ho that's what was done.

    There are, as @Adriano Faria stated some plugins to do that if you want that function on your own site, likewise there are some themes in the marketplace that have that feature too.

    It's something that people have been asking for for some while, especially people who use mobiles or tablets.  Maybe one day it may emerge from the annals of time lol.

  11. Hi @Michael R I'm always happy to help out with anything to do with CSS - I've spent hundreds of hours tracking down codes to make changes with CSS across a number of platforms, so if you need help with anything PM me with the changes you want, with links, so I can take a look and advise you.  If you will pardon the analogy, my custom CSS file is like a christmas tree lol.  But it's fun tracking things down and making changes.

    With regards to not being able to find specific movies, that's down to TMDB which is a different database to IMDB.  TMDB allows you to add movies once you've registered with them - if you do this yourself then those movies will become available for you to add to your own database.  You can add the movie title, poster images, actors, directors, crew, YT trailers, and general images and whole bunch of other data.  It's fun to be able to do that too, because you get to add what's important for you.

    Always happy to help 🙂


  12. I'm looking to purchase a new self hosted licence and was wondering if it's possible to move apps from one license to another?  I already have my site up and it's pretty much the way I want it, but I don't use the forums, I would like to purchase the core and pages but don't want to go to the expense of buying forums when I already have that app in another license, so can apps be moved from one license to another?  I really don't want to have to dismantle what I have built to change licenses - or can this be done via the license numbers?

    With thanks 🙂


  13. We have ratings in the system, but they are not available everywhere.  It would be fantastic to have a rating drag and drop box that could be put anywhere in the site - ratings for everything.  Obviously there would have to be settings to determine what IPS app the ratings are being collected for, but that shouldn't be an issue.  It would be fantastic to be able to add a ratings box to any part of the suite without having to rely on the current system, which is lacklustre and sporadic.

    Just a thought that may turn into something a little more productive 🙂


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