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Posts posted by Davyc

  1. 32 minutes ago, MMXII said:

    I am shocked that all this above (obviously) has to be done just to change such a simple thing like an image. IPS has much to improve regarding their CMS, if they actually want to compete with others in this area.

    I couldn't agree more - I've been in two discussions about how lamentable the Pages app is in a modern day environment where so much is streets ahead, but that's in another discussion.

    Can you provide me with a link to your site and where your pages listing is - there may be something different about your layout as it doesn't appear correct even though you're using the default template.  If you want to keep your site private from here you can PM me a link, once I see how things are being displayed I should be able to help you more, also can you tell me what version of IPS you are using? If you want to give me ACP access that may be quicker 🙂


  2. 500 means something on the server went awry - probably due to PHP8 not being able to handle what the IPS code was attempting to do.  It's a vague error that generally needs investigating, but in this instance it's plain that it's PHP8 that is the issue otherwise it would be the same on other PHP versions.  Fiddling with the .htaccess file can cause similar errors so it's important to know what your code is attempting to process to fine tune what you need to be doing to keep your server/software combination playing nice with each other.

    If it's any consolation I can't use PHP8 either as it throws errors in the forum and Pages templates.  Just another annoyance with technology lol.  Happy days 🙂


  3. OK Here we go.

    Login to your ACP and go to the Pages templates (not the theme templates).

    Locate the template named 'Entry' it's usually the first one already opened, but check.

    Locate the following code:

    <div class='ipsColumn ipsColumn_medium'>
    				<div class="cCmsRecord_image">
    					<img class="ipsImage" src="{file="$record->_record_image_thumb" extension="cms_Records"}">

    Move the middle two lines up (see next code) and comment out the existing code (see below) so it looks like this:

    <div class="cCmsRecord_image">
    					<img class="ipsImage" src="{file="$record->_record_image_thumb" extension="cms_Records"}">
    	<div {{if $record->record_image}}class='ipsColumns ipsColumns_collapsePhone'{{endif}}>
    		{{if $record->record_image}}
    		<!--	<div class='ipsColumn ipsColumn_medium'>
    				<div class="cCmsRecord_image">
    					<img class="ipsImage" src="{file="$record->_record_image_thumb" extension="cms_Records"}">

    Now we need to make some entries into your custom CSS file in the theme settings:

    To use a fixed height for your images as defined by the height of your images add this:

    /* Change floats and size for CMS record image */
    .cCmsCategoryFeaturedEntry .cCmsRecord_image {
        float: none;
    .cCmsRecord_image {
        float: none;
    .cCmsCategoryFeaturedEntry .cCmsRecord_image img {
        max-width: none;
        max-height: none;

    If you want your existing images to retain their height but you want less of it displayed use this as well as the above CSS:

    .cCmsCategoryFeaturedEntry .cCmsRecord_image {
        float: left;
        margin-right: 15px;
        margin-top: 4px;
        max-height: 200px !important;
        overflow: hidden;

    Change the max-height to whatever you want.  If something isn't being changed try adding !important after each line until you see the changes happening.

    Any issues let me know 🙂


  4. The height of the image is the height you make it, mine are set at 1498 x 686 which covers the max width of the layout container, however with some slight changes to the CSS you can use whatever height you want and restrict the height shown.  

    I'll get all the changes together in a file and drop them in here later today 🙂


  5. 6 minutes ago, Dreadknux said:

    Sorry for going on and on - there's a LOT to Pages that I like but I think if your ideas and the above ideas are followed through on, I would feel a lot more comfortable taking my Pages install out of a test environment and look to fully building it into a revamped version of my community.

    Sometimes you have to take a longer route to express your desires for the application to provide for.  Everything you mentioned I agree with and I am not under the illusion that this is something that can be cobbled together and added quickly.  The whole Page application needs a complete overhaul and revamp.  It's showcased as potentially the most powerful application in the suite, but its use cases are incredibly limited, especially for novices who would probably love to use the application but user experience is sadly lacking for this group of users. Not everyone is a coder, not everyone can manipulate backend code and CSS to achieve a desired outcome, so for the uninitiated Pages is taken out of their reach.  

    With some imagination and seeing what other page builders can do, especially with drag and drop, Pages could become the most sought after application in the suite.  Let's see what the dev team come back with in response to our observations and request 🙂

  6. 13 minutes ago, christopher-w said:

    I know you are looking for changes to be made to core, but in the meantime have you looked at CSS grid template areas? I appreciate that in most cases you'll have to target entities using CSS :nth-child(), or nth child range, which is a pain, but you can come up with some very cool layouts (also see point 2 below *)

    I can do all of these things myself, being a website developer for the last 20 years has stood me in good stead when it comes to this type of exercise.  However, I am not aiming this at the developers like myself who can create new templates and add scripts, CSS, etc, but for those who don't know how to do these kind of things.  Being more versatile, initially in layouts, would be a huge boon to people who don't want a rigid 1, 2, 3 column layout that is inflexible.  I imagine a lot more people would feel comfortable using pages if it were more user friendly.

    I love dabbling and fiddling with templates and code, it's in my blood lol.  But those souls who haven't a clue are left out in cold and prevented from using a very powerful application.

    My example of Divi is what I would like to see Pages become, initially in terms of layout options; it could then progress to being a more useable and powerful application with additional modules (or blocks) being created, not just by IPS, but also third parties.

    Your other mentions of options 1 and 2 above are another area that would prove very useful for those of us who do like to get our hands dirty and fiddle with code and CSS.  Anything that can extend the usability of the application for both novices and coders would be a boon.

    Thanks for taking the time to comment Chris, always appreciated 🙂


  7. I've spoken briefly in other topics on how lamentable the Pages app is for those who do not possess the skills to create their own templates and layouts. The Pages app is heralded as one of the most powerful applications in the suite, and it may be for those who can harness the power it yields.  For everyone else it is a minefield to navigate and a lot of people either just give up on it or resort to plugins from the marketplace, which are generally pretty good at what they offer but they are limited by the functions which developer has designed the plugin to do.

    One of the most powerful page layout generators I have come across is a WordPress plugin called the Divi Builder (made by www.elgantthemes.com) - it is one hell of a powerful tool that allows you to develop complex pages using adaptable rows and columns.  An example of some of the basic layouts offered (which can be applied on a row by row basis) is shown below:


    At present, Pages is constrained to 1,2 or 3 column layouts which cannot be applied on a row by row basis.  For example you CAN mix some columns in Pages but you are stuck with X number of columns on top/bottom with a single column that sits above or below; you can't have single column, two/three column another single column and another two/three column layout, etc.

    The other pain with Pages is that the column widths are non-negotiable; two columns will span the width of the container equally - you can't have one column take up 60% of the real estate with the other column taking up the other 40%, that is incredibly restrictive.

    I'm not advocating that Pages mimic the Divi Builder in all of the features it brings - it's module based and there are loads of different modules that can be dragged into the layout - but Pages can make a start by giving more power to layouts.  That would be a massive improvement on what sits there now.

    The other noticeable missing aspect is the ability to add pages to a page layout.  Very long articles would be better if they were broken into pages much like a book.  Single column layouts could have an added feature of making a page columned where the text will flow naturally from one column to another, much as it does in Microsoft Word, for those reading on wider screens.

    Stacking order for columns on smaller screens would be another feature bonus where you can choose to stack the most important blocks near the top with the least important below.

    This is just the tip of the iceberg as to what Pages can become as truly outstanding CMS application within the IPS Suite.  How much work would lie behind such an undertaking I have no idea, but it would be worthwhile and it would be a huge boon to those who want to harness the power of the Pages application and create some beautiful page layouts that capture the imagination.

    Thoughts? More suggestions also welcome as this is something that can be of benefit to everyone.  Thanks for reading.

  8. I've generated a manifest but it doesn't appear to be working as no 'install' is showing in the browser.  This is how I've set it up (bearing in mind I've never done this before lol) so is everything in place and the settings correct?

    The only thing I've not done is the safari mask icon as I am uncertain as to what that entails.

    Here are my settings (BTW for some reason the Favicon has been replaced by the Application icon, is that normal?)


  9. 2 hours ago, Karina Harumi said:

    Anyone else suffering from the 4.6.3 upgrade? During the update gave error 403 and now my whole forum and adminCP are with error 404. What the heck?!?!

    Updated to 4.6.3 with no issues at all.  I imagine that something screwed up during your upgrade and the only recourse you have will be to open a ticket.

    19 minutes ago, Chris Anderson said:

    If you want to minimize the potential for downtime, delay upgrading to allow for "all" issues to be discovered and addressed

    No software is totally bug free and with something like IPS being installed on many different server environments it's to be expected that issues will arise.  If you wait until 'all' issues or bugs are discovered then you will be in for a very long wait - ad infinitum 🙂

    Open a ticket IPS developers will be able to help you - I just hope that you took a backup of your database before updating.

  10. On 6/22/2021 at 7:48 PM, rekkajay said:

    They have NO idea where to begin with a forum.

    On my upcoming forum I have generated a number of help topics to guide people who will want to use the most common aspects of the forum and community suite in general.  I'll be opening it up tomorrow (July 1st 2021) so you are welcome to take a look and see if you can do something similar.


    Make a date and see what I have done - the help is in the main menu under ahem 'help' 🙂


  11. 1 hour ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    I personally stopped when I got to 32 "pasted and added without issue" images...

    Try pasting different images of different sizes rather than the same one and try it in other apps other than forums and see if you get the same result 🙂

    Just so you can see the image below illustrates the images I wanted to paste into an article on how to use the calendar feature.  This is in Pages.  The images with a green tick pasted directly into the editor.  The ones with a red cross went into the uploaded images tray and had to be inserted manually.  It's not a huge issue, I'm just curious as to why?


  12. I've encountered an unusual event in 4.6.2 when copy and pasting images.  I use Snagit to create images for help files and generally just copy and paste the images into a topic or article.  In the past I could just copy and paste away until I completed the task.  In 4.6.2 after so many copy and pastes the images no longer appear in the topic/article but appear in the uploaded images tray and have to be added manually.  So I'm wondering if this is by design, a bug or is there a setting that I'm missing somewhere?  This generally happens after about 3/4 images have been pasted into the editor.



  13. Loads reasonably well when I try it, not the fastest kid on the block.  I notice you are using Skyzonehosting - their packages are very cheap and depending on which one you have will depend on how much they allocate in resources, how many users are on one server, where the server is located in comparison to your own location.

    Here are some speed test results that may give you some insight:


    There are many different things that can affect the speed in which your site loads and could be more than one, pinpointing the issue is the challenge.


  14. The plugin is @opentype Supergrid, but I don't for one minute assume that the plugin is at fault because I disabled it and the issue remained, so it wasn't the plugin which is now validated for 4.6.x and nothing has changed other than the validation.  The issue is either with the default theme, or the version of PHP being used 🙂

    Just to be clear, I am self-hosted and not on the IPS cloud.

  15. 14 minutes ago, The Heff said:

    The error occurs on the default theme with in forum view or topic view.

    Same here and it also happens in pages but with a more elaborate error: see below.


    This is the default theme not a third party theme.

    And on pages: this part of the error report, trimmed down:

    TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($var) must be of type Countable|array, null given (0)
    #0 /homepages/applications/cms/sources/Theme/Theme.php(610) : eval()'d code(538): IPS\Theme\class_cms_database_category_articles->entry(Object(IPS\cms\Records1), Object(IPS\cms\Databases))
    #1 /homepages/applications/cms/modules/front/database/index.php(142): IPS\Theme\class_cms_database_category_articles->index(Object(IPS\cms\Databases), Object(IPS\Patterns\ActiveRecordIterator), Object(IPS\Http\Url\Friendly), Array)

    I had one plugin which I disabled. Switched back to PHP 7.4 and everything works.

  16. If you want to create forums where no one has access until you decide they can, then just create a forum with no permissions (other than admin/moderators) and then add in the groups you want later.  Unfortunately you're going to have to use groups otherwise you will not have any control over who sees what.  A forum with no permissions granted to any group is the same as a forum that bans all members.

    Even if IPS were to create such a forum, you will still need groups to manage who can access that forum.  The alternative is to use a password protected forum, but the hole in the bucket with that is members can share the password.  Member groups are the best way forward and if you are going to have so many restricted forums on your site then you are opening a can of worms for yourself in terms of management.

    You can use Clubs - they can have their own forums and you can choose from a variety of types of group from open, to requesting joining to by invitation only.


  17. 50 minutes ago, The Heff said:

    Did you manage to figure out what was causing the error on PHP 8? I'm getting the same, but it works flawlessly on PHP 7.4.

    No it still throws up errors - I find it somewhat annoying because the template and theme it refers to is the default theme lol.  It may have something to do with version number of PHP as someone else on here states that it works flawlessly but they have a higher version of PHP 8 than I have, it's not a huge difference but it may be enough, who knows?  I'll keep trying and let you know if I figure out what the issue is 🙂


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