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Posts posted by Davyc

  1. I had this issue last night after a user reported it to me.  I don't use FF as a rule and only use Chrome or Edge.  However, I did find that if I changed the theme to default in Chrome and went back to FF everything worked as it should.  I then changed back to my usual theme and everything worked in FF as it should.  I'm completely at a loss as to why this would happen, but I'm now giving people who use FF the option to try this and let me know if anything changes for them - I'll let you all know 🙂


  2. 1 hour ago, opentype said:

    Haven’t checked the code, but I would except it to use this ACP setting:

    Thanks for that @opentype

    1 hour ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    You're quite right

    Took a little finding as the ACP search returned Zero results for it, but like @Dexter_X I eventually found it.  As I don't use many blocks on my site, I reduced the time to a 1 minute interval and will see how it goes.  I do agree that some additional controls would be good to have that could be set for individual blocks so they can be prioritised and perhaps be less of a hit on performance 🙂

    Thanks again for the info - much appreciated.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    That is indeed how it used to work, however its quite a performance impact unfortunately, so this was changed. 

    Which means it's practically useless now as it will always be giving false readings - I understand the performance impact issue, but how much of an issue is it if it wasn't an immediately obvious noticeable impact before it was introduced.  If it's cached then how often is the cache updated and would be an idea to give admins an option as to how often it gets updated and allow them to decide what impact on performance it has 🙂


  4. For some reason or other the Online Users widget is not always showing correctly who is online.  For example I just visited my site and although I'm permanently logged in I'm not showing in the Online Users list.  See below:

    I'm logged in:


    But in the Online User list another member is showing but not me.


    Now, if I click the (See full list) link I can see my username and when I go back to the home screen I'm showing in the list.

    There is also another issue that has been around for a long while that's never been addressed.  On the rare occasion that the Online User list is working I can see that I'm logged in and there is one guest showing, but that guest is me; how can I be a guest and logged in at the same time?

    Looking for help and answers with thanks 🙂


  5. This is a request for a plugin or application that may, or may not, exist in the Marketplace.  What is needed is a means to identify who has viewed articles, or any content, in the Pages application.  Number of views is already there, but it doesn't show 'who' viewed, as in members, guests, bots which can kind of skew the true interest levels.  So, something that logs who has viewed would be a boon to determine which articles, or pages, are of 'real' interest to whom.  This is not for me but for a client who has spent, and will be spending, a lot time creating articles, etc., but may be wasting his time if no one of interest is looking at them.

    Thoughts and suggestions, pointers to apps or plugins would be appreciated - with thanks 🙂


  6. @batarjal Just a few suggestions to make the app more usable for a future release.

    1. The ability to purge the database of failed submissions.  For example a band name or album (or both) are entered and although they are in the AudioDB there is no data.  After signing up to the AudioDB and adding the data when returning to add this to the site it still shows 'no data'.  I had to physically remove the entries from both the site and the database manually.  When returning to add the entry again the data was available.  

    2. The ability to edit the entry on the the page.  While the data is pulled via the API, often the formatting is terrible.  Huge blocks of text with no paragraph formatting makes for really difficult reading.

    3. The ability to choose which YT video is applied to represent the artist/band.  Not every entry is supported by the best video.

    4. The option to use the 'more' button or not would be a good to be able to choose from.

    5. Where no data is available the option to add that data on-site rather than having to add it in the AudioDB and then return to the site to add it again.  It's a chore that not many would undertake so where no data is available give the option to add it manually using fields and upload options for images, covers and YT videos.

    6. The front page widget at one time you could choose which forums to draw info from, now you can't which is a shame having everything clumped together - I'd like to see this return.

    Anything that makes it easier for people to add information will encourage them to do so, the less hoops they have to jump through the better and more options (as noted above) will enhance the experience. Just some thoughts for a future release.

    With thanks for producing a great app 🙂


  7. https://rockmachine.org

    Mission statement - Come on feel the noise. Rock, rock, rock until you drop.

    • What do we do?  Provide the best platform for people to come together and share their passion for rock music.
    • How do we do it? We use Invision Community Software the best platform out there.
    • Whom do we do it for? Any rock fans, old and new (including old fharts like me).
    • What value are we bringing? We keep the idea of Rock Music alive for everyone who loves to rock.


  8. More flexibility in the possible layout options.  For example the ability to drop rows and columns on a page and then populate them with blocks and databases. 

    The flexibility to change column widths providing the mix of columns all add up to 100% - i.e. 40/20/40 or 50/25/25 or 40/60 or 50/50 you get the idea.

    That's my tuppence worth 🙂

    I almost forgot pagination for long articles so they are not one long continuous run - add in the ability to determine at what length pagination occurs.

  9. The big turn off with Pages (and don't get me wrong here, it is a 'powerful' application) is lack of flexibility in terms of user ease; you really need to understand a lot about databases and templates in order to wring out the best from Pages; that's not for novices.  I've been a hound dog in these forums advocating more time to be spent on the other applications besides forums in order to give them some muscle that can empower users to have more ease of use and more options.

    There are some excellent add ons in the marketplace for Pages, especially from @opentype and they bring a semblance of simplicity to using Pages, but it pretty much ends there.  Documentation, as @Jimi Wikman points out is, in a word, crap.  I fail to understand why the developers have produced such a powerful application and basically shelved it.  

    I wouldn't touch WP with a bargepole as it is an accident waiting to happen in terms of hackers and having to continuously updating plugins in, not many of which are guaranteed to be constantly supported, especially if they are free.  The integration of a single system is far better, but having said that it is only as strong as its weakest components, and weakest doesn't necessarily mean those points are not strong, simply that they are lamentable components for those who are not developers or coders.  If they were brought into the 21st Century with simple, but powerful, options that everyone could use out of the box, then we would have a VERY powerful suite of applications to play with and create some amazing sites.

  10. Yeah as @opentype suggested your HTML is broken - whether this is down to a third party plugin or just something that has gone awry is hard to determine.  Your text is there, just all over the place and it looks like it's all breaking out from the main elements, suggesting that the HTML is broken or your CSS is screwed.  See screenshot below.


    If you have anything in your custom CSS file I would suggest that you copy the contents and then delete them so the file is empty, save it and check again, if all is OK then it's something in the custom CSS file - assuming you have anything in there 🙂


  11. 7 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    The Movies feed in horizontal mode will produce the same index block template:

    I know, but the ones I'm looking at is the Random Movies block and the Featured Movies block, they are amazing blocks but can only appear in one place.  I'm not sure how much work would be required to make them available for adding anywhere, but I believe they would be well used and appreciated.

    There is also a slight issue with the blocks you refer to above, when I want to add them to the individual categories and select the appropriate category from the options to match the category being added to and I choose Movies and TV Shows there are entries from other categories not selected appearing (mainly TV Shows) so that kind of limits their usage.  Sorry to be such a pain, but there are some fantastic features that are not behaving as they should lol 🙂


  12. 11 hours ago, opentype said:

    It will happen with other providers such as Stripe as well. 

    Yes this happened to a client/friend of mine so we took the only course open and that was to hold all subscriptions for manual verification; this is using Stripe BTW who have some pretty robust anti-fraud systems of their own in place, including 3D verification.  It does slow things down, but it did put an end to the fraudsters.

  13. 12 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    This is the content item of this app: \IPS\movies\movie, which will generate a “hardcoded” language bit. Although I show different things in templates across the app, for the framework there’s only one. There’s no way to change there, AFAIK.

    No worries Adriano it's not a deal breaker just me being nit picky lol.

    Any thoughts on making the the blocks that can be assigned to the categories page via the ACP being turned into blocks that can be added anywhere in the site via the blocks manager; random videos and the featured slider, etc?

  14. 54 minutes ago, Steph40 said:

    Hmmm mine is showing tv shows

    Just added a TV Show as a test and it is showing in the Activity Stream, however it is being classed as a movie:


    Thanks for the info @Steph40 🙂

    Forgot to add the reason I queried this is that I went through several pages of Activity and no TV Shows were showing up, so they must be well down the list lol.

  15. @Adriano Faria  Adriano something strange happening in the Activity Stream, only movies are showing up but not TV Shows, is this by design or a bug?

    Also, for a future update the blocks that can be assigned in the movie settings, can these be made into blocks that can be added to any page via the block manager?

    With thanks 🙂


  16. 4.6.0 thru 4.6.4 no issues at all, but then I am not running all the apps, so if the issues are specific to certain apps perhaps I'm not affected.  I have a client site to update that is running an app that I am not (commerce) so I am a little hesitant to go ahead right now - maybe leave it for a week or so lol.

    Luck to all who go for it and I hope you avoid any pitfalls 🙂


  17. 1 hour ago, ucjohn said:

    Which I've been trying to sort figured someone might know a simple fix..

    There is no simple fix - it may take several CSS commands and perhaps even some template code changes.  It's not something that can be addressed easily.  As @opentype stated the carousel is not meant to show just one image.  You may be better off getting a slider from the marketplace.

  18. Just looking at the screenshot (link would be better) it appears that the images are not filling the width of the carousel - which would explain the left side not being fully moved along the line.  There is always some natural overlap (screenshot below shows similar but not as bad as yours):


    It can be sorted with some CSS, but your images are looking too narrow for the width of the carousel element.


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