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Posts posted by Davyc

  1. You can already do that by creating groups that have permissions to see and post in specified forums.


    Each forum has its own permissions as to:

    • Who can see the forum
    • Who can read topics
    • Who can post new topics
    • Who can reply to topics

    It's a very powerful feature and by creating groups and moving those members you want to have access to certain forums, you can restrict who can use the forum without the need for a different type of forum.  You can also use member permissions to restrict their individual access 🙂


  2. I had a similar, possibly unrelated issue this morning when images I uploaded yesterday into an article suddenly disappeared as though they never existed, yet they were uploaded and showing yesterday, today they were just showing that image not found icon and the name of the files.  They were not anywhere to be seen on the server and nothing had changed from the previous day other than an upgrade to the latest version 4.6.1  I uploaded them again and checked the server, but they are not there, though they are still showing for now lol.

    I've had this happen in the past, and it generally happens when a new monthly folder is created, but the previous month (or part of it) was not being accessed.  It's weird set up, either the images are on the server or they are not and if not, how come they show? 


  3. 10 hours ago, Fast Lane! said:

    Is there a way to know when our critical plugins/apps support 4.6

    The only way is when it shows in the marketplace as compatible with 4.6 For some developers with loads of apps it may take a while, others may decide that it's not worth the effort to update.  That's the downside of relying on third party apps - the upside, of course, is that they give us what we want - but that's only for as long as they decide to support them.  Just make sure that you have logged into the ACP marketplace and have checked the box in the marketplace here to be informed of updates.


  4. Yeah errors still all over the forums and Pages apps:


    This is the default theme not a third party theme.

    And on pages: this part of the error report:

    TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($var) must be of type Countable|array, null given (0)
    #0 /homepages/applications/cms/sources/Theme/Theme.php(610) : eval()'d code(538): IPS\Theme\class_cms_database_category_articles->entry(Object(IPS\cms\Records1), Object(IPS\cms\Databases))
    #1 /homepages/applications/cms/modules/front/database/index.php(142): IPS\Theme\class_cms_database_category_articles->index(Object(IPS\cms\Databases), Object(IPS\Patterns\ActiveRecordIterator), Object(IPS\Http\Url\Friendly), Array)

    I had one plugin which I disabled. Switched back to PHP 7.4 and everything works.

  5. Been using 4.6 since beta 1 through beta 4 and now upgraded to 4.6 official, no issues using or upgrading bar one and that is under investigation and it's not a deal breaker.  Love the new features, now I just need to see how fast it is to use real time.  Am I correct in saying that 4.6 works with PHP 8, as I have that version available to me? 

    Fantastic work team, really fantastic work and I'm proud to be using the end result of all your efforts and will continue to do so for as long as I am able 🙂


  6. Well bow out if you must, but understand that responsiveness is not something that just happens, it has to be made to happen and that happens in using CSS.  What you are using buttons for is not universal, you would be better using styled links or clickable images, but then that requires some knowledge of how to implement CSS to control the sizes required for different screen sizes - you would need '@media' CSS commands for all of the permutations of screen size relating to what you require.  

    I provided you with a means in the editor simple button and you would need to check the results against different screen sizes to see how what you want will appear.  You can do this using the browser console (Chrome allows you to choose different devices by name from a list) and determine how the length and text size affects what you want to achieve.  If you're not prepared to delve into how to make things happen for yourself, no one else is going to do it for you.  A great deal of my own site has hundreds of lines of custom CSS so that I could achieve the look I wanted - to do that I had to learn about CSS and how it works, and I'm still learning and believe me there is a great deal of satisfaction to be had for doing it yourself.

    Good luck and Bon Voyage 🙂


  7. Running it now on my upcoming site and it seems to be behaving OK with just few niggles - I added one to bug buster list today 🙂

    The one big issue I have (and not sure it someone else has added to the bug buster) is if I sign out I can't sign back in until I've cleared the browser cache. The browser just sits there with it's little circular thing in the top left going around and around lol.

  8. I can kind of replicate this, but it means moving a lot of code around, so it is quite possible that the template is out of whack. Recreating the default theme should rectify this, unless it's something else not related.  Follow @SeNioR- instructions and create a new theme and see if that cures the issue - if not, then a link to your site would be essential to diagnose the issue 🙂 

  9. 1 hour ago, Steve Jabba said:

    The point is modern websites should have responsive buttons, images ; this isn't even a debate.

    Unfortunately what you 'think' it should be isn't what it is.  If you don't want to work within the system then you are going to run into all kinds of different problems. And whilst this may not be a debate in your view, it has turned into one because you are unwilling to accept that this is the way the system works. There are thousands of lines of CSS code used by the IPS system and they attempt to cover the most important areas, they are not designed to cater for something that only a few people may use. So you can argue that the system 'should' do this or that, but it doesn't and it won't, so you need to bite the bullet and learn a little bit of CSS so you can make the changes you want, or live with it the way it is.

    I'm sorry if you don't find this helpful, but that's the way it is and it's unlikely to change.

  10. Responsiveness isn't automatic - it needs to be told how to and that's done in the CSS files of which there are many used by the system.  Buttons aren't meant to be huge, but that doesn't mean they can't be, but you need to understand the principles of responsiveness.  This is where your custom CSS file comes into play and there are @media commands that instruct the system on what size something should be when viewed on different screen sizes (of which there are many).

    The only other way for you to achieve 'automatic' responsiveness within the system is to create your button as an image, but be warned about this too as the system will shrink your image to fit, but it will do so by reducing the overall size. It's the way the system works - it will only do what you tell it to do, it's not AI 🙂

  11. 7 minutes ago, Steve Jabba said:

    Thanks man this is absolutely perfect.  I have bookmarked it for future reference!

    Just be conscious of your font size and the length of your text line otherwise when using the IPS Button it will truncate your text if it doesn't fit the screen.

    Example below is a live example I posted on my own forum using the code line from the post above:


    And on browser console simulated mobile screen - the arrows point towards the edge of the screen. This simulation is for a Moto G4


    And this is a simulation of an iPhone X


    The bigger the screen the more can be seen - so be aware of those font sizes and text line lengths.

    If you want to learn more about CSS then this is a good place to start >>> https://www.w3schools.com/css/

    Happy hunting 🙂


  12. 14 minutes ago, Steve Jabba said:


    Ignore those instructions just download the zip file (scroll to the bottom of the page), but don't unpack it.  Go to the ACP and head for Customisation/Editor/Toolbars (see below):



    Once in there click the 'Add Button' button lol


    Now you will see that you can upload the zip file you downloaded.


    It will only take a couple of seconds to upload.

    The button will appear in the tray at the bottom of the screen - just drag it onto the editor toolbar where you want it.  Clicking on the button whilst in the editor toolbars section will allow you to set permissions as to where you want it to be used and who can use it.

    You're done - next time you access the editor around the site the button will appear and you can add as many as you want to a page or topic.



  13. Attempting to see what errors are pushed when opening in a new tab, but it references that folders cannot be viewed.  I had a similar issue a while ago and solved it by copying the files from the named folder into the most current folder (check the dates on them) but don't delete anything, just copy.  If your server doesn't allow copying, download and reupload.  Not saying this will work or it's ideal, but it worked me when facing a similar issue 🙂


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