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Posts posted by Davyc

  1. 11 minutes ago, CoffeeCake said:

    My guess is you're using SMTP. Do you get the error with PHP built in mail (which presumably uses mail()).

    Nope not using SMTP using the built-in method - see below:


    Not to worry though, I just removed the php.ini file and the system went on it's merry way.

    1 hour ago, Linux-Is-Best said:

    KnownHost is fully managed, and they can be a pickle when it comes to security

    I checked them out and I can get Nimbus for roughly the same price and it's UK based, as am I, with a little more movement on features.  I've used Nimbus in the past and they are really good and very professional, hence 'expensive' - at least for me they are when you're on your pension lol.  I never thought I'd be saying I'm an OAP lol, but here I am.

  2. 1 hour ago, CoffeeCake said:

    I cannot even begin to imagine a legitimate use for any of those functions--they all surround running server-side executables. /summon Kier. What the heck?

    I'll see if I can replicate the error. See below:


    As for using the IPS CIC - way too expensive for me, I could do Nimbus hosting for the same price without the restrictions.  I'll wait until I see what the modified CIC packages will be like once they come online.

    Thanks for the advice about using a VPS - I can drive a car (not allowed to drive now for medical reasons, which is a PITA) but not a plane - always wanted to fly a helicopter, would that count if I ever got around to it lol?  I fully believe a managed system would be better for me as I'm too old to get involved with learning the in's and out's of a VPS, I am intrigued though 🙂

  3. This is a strange issue in that IPS warns about these dangerous functions, yet unbelievably Xenforo needs at least one of them to function.  I have both IPS and Xenforo and when I applied the php.ini fix (because my host IONOS would NOT disable them) Xenforo threw a wobbler and generated loads of errors.

    In light of @Stuart Silvester comments it begs the question, would IPS installations be best served on a VPS with root access?  I've been considering this for a while, but my lack of expertise in running a VPS is a concern to me.  I could switch hosts and go with someone like Nimbus, but they are way too expensive for what I am getting out of my sites. So any further guidance would be appreciated.

    As an aside, adding a php.ini file to my root did not work so I had to go to the extreme measure of adding the php.ini file to all folders, which was no small task.

  4. If you can't change your php configuration (possibly you are on shared hosting) then add the following to a Notepad file and name it php.ini

    disable_functions = exec, system, passthru, pcntl_exec, popen, proc_open, shell_exec
    display_errors = off

    If your host allows for recursive php.ini files then you only need to upload to your root, if not you will need to upload to all folders 🙂

  5. I've watched this topic with interest and have evaluated the responses, both positive and negative.  My own personal take on reactions is that they should emulate the forum type, both in its fundamental basis and consideration for its members. These two combined should be the foundation of the reactions types, along with their meanings so that people can 'react' accordingly in reference to the topics generated.

    Reactions should be carefully curated to enhance rather than detract from the responses you want from people.  If there are no defined meanings to the reaction images and their alternate text references, they become meaningless and pointless.

    I would imagine that as a base admins would want reactions for the following (all entirely optional):

    • Like
    • Thanks
    • Agree
    • Funny
    • Sad
    • Disagree 

    The above cover most of the reactions people will respond with to potentially the vast number of responses to topics/posts.  What images are used can be anything that reflects the nature of the site.  Anything else can be added as an optional, but there must be some significant interpretation to them otherwise they would be unproductive.  The Meow Cat on here for example; what does it mean or signify?

    Reactions are emotive symbolism and as such need to be curated to accentuate an emotional response - whereby a written response should be deemed as objective/subjective depending on the topic and it's responses.  These are important aspects of a site and should be added with consideration, rather than a whim.  Just my two penneth 🙂


  6. 1 hour ago, Jordan Invision said:

    66-years-young then!

    Yup, but I tend to leave the 'young' part for others to use lol.  I was playing in a band when I was your age and loving every magical moment of it, so ALWAYS do what you love most and enjoy it to the full.  I have wonderful memories of playing my beautiful Gibson Flying V MkII and bashing out some AC/DC, Deep Purple, UFO, Free and a few others besides.

    That was mine on the left, with gold plated machine heads, bridge, pickup surrounds and tail plate, single piece body and the only Gibson that had single coil pickups.


  7. OK so this is the issue - my client has IPS Commerce for subscriptions using Stripe; two transactions have been flagged for manual approval, however these do not look like genuine subscribers as Stripe has flagged them as an elevated risk.  What we would like to do is get them off the system, but because we are new to this type of issue I was wondering do we Void or Delete these within the commerce system.  Image below shows the options:


  8. I would lose the fluid width if I were you - you've done that on the dark theme but not the other which is default.  The issue with fluid is that those with large screens 24" and up will find reading the topics difficult; this is why newspapers use columns to break up the width of the pages.  I'd go for a fixed width that's comfortable on the eye and this will be the width regardless of screen size (resolution may come into play somewhat).

    A lot of what you see on my homepage is just CSS and the blocks that come with IPS and the Movies app by @Adriano Faria

    CSS and HTML are pretty easy to learn, you just need to understand the structures - once you've got that under your hat you can create custom blocks and tune them up any way you want them to appear.  An example would be the new Page Builder Text block that comes with Pages. I used this to create the 'Welcome to...' banner.  The block does most of the heavy lifting, all I had to do was add some CSS to pretty it up, like so:

    background: rgb(9,94,121);
    background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(9,94,121,1) 0%, rgba(9,26,121,1) 49%, rgba(9,94,121,1) 100%);

    The gradient can be created using a CSS gradient online editor such as >> https://cssgradient.io/

    The world's your oyster to coin a phrase when you can put the little building blocks together.  

    Apart from the width the only thing I would add is another block to even up your posts at the bottom of the home page - that gap at the end looks like an oversight lol.  That's me being picky BTW 🙂

    Love the site, love the music (my era along with the late 60's and 70's) - keep it rockin'

  9. The problem, as I see it, is that not everyone is SM inclined and may not have ANY SM accounts, you thereby eliminate a proportion of potential members who could turn out to be your best members.  Spammers are out there and we should deal with them 'as and when' not by blocking a means of registration.  There are fantastic tools available that can stop a spammer in their tracks once discovered (and that shouldn't take too long).  By utilising this proposed method you alienate people and become restrictive.

    I can see the points that illustrate the benefits, but the negatives should also be weighed against them for a more balanced viewpoint.  Every community should be welcoming to everyone.  Even in our own 'real world' communities we have the good, the bad and the ugly but we don't penalise the community, we penalise the offenders.

    An example would be myself - I only have one SM account and that's Twitter and I only use that as a promotional tool nothing else.  If it wasn't useful to me in that sense then I wouldn't even have that account.  There are a lot (and I mean A LOT) of older people who despise SM so be careful for what you wish for 😉


  10. 7 minutes ago, Woodsman said:

    Another bout for the post count puppies.

    Sadly that's what attracts people, rather than posting something worthwhile.  But, if that gains traction for a site then it will be seen as a positive in a world where positive has been devolved.  Whatever, the fact is that this is the kind of thing that people want (hell, even desire) and it will be an attraction for those who value quantity over quality.  It would be interesting to have some feedback from site owners when this is added to an upcoming upgrade as what kind of an effect it has on posting levels and the quality of those posts 🙂


  11. Sorry for the delay - here's what is shown during the install and from the system error logs.

    During install:


    And from the system error log:

    #0 /homepages/system/Db/Select.php(383): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*dbs1227190::d...', Array, true)
    #1 /homepages/system/Db/Select.php(441): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery()
    #2 /homepages/system/Db/Select.php(365): IPS\Db\_Select->rewind()
    #3 /homepages/applications/autowelcome/Application.php(38): IPS\Db\_Select->first()
    #4 /homepages/applications/core/modules/admin/applications/applications.php(1218): IPS\autowelcome\_Application->installOther()
    #5 /homepages/system/Helpers/MultipleRedirect/MultipleRedirect.php(92): IPS\core\modules\admin\applications\_applications->IPS\core\modules\admin\applications\{closure}(Array)
    #6 /homepages/applications/core/modules/admin/applications/applications.php(1282): IPS\Helpers\_MultipleRedirect->__construct(Object(IPS\Http\Url\Internal), Object(Closure), Object(Closure))
    #7 /homepages/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(90): IPS\core\modules\admin\applications\_applications->install()
    #8 /homepages/system/Node/Controller.php(62): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #9 /homepages/applications/core/modules/admin/applications/applications.php(48): IPS\Node\_Controller->execute()
    #10 /homepages/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\core\modules\admin\applications\_applications->execute()
    #11 /homepages/admin/index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #12 {main}

    Hope that clears up the issue and gives you something to work with :)


  12. I agree that this is something that would be great, however it comes with a number of caveats.  For example:

    How do you know which guest has voted?

    How can you stop this guest from voting again?

    If this could be achieved by using a cookie, what's to prevent that guest from clearing their cookies and vote again, and again and again?

    With members this is easily achieved as you know who the members are, but with guests not so easy because everyone is a guest until they register.  It would be very easy to circumvent and could lead to your poll results being skewed.  A member could vote, sign out and then vote again as a guest.

    I've often thought about this myself and it would be good if guests could vote and rate but the big issue comes as to how you control that input.  So in principle I agree with your request, but in the cold light of day it doesn't look feasible 🙂


  13. One of the things I find so frustrating is when I'm not sure how to achieve something I look to the help documents and they are anything but helpful - a great lack of real world examples are missing.  It's good to explain how things work, but it's something else to actually 'show' how they work; I guess it's one of those 'lead by example' situations.  

    I understand that creating help documents is the not easiest of tasks, but they should begin with the least experienced in mind rather than an assumption that everyone knows how.  Maybe this is something that @Jordan Invision can feed back to whoever is responsible for creating the help documents 🙂


    On 3/3/2021 at 12:43 PM, Matt said:

    We definitely want to bring this kind of functionality to Pages. It's high on our list.

    That is music to my ears @Matt so thank you for letting us know that this is on your radar and something that will be coming to the suite 🙂 

  14. 1 minute ago, Jordan Invision said:

    Perhaps it could be native one day, but for now this should do the trick! 

    I use this and it works for the vast majority of the time - sometimes, depending on the website, it just leaves the link in text format, but that's a rare occurrence.  Well worth the asking price and the author is excellent for support 🙂

    You can also make some adjustments using CSS to get a better look.

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