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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Charles

  1. 24 minutes ago, TheJackal84 said:

    Lol I never bothered trying to upload a 4.5 versions i knew it would be rejected as it used the table to add the cat_id apart from the you accepted it for 4.4 and still for sale or 4.4 so where the rejection for a security flaw came from is beyond me 😅

    If you do not understand security flaws then that would be the exact reason we review Marketplace submissions.

  2. 22 minutes ago, Moonbeam said:

    What I'm looking at is the panel in the client area, which... looks even worse today, apparently stating that we've exceeded our allotted disk space, somehow. 

    We don't have any email set up yet, as I haven't yet figured out how to accomplish that. We've got nothing on the site that could possibly be taking up this much space.


    Your REST API logs are using 9GB of space. Do you want me to delete them all and turn on pruning?

  3. 14 minutes ago, Moonbeam said:

    What I'm looking at is the panel in the client area, which... looks even worse today, apparently stating that we've exceeded our allotted disk space, somehow. 

    We don't have any email set up yet, as I haven't yet figured out how to accomplish that. We've got nothing on the site that could possibly be taking up this much space.


    I will have a look at your account and get back to you. That does seem abnormally high. I can see on the backend what is specifically using space.

  4. 4 hours ago, PoC2 said:

    I've had enough.


    So, my question is, does Invision use any kind of trackers in the software suites we use (e.g. for the emails that we send out)? If so, is there a way to switch them off so I'm not accidentally gathering information on my members?

    If I want metrics I'll gather them the old fashioned way by building a direct relationship with them, not through surreptitious data harvesting.

    So, Trackers?


    Our email stats track numbers of emails sent and clicks. It does not have a tracking "pixel" to track views/opens. 

  5. We basically have email-based support now. Don't think of them as tickets but conversations 🙂

    Much like if you email anyone else you would keep your own copy of the conversation in your email. I actually find it easier since I do not have to to a web site and email threads are how I communicate with every other person and company I interact with.

  6. 23 hours ago, bassangler said:

    It's absurd that the ONLY caching method Invision utilizes doesn't offer ANY support for it in any way whatsoever.  Absolutely ludicris. There's absolutely no way for most people to use it.

    My host provider doesn't know how to install it, and therefore won't support it.  I tried Redis support but they are 100% unresponsive (8 tickets submitted with zero responses).  I even had a friend of mine who knows Apache try without luck.

    So, unless you're an experienced server admin, you're screwed.  You simply cannot use Redis.

    Major, major flaw with Invision!


    This was sort of the point I was making above 🙂

    If you don't know how to install it and your host also does not know how to install it then you probably do not need something like Redis. It's an advanced system.

    Honestly the same thing can be said of anything. Our software requires PHP, MySQL, and so on. If you or your host were not able to set those up then you could not use our software. In this case you cannot use Redis because you do not have the technical requirements to both install and operate it.

  7. This is one of those cases where you need to be sure you are aware of what you are doing when you are self-hosting. I do not believe our software should be in the business of helping you run your server. You should have the technical know how to check your S3 bucket size and your own server's disk space before starting a file storage move.

    Keeping track of server disk space or S3 bucket size is not really up to our software - that is the job of the system administrator.

  8. On 10/27/2020 at 5:35 PM, ReyDev said:

    I purchased your product about a month ago. After a week, my user status changed to client, but I still can't use the support section, and every time it gives an error message.

    Sorry, there is a problem

    Something went wrong. Please try again.

    Error code: 1ZD100/1

    I have sent more than 10 emails to the support department, but unfortunately I have not received any response.
    Is there a support department at all or not ???!

    Your support account should be fixed now. Sorry about that!

  9. 8 hours ago, TSP said:

    I also find the current behaviour here frustrating, as it's so much slower, and it happens quite often for the big boards I work on. I've often found ongoing COUNT(*)-queries to be the culprit, which is kind of ironic since the purpose of them is to figure out whether the table is so big that queries against them will take a long time or not.

    Could you at least lower the refresh time? It's currently 2 seconds and should ideally be instant. If instant isn't feasible, then at least let it be 1 second.  

    A basic query like COUNT(*) should be almost instant. If it's not then you should probably look at your server to see what is wrong. We host sites with tens of millions of posts without issue.

  10. 9 hours ago, Fast Lane! said:

    I would think it's far easier.  In quotes simply have the editor insert a tag for the member ID that's replaced when viewed. Something like ##MID-2245##.

    Since it's tied to the MID which never changes, a quick strrplace would just insert the currently associated member name upon displaying a post (or if none found then just list "Guest").

    That would require us to query the member database on every page load perhaps dozens of times. It would be quite a performance impact.

  11. 15 hours ago, Meddysong said:

    Yes, that's understandable, Charles, and I don't think anybody could expect you to do a full replacement of every single mention for precisely that reason. It would be possible to target names in quotes and mentions, wouldn't it? I'm not a particularly versed coder but your team could probably find a way to say "any instance of the username which is located within <ipsCitation> tags or within a container which has the data attribute 'data-mentionid'", I would think.

    Yes, that's something we have considered. It's just an intensive operation to do a search and replace across a database. Imagine a site with millions of posts.

    It's something we want to do but just need to work on the engineering side of it.

  12. This is a rare problem that we have heard reported before. I say rare because using real, full names as display names is not that common but does come up. Like I use just my first name and there are a lot of people named Charles in the world so I would not consider it PII for the purposes of GDPR.

    Unfortunately we do not yet have a good solution as "quoted content" is almost the same as someone copy/pasting the post into their own editor and replying with it. The only real way to address this is a full database search and replace which is, as you might expect, intensive. It is also prone to errors as let's say someone's name on your community if John Doe. We remove all quoted post references but then elsewhere someone was talking about John Doe in their own post. That's not PII as it's not attributed to the user but would get replaced and break a conversation.

  13. Aren't people who use IE11 used to most of the Internet not working correctly? I mean it's not like it's just us who have said no more to 2003 😉

    Or maybe they don't realize most things either do not work right or are otherwise not 100% on IE11? Either way: we are moving forward not looking back and it's not really our responsibility to "warn" people that they are out of date.

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