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Posts posted by Charles

  1. We actually do it on-login for the users by design as a cron would create unnecessary overhead since it has to scan users who are not active.

    Is the user in the wrong group causing problems? Of course the system corrects itself the next time the user visits so they would not be able to do anything.

  2. 8 hours ago, Fast Lane! said:

    I think I spotted and SEO bug.  If you go to a url:


    the real money is the "461972".  IPB treats that as gold so even if a topic is renamed it just redirects you to the latest url/topic.  So if you type in https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/461972-xyz2323232 it would redirect to the latest furl for the topic.

    Here is the issue.  Take this topic.  The old behavior was if I change the name/furl for this topic to:


    it would redirect correctly to:


    But now it redirects to:


    Which for whatever reason includes the current unixtimestamp. Odd.  And it splits SEO rankings up (dilutes = bad).

    The canonical isn't wrong, upon source inspection (https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/461972-hump-day-46-beta-2-is-live/).  But why ever add the unix time stamp?



    That is a cache bust key unique to you. Normal browsing would not see that but since you are doing something "odd" it is putting that in to ensure you are not seeing a cached page.

  3. 6 hours ago, Steve Jabba said:

    + 1000000

    This should be a standard feature. I am amazed it is not.

    Where is the response to this thread? 

    You are responding to a 2+ year old topic 🙂

    We have had auto-save in the editor for a long time now. If I type this and accidentally hit back on browser, when I return to the editor it will have kept my content and shown me a message telling me.


    1 hour ago, Dean_ said:

    Will there be anything for the mobile viewing? Or are we to limited on space?


    3 minutes ago, CoffeeCake said:

    Oh, wow. Our site is mostly mobile traffic. Surprised these don't appear in mobile view. Not that we're planning on turning it on, but for those that do.... it's like it's not even there unless you look at the profile.

    I'm not sure what you mean about mobile viewing. Achievements should also show on mobile. Are you not seeing things?

  5. 1 minute ago, CoffeeCake said:

    What are the blockers for releasing a beta?

    We always have a long internal list. Right now we want to review our new cache rules. They will greatly improve performance but, if not done right, could cause lots of odd behaviors. There is also going to be a bulletin going out to all AdminCPs soon to remind people about features deprecated in 4.5 that will actually be removed in 4.6. We announced those over a year ago but just need to remind people.

    But right now the big thing is refining Achievements. Since this is only the second site that has any real content using it, we are working on both bug fixes and general improvements. That is coming together nicely now.

  6. Just now, CoffeeCake said:

    Things look a bit different this time around. With 4.5, there was the "alpha" domain hosted site, then there was a series of beta releases, followed by full releases that may as well have been beta releases. It didn't go as smoothly as maybe would be ideal.

    So I'm wondering if we take our lessons learned, and have adjusted things perhaps, what the plan this time is for 4.6.

    The process will be the same this time other than we did not do an alpha site and instead are doing the alpha on this site. We release several betas until we are no longer receiving any bug reports then do the full release. It is perfectly normal that the full release is quickly followed by maintenance updates. I cannot think of a single bit of software I use that is not followed by maintenance releases soon after the full release.

    I encourage you to participate in the beta releases.

  7. 31 minutes ago, CoffeeCake said:

    If the bug tracker is any indication, you need client testing before it will be ready for production.

    What's the plan for releasing alpha/beta releases for testing purposes to self-hosted clients?

    We're not particularly interested in achievements and will likely not activate them in our community, however speaking from a 4.6 release as a whole the changes look like they would benefit from testing code revisions and third-party integrations.

    We always release betas for big releases. Have been doing so for years 🙂 

  8. 1 hour ago, AlexWebsites said:

    This is nice, but what about the other way around....get achievements and reward with a subscription. I guess that would be more of a reward though but then again so is the badge I guess.

    Monetizing the Achievements system is something we plan to look into. As you might imagine, turning community engagement into something equivalent to money is an area you have to be very careful with so we decided not to do it for the first iteration of Achievements.

  9. 38 minutes ago, The Old Man said:

    The +1 button was a great idea but please return or improve the number of reactions here at the IPS Community forum. It's feels to me IMHO almost like we're being stifled by some dark, manipulative branding and marketing PR department or something. Reactions allowing the ability to show you you're saddened, disagree or are confused about something and help provide a balance of opinion, freedom of expression and thought.

    Thanks for reading.


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