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  1. I have to agree. Those replacements can even totally change a meaning and while the link could be "easier to remember" but for wrong reasons. Let me use the following extreme example from Polish language: "łaska" vs "laska" They are actually two different words and each of them have multiple meanings and none of them cross each other. - The first one could be: "would you be so kind...", "grace", "pity", etc. - The second one could be: "walking stick" but in a slang also a "hot girl" or "blowjob" 😆. Imagine the word placed in an unfortunate combination and you'll get a link sounding like a p*rn. Jokes aside, such problem could be in different languages too so you can't guarantee what actually you render as a "message" in the link...
  2. The permission for creating a new topic covers moving posts as well. Look from this perspective: moving some posts to an existing topic does create a "new topic" in the meaning that you add more data to the existing topic. So as pointed out make sure to enable permissions for your group in the destination forum:
  3. Expand your ACP user menu > Theme:
  4. Like I said, you don't need to upgrade to get around the issue. Just remember to close the IPS message (every time it is re-appearing) and reload the page. That's all.
  5. Exactly. Regardless of the bug you can still access the stuff if you close the message and reloaded the page ... until the next "important" message. You said that you are on 4.7.2. The fix is in 4.7.8.
  6. I think that was the issue: You potentially either closed an IPS message on top and reloaded the page or upgraded from 4.7.2 to the later version. The fix supposes to be in 4.7.8.
  7. In case of third party themes it is no longer possible since IPS 4.5. The limitation is related to an inaccessible ACP panel in case of outdated or badly designed themes. Now, the only option available is to swap between the light <> dark default ACP theme.
  8. Oh yes. I know what exactly you are up to. As I said: "for now" = just wanted to provide a temporary "solution" until the whole page will be secured in other way. Could not provide any other way since I did not test the spiders at all.
  9. Hi, I know that you intend to create a "simple page" with "no database" but wouldn't for now be sufficient that you just disable most features on the site? For example: ACP > System > Applications > under System disable most modules (probably you need to keep only "System") ACP > System > Login & Registration > disable all Methods, disable new registrations ACP > Community > Forums > Permissions from the dropdown menu for each forum > for all groups deselect everything except "See forum" + "Read topics". Have not checked what can be more disabled.
  10. Thanks. The warning is gone in my account here.
  11. @tpasa Is this happening in topics having a lot of images?
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