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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Charles

  1. On 10/24/2019 at 11:34 AM, superaven said:

    Going to bump this. 

    Recently I had an expert come in and evaluate my site (shop, forum, etc) and they brought up a very interesting point regarding the sort order of posts. The younger generation that grew up on social media and often represent the most active users online, grew up only seeing content in reverse chronological order. Though I personally like reading things in order and have always viewed it that way, the younger generation has not. They've grown up on social media where the newest content is presented first and you can then dig deeper for the older content. Admittedly this makes conversation a bit odd in my opinion, but we're seeing so many of our Instagram followers dropping off that platform and / or expressing discontent with it and reading so many articles talking about the decline across most demographics on that platform, that I believe there is a real opportunity for a resurgence with forums. People are just fed up with Facebook and Instagram and want something else. I know in most cases its ludicrous for a forum owner to think they can actually compete with platforms like that, but reality is we have a real chance at growing significant market share, if we can provide a compelling alternative. I believe that starts with an easy transition and it would seem that allowing for reverse chronological ordering (or better yet an option for a user to set this preference at the account level), would be a great step in the right direction.

    Anyhow, might loop back to this over arching topic in a new thread to keep it clean, but the specific request here is hoping I might compel the forum developers to strongly consider implementing this.

    What your "expert" misses is that our platform is designed for conversation. Social media is designed for you to post some thought, someone leaves a comment, and never looks at it again. Look at this very topic: it was posted in 2018 and now you are bringing it back to life. That does not happen on social media.

    That is fine for social media as that is the point. It's not the point of a platform like we make and the fact that we are not trying to do that is a huge selling point to our clients.

  2. 1 hour ago, RevengeFNF said:

    Im testing the new IPS 4.3 beta, and i stopped elasticsearch on purpose to see what would happen, and View New Content and Search gives no results and i get this error in the logs: Failed to connect to xx.xx.xxx.xxx port 9200: Connection refused.

    What i suggest is that if something bad happens to our elasticsearch server for some reason, IPS should fallback to Mysql, even if its only for the last 7 days, so View New Content can still work.

    When you have Elasticsearch enabled we do not maintain the local MySQL search index to save on overhead.

  3. 1 hour ago, AtariAge said:

    He wants to be able to perform the search without having to enter a search term or tag.  In IP.Board 3.4, you can view a member's posts in this fashion, while applying additional criteria if need be.  Without having to enter a search term.  This is extremely useful, and I perform searches like this routinely on my forum.  


    That’s not really intended behavior as search is intended to search for a word or phrase. 

    Instead, you would want to just click the member’s name and select to view their content. The filtering and sorting is much more powerful in that system. Yes, it’s different than 3.x but just as functional and more so. 

  4. On 6/21/2017 at 2:26 PM, crabpaws said:

    This function was present, and useful, in IPB 3.x. It has been removed in 4.x.


    Screen Shot 2017-06-21 at 11.22.55 AM.png

    I am not sure I am following your request. There is a search by author line in your screenshot right there.

    The error you are seeing is because you did not enter any search term to search for.

  5. Thank you @PacmanDo for submitting a ticket on this today. As it turns out the reason this was failing is the PHP EXIF module was not installed. This module is what we use to read the data in images which indicates the orientation. Without that module IPS Community Suite cannot tell how an image should be shown so it simply uploads it as a default layout.

    To see if you have the PHP EXIF module installed, go to AdminCP -> Support -> PHP Info (small link under PHP Version on right column). Then search for "exif" in your browser and you should see it referenced as "EXIF Support enabled" on the page.

    If you do not have that installed please ask your web host to install it.

    If you do have PHP EXIF enabled and are still having issues with images not rotating, please submit a ticket as we can assist.

    We will update IPS Community Suite to detect if this module and others we recommend but do not require are missing and give you information on what that means and what to do.

    Thanks again for submitting that ticket, @PacmanDo, I am happy we were able to look into it for you.

  6. I assume you mean the front end features?

    We were wary to put this in 4.0 because of countless stories of rogue moderators mass-pruning and entire forum before an admin realized what happened.

    But you are right that the missing low-level options to prune/mass-move is sometimes difficult to work around.

  7. Easy Pages

    View File

    ... look, this app probably isn't worth what I'm charging. Just go buy IP.Pages, it's like 20x better.


    Author note 2018-10: Support and maintenance will be limited going forward. This app works fine as of IPS 4.3 and may continue to work with new releases in the future, but when it stops working that's probably it. Thanks for your support over the years!


    Want to add custom pages to your IPS website? Easy Pages is a simple and powerful app to help you do that, from the comfort of your own Admin CP.

    There are no fancy wizards or long pages of settings. Just enter a title and URL, some text, and you're good to go. You don't even have to know HTML or PHP (but you can use them if you want to!).

    Use it to add a Privacy Policy, or rules, or a FAQ. You could even build an entire website. The only limit is your own creativity.

    Some of the features of this application:

    • Create custom pages using BBCode, PHP, HTML, or IPS's Rich-Text Editor.
    • Place each page within your IPS Theme, or build a complete page from the ground up.
    • Choose your own page URL and meta tags for SEO.
    • Control who can access a page with group permissions.
    • Use 'blocks' of text or even PHP to avoid repeating code across multiple pages.
    • Place blocks in pages, or anywhere on your site. Even posts!

    This application provides an easy way to create and view pages. However, it does not handle navigation. You will need to add links to the pages in the navigation bar or elsewhere yourself.

    This version of Easy Pages requires IPS 4. Installation is as simple as running the IPS app installer.


  8. The new IP.Board Community Directory is a great place to list your community to get more traffic and members on your site.

    It's free for all license holders and IPS Hosting customers to submit their community in the directory. As this is brand new it is still growing and we are taking suggestions for new categories and enhancements so please let us know how we can improve it.

    The directory has been online for a few weeks in a preview testing form and 206 listing have been made. These 206 listings have received over 4100 clicks: that's nearly an average of 20 clicks per listing! This is a great way to drive traffic to your community.

    Be sure to list your community in the directory...

    In addition to being listed on the official IPS Community, the community directory will be available in the next version of our iPhone App for IP.Board. This means members can browse the directory, find your community, and register on your community all while on their iPhone!

    The directory is powered by IP.Links: one of our great, free Community Projects for IP.Board. The IP.Links software is written by Brandon D here on our community.

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  9. IPS is changing the name of our new IP.Commerce (as yet unreleased) application to IP.Nexus.

    We have received an exceptional amount of interest in this product to date and many have been a bit confused with the name. The major confusion lies in the fact that this application is not just an ecommerce application but also used for advertising, metrics, customer interaction, and more. So, we thought that a more generic name suited well and hope this will remove the "commerce-only" connection that the old name created. Also, there are many similarly named products out there that we wish to avoid confusion with.

    As the product has not yet been released this is the best time for such things. Note that all previous blog entries have been updated.

    Long-time IPS customers may be familiar with the IP.Nexus name as it was the name of a previous product (fairly similar to this one) that we decided not to release. We thought the nostalgia factor would be a great benefit to this new product. Thanks for your interest!

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  10. The first public beta release of IP.Board 3.1, applications, and related services is fast approaching. This blog entry will let you know what to expect and what you can do to help us in the process.

    We believe, as most other responsible software development companies do, that releasing beta versions is the best way to ensure that the software is as stable as it can be before a final, supported version is released. These beta releases are for testing purposes and allow our customers who are interested in testing them prior to release a chance to let us know what problems they may find so we can fix them before the software goes out to the many thousands of casual users all over the web.

    A beta release will always have issues with the software that need to be addressed so, as always, we do not suggest using beta software on your live site. Please do not use the beta software unless you are comfortable working with software that may have various issues that will need to be addressed in updates.

    Over the next two weeks you can expect to see public beta releases of the following:

    • IP.Board 3.1 (see this announcement for a list of what's new)
    • IP.Gallery 3.2.0 (maintenance release for IP.Board 3.1 compatibility and bug fixes)
    • IP.Blog 2.2.0 (maintenance release for IP.Board 3.1 compatibility and bug fixes)
    • IP.Downloads 2.2.0 (maintenance release for IP.Board 3.1 compatibility and bug fixes)
    • IP.Content 2.0 (please see our blog to find info on what's new)
    • IP.Chat 1.1.0 (please see our blog to find info on what's new)
    • CleanCut Skin for IP.Board 3.1
    • MS-SQL Database Driver for IP.Board 3.1 and Applications

    As you can see, that is quite a list of new versions coming out so we will certainly appreciate everyone assisting with testing and reporting any issues you come across in our bug tracker. The announcement for these beta releases will be made here on our company blog so be sure to track or subscribe to the RSS feed for this blog. Beta versions will be available to those customers with an active license to those products.

    The announcements of each beta release in this blog will also contain information on what you should (and should not) do with the beta releases. We will also let you know if there will be upgrade options from Beta 1 to Beta 2 of the various products. Please (we beg of you) read those announcements very carefully before downloading the betas to save yourself time.

    Take this time between now and the beta releases to prepare your testing environments on your hosting and make backups of everything so you are ready to go on beta day. We are very exited to be entering the public beta phase as this means the final release is just around the corner!

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  11. The new mobile skin for IP.Board 3.1 is now available for viewing right here on our community! Just visit on a popular mobile device and the skin will load automatically.

    Separate Skin

    The mobile skin shows as a separate skin in your AdminCP so you can edit it as you see fit. Change the colors, put up your own logo, or even put in mobile ads to monetize your community.

    Support for Popular Mobile Devices

    IP.Board 3.1 has built in support for a list of many popular mobile devices. Keep in mind it's easy to add support for even more right in the AdminCP.

    Included with IP.Board 3.1

    This new mobile skin is included for free with IP.Board 3.1 when it is released. It will install right along with the upgrade and be available for your members to enjoy.

    If you find any issues please report them to the bug tracker. Enjoy!

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