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Posts posted by Charles

  1. Actually the devs are just pointing out that it is indeed working as intended. The setting says "increment post number" which is working properly in that the RSS user post count does not get increased for RSS feeds.

    You are referring to a totally different thing. The daily stats look at all users and show which user has made the most posts in the last 24 hours - it has nothing to do with an individual user's post count. It may be your RSS user. Of course you might not want this to happen but that has nothing to do with incrementing their post count.

  2. Would be nice to have a script that could test all passwords and email/PM the customer requesting them change their password if deemed too week.

    I must say that would not only be incredibly annoying if a web site sent me an email "I think your password is awfully weak" but it would be impossible as all passwords in IPB are stored hashed so IPB doesn't know what they are to begin with.
  3. (Side note: don't put much stock in the BBB. Most complaints sent to the BBB are not to do with IPS but rather people send complaints to us about IPBs out there thinking we run them. Plus I could go on a huge rant about the BBB but that's a different topic.)

    As with most businesses 99% of clients are happy but it's the 1% who are not happy who you hear from :)

    Most of our complaints come from client-confusion. The last few posted here were people thinking we had somehow removed their license when they were just logging in under the wrong email address, for example. We also get a lot of "timezone" complaints. Like someone in Europe will post a ticket and wonder why it's taking "so long" for a reply forgetting it's 3:00 am here. Sure we have staff in tickets from Europe too but some stuff requires certain staff to take care of.

    We also get complaints from what I call "abnormal expectations" like: client has IPB installed on a host using ultra-secure PHP setup with almost everything disabled and is mad because things don't work. Another one would be languages issues. We are continuing to work on language issues but when your whole staff only speaks English it's hard to debug language issues and some people become angry thinking we don't care when really it's just an ongoing process as it is so hard for us to debug.

    Of course we sometimes miss a response timeframe for a ticket, give a client wrong information, and mess up. That's understandable. When we do mess up we never defend ourselves we acknowledge it and try to fix it. We do get defensive though when someone posts a rant on the forums and misrepresents the facts. That really drives me nuts :)

  4. Not really sure why you're so angry. All you have to do is click contact us on the web page and there are several ways to get in touch with us. We receive hundreds of messages a day so it's not like we hide it :)

  5. Just a simple question.

    When you file a dispute against IPS for an issue like


    's, will IPS issue a refund?

    To the best of my understanding, he paid for the products, but does not get to manage his own purchases. So, if he (since he already has) files a dispute with a reason such as, I paid for this product, and cannot use it on my own board, will you issue a refund and remove the product from that account?

    We cannot issue a refund as he didn't buy the license from us therefore we don't have his money even if we wanted to refund :)
  6. I am not sure what you expect us to do. By your own statement the account is not in your name it's in the name of the Scott you mentioned. Scott is the client of record. He could certainly login and change that information but that is up to him - we will certainly not go changing client login information just because someone claims to have purchased the license from a third-party site. Can you imagine the chaos that would cause?

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