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Joel R

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  1. Sad
    Joel R got a reaction from Sonya* in CKEditor 5   
    I asked IPS about Ckeditor 5 because I liked the inline and balloon toolbars.  
    @Mark slapped me down.  Hard.  My cheeks still sting from the slapdown LOL.  Something about IPS would need to rewrite all of their plugins, we would lose some of the features that IPS needs, and current version is supported until 2023.  So that's a hard no.  
    Not until Invision Community 5 maybe or later.  
  2. Sad
    Joel R got a reaction from Kpp in CKEditor 5   
    I asked IPS about Ckeditor 5 because I liked the inline and balloon toolbars.  
    @Mark slapped me down.  Hard.  My cheeks still sting from the slapdown LOL.  Something about IPS would need to rewrite all of their plugins, we would lose some of the features that IPS needs, and current version is supported until 2023.  So that's a hard no.  
    Not until Invision Community 5 maybe or later.  
  3. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from Chris Anderson in Member Away   
    Add warning or message in PM that member is away.  
  4. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from sobrenome in Thumbnail Quality: will thumbnails be recreated?   
    IPS likes to hide little functions and tools where they think we might need them.   😀
  5. Haha
    Joel R got a reaction from BomAle in Thumbnail Quality: will thumbnails be recreated?   
    IPS likes to hide little functions and tools where they think we might need them.   😀
  6. Thanks
    Joel R got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Filter by First Letter of Topic Title   
    Love this file - very useful to organize and sort your forums!  
  7. Like
    Joel R reacted to WP V0RT3X in Links Directory   
    Hello @Adriano Faria,
    how about adding Google as Thumbnail API? It's fast AND free. The Link Directory from xenMade uses it. It also has the option if no thumbnail is uploaded, Google is used automatically as fallback. The images are fetched once via Google and then stored on the own server, so when you edit a link, you get a new thumbnail too.
    You can see it live on one of my XF sites https://mental-vortex.com/links/
    Best Regards
  8. Like
    Joel R reacted to Yamamura in CKEditor 5   
    Will Invision Community 4.4 include CKEditor 5? If not, then I would like the font size button and text alignment button to be like in CKEditor 5.
    1. Font size:

    This button looks better on the toolbar. The list of options is simple, concise and convenient. In addition, it will not allow users to make the font size too small or too large.
    2. Text alignment:

    This button takes up less space on the toolbar, and it is more convenient to use it in the editor on a smartphone, for example.
  9. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Filter by First Letter of Topic Title   
    Hi, I just installed the plugin.  Thanks.
    Pagination doesn't work on letters.  For example, click on Letter A page 1.  Then go to page 2, you see results from all letters.  
  10. Like
    Joel R reacted to jair101 in Advanced Tags & Prefixes - IPS 4.x   
    Great that someone is taking over the app, I do hope that at least compatibility with upcoming versions will be guaranteed. I don't mind adding renewal costs to the app either.
    Still, I was hoping that Kevin can put some love towards his other apps, now it seems he will be even more busy... 
  11. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from PrettyPixels in Advanced Tags & Prefixes - IPS 4.x   
    Praise the Lord and hallelujah to sweet baby Jesus, we have a savior in the house! Thank goodness you're taking over this app.  
    I would have been sad if this app died.  
  12. Like
    Joel R reacted to AmericanRev2 in Clubs Enhancements   
    We need Club Membership application form 
  13. Haha
    Joel R got a reaction from SJ77 in 5.0 - A Discussion   
    1. I applaud you for starting an IPS 5.0 feedback topic before me.  Props to you.  
    2. Customizable homepage - no.  I want to control the display and presentation (and I will admit, the ad placement because I'm a greedy admin farming my user's data.  Take that GDPR!).  
    -- 2a. I'm okay with personalizing the content on the page. For eaxmple, pushing content from followers or prioritizing popular content for more interesting and relevant content.  But not the overall layout.  
    -- 2b.  If this were Blogs or Profiles that are tied to the user, I could understand.  Those are "individual spaces"in the where it makes sense to give more design control.  But again, not the homepage which is a community homepage.  
    4.4. See how I skipped to this number.  IPS is taking it's sweet time.  
  14. Haha
    Joel R got a reaction from LaCollision in 5.0 - A Discussion   
    1. I applaud you for starting an IPS 5.0 feedback topic before me.  Props to you.  
    2. Customizable homepage - no.  I want to control the display and presentation (and I will admit, the ad placement because I'm a greedy admin farming my user's data.  Take that GDPR!).  
    -- 2a. I'm okay with personalizing the content on the page. For eaxmple, pushing content from followers or prioritizing popular content for more interesting and relevant content.  But not the overall layout.  
    -- 2b.  If this were Blogs or Profiles that are tied to the user, I could understand.  Those are "individual spaces"in the where it makes sense to give more design control.  But again, not the homepage which is a community homepage.  
    4.4. See how I skipped to this number.  IPS is taking it's sweet time.  
  15. Like
    Joel R reacted to CP_User in 5.0 - A Discussion   
    I think it’s time that us (customers) and the team look over on what has been asked many, many times on here and have a poll system to which we could vote (anything core based for the software). I'm sure over the years we've asked for features to be implemented and had to wait years for it to come to the system; i.e. - Subscriptions, but I feel it was featureless and rushed.
    We often see the team spend time on introducing new features without listening to us on what it’s loyal customer wants. Now don't get me wrong, we've had some great things added too, but a balance would be great and really help us connect to the team more and really show that we can openly ask and discuss future options. After all, without us a business doesn't exist.
  16. Haha
    Joel R got a reaction from SoloInter in 5.0 - A Discussion   
    1. I applaud you for starting an IPS 5.0 feedback topic before me.  Props to you.  
    2. Customizable homepage - no.  I want to control the display and presentation (and I will admit, the ad placement because I'm a greedy admin farming my user's data.  Take that GDPR!).  
    -- 2a. I'm okay with personalizing the content on the page. For eaxmple, pushing content from followers or prioritizing popular content for more interesting and relevant content.  But not the overall layout.  
    -- 2b.  If this were Blogs or Profiles that are tied to the user, I could understand.  Those are "individual spaces"in the where it makes sense to give more design control.  But again, not the homepage which is a community homepage.  
    4.4. See how I skipped to this number.  IPS is taking it's sweet time.  
  17. Like
    Joel R reacted to Tom S. in 5.0 - A Discussion   
    At this stage, any discussion about 5.0 should be about the architecture (dev side) of the product imo. Unless a drastic new feature is planned that would warrant going to 5.0. Nothing the topic starter has suggested would qualify. 
    All these features could be introduced in the 4.x series. (not that they should).
    Example topic:
    Should the dependency on PHP be reduced? Many modern websites work in a single page application type format. How about introducing technology such as React.js? 
    What about using the power of Node.js? Could IPS software benefit from having access to npm packages?
    I think I remember IPS once saying 5.0 would not have a major overall with the architecture of the software. But, seeing how fast the dev world is evolving and changing, it may not be wise decision.
  18. Haha
    Joel R got a reaction from ADKGamers in 5.0 - A Discussion   
    1. I applaud you for starting an IPS 5.0 feedback topic before me.  Props to you.  
    2. Customizable homepage - no.  I want to control the display and presentation (and I will admit, the ad placement because I'm a greedy admin farming my user's data.  Take that GDPR!).  
    -- 2a. I'm okay with personalizing the content on the page. For eaxmple, pushing content from followers or prioritizing popular content for more interesting and relevant content.  But not the overall layout.  
    -- 2b.  If this were Blogs or Profiles that are tied to the user, I could understand.  Those are "individual spaces"in the where it makes sense to give more design control.  But again, not the homepage which is a community homepage.  
    4.4. See how I skipped to this number.  IPS is taking it's sweet time.  
  19. Haha
    Joel R got a reaction from RObiN-HoOD in 5.0 - A Discussion   
    1. I applaud you for starting an IPS 5.0 feedback topic before me.  Props to you.  
    2. Customizable homepage - no.  I want to control the display and presentation (and I will admit, the ad placement because I'm a greedy admin farming my user's data.  Take that GDPR!).  
    -- 2a. I'm okay with personalizing the content on the page. For eaxmple, pushing content from followers or prioritizing popular content for more interesting and relevant content.  But not the overall layout.  
    -- 2b.  If this were Blogs or Profiles that are tied to the user, I could understand.  Those are "individual spaces"in the where it makes sense to give more design control.  But again, not the homepage which is a community homepage.  
    4.4. See how I skipped to this number.  IPS is taking it's sweet time.  
  20. Haha
    Joel R got a reaction from Adlago in 5.0 - A Discussion   
    1. I applaud you for starting an IPS 5.0 feedback topic before me.  Props to you.  
    2. Customizable homepage - no.  I want to control the display and presentation (and I will admit, the ad placement because I'm a greedy admin farming my user's data.  Take that GDPR!).  
    -- 2a. I'm okay with personalizing the content on the page. For eaxmple, pushing content from followers or prioritizing popular content for more interesting and relevant content.  But not the overall layout.  
    -- 2b.  If this were Blogs or Profiles that are tied to the user, I could understand.  Those are "individual spaces"in the where it makes sense to give more design control.  But again, not the homepage which is a community homepage.  
    4.4. See how I skipped to this number.  IPS is taking it's sweet time.  
  21. Haha
    Joel R got a reaction from AlexWright in 5.0 - A Discussion   
    1. I applaud you for starting an IPS 5.0 feedback topic before me.  Props to you.  
    2. Customizable homepage - no.  I want to control the display and presentation (and I will admit, the ad placement because I'm a greedy admin farming my user's data.  Take that GDPR!).  
    -- 2a. I'm okay with personalizing the content on the page. For eaxmple, pushing content from followers or prioritizing popular content for more interesting and relevant content.  But not the overall layout.  
    -- 2b.  If this were Blogs or Profiles that are tied to the user, I could understand.  Those are "individual spaces"in the where it makes sense to give more design control.  But again, not the homepage which is a community homepage.  
    4.4. See how I skipped to this number.  IPS is taking it's sweet time.  
  22. Like
    Joel R reacted to opentype in Anonymization / GDPR   
    Parts of the GDPR read very strictly can be interpreted that way, but there are also clauses which can explicitly overrule that, e.g. “for exercising the right of freedom of expression and information” or “for archiving purposes in the public interest”, which might apply to forum discussions. Just stating what “Jon Doe” said publicly in a forum might be a typical case for both points. For a definitive answer, we would have to wait for a court ruling which specifically deals with that. Note that GDPR is about data processing and the (mis)use which can follow from that. It is not a tool for people to never being mentioned again on the internet. That’s not the goal since it would have tons of bad consequences as well. 
  23. Thanks
    Joel R got a reaction from zyx in 'Random' gallery image... not so random   
    Submit this as a bug.  
  24. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from FZ in Feedback on Clubs   
    Need blocks for club feeds.  
    Trying to revamp my homepage.  No blocks to pull content from clubs.  
  25. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from TheWorldNewsMedia.org in Feedback on Clubs   
    Club Activity: shows every album image in the stream.    This really needs to be fixed, because an upload of an album floods the stream.  
    Please give us configurable options over the club activity stream.
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