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  1. Like
    Cyboman reacted to A Zayed in Sliding Upcoming Events Widget [Support Topic]   
    What's New in Version 2.0.1   
    Released Just now
    Added CSS class to hide slides until page finish loading.
  2. Like
    Cyboman reacted to CodingJungle in CodingJungle's Apps [support topic]   
    so its the automated one that isn't working? cause last time it was reported, i tested the manual (since they both use the same code) and it was working there. must be a hiccup in the flow that is causing it then, i'll check it out.
    its not a bug, its a debug message, i meant to type in debug instead of log, that way it would only work if the constant is defined for it, its been fixed in this latest version.
    working on UI and stabilizing the features i've added, all i can really say for ETA, possibly in the next 3 weeks or so. Since it is a huge upgrade from v2, i want to make sure everything is working and stable before releasing. 
    check the rooms perms, does the banned group have permissions to use babble? if they don't and this is still possibly, i'll dive a bit deeper into what could be causing this. 
    this has been fixed in the latest version of dplus.
    i'll reply in the PM you sent thanks. 
  3. Like
    Cyboman reacted to Joel R in Feedback on Clubs   
    Not happy.  
    That summarizes my feelings on clubs.  I investigated clubs three times in the past and last night I officially converted my group from Group Collaboration over to IP.Clubs, and I'm still deeply unhappy.  I feel like I went from driving a top-of-the-line Mercedes to a Kia.  The only thing going for the Kia is that it's company-insured to always be supported.  
    This is an incredibly sensitive topic to me, because the reputation and features of my community are now critiqued by a third-party Club Leader who has entrusted me to move his 12-year group over to my community.  
    I don't even know where to begin:
    No homepage - Your dinky little text box doesn't cut it.  My Club Leader understands the concept of a homepage, wants a homepage, and deserves a homepage.  A homepage with full ckeditor capabilities with image attachments, bold, colors and all the other wild and outrageous formatting that he wants.  He wants it more than an Activity Stream, which we can't customize anyways. Follow - no club-wide follow.  These external members have no bloody clue what your features are, and asking them to follow each node is ridiculous.  Getting them through a two-step process to register on my community and then join the club is already a huge ask.  But once they join the club, they don't get notified on any of the content even though that's the whole reason why they joined.  Once a member joins a club, they should auto-follow the club.   Members No custom moderator permissions.  I have no idea what moderator permissions were just given to the moderator.    No member outreach.  How does my club owner actually message or mail his members to market outside of his club?   Nodes - no reordering, which means you're screwed on ordering. Nodes - no categories within nodes, which is a major pain point for me.  I had to convince my Club Leader to reduce 70+ categories into 3.   He had detailed categories for each letter of the album A-Z, and now all albums are mixed together in 39 pages of albums.  Content is king, and the inability to organize and categorize within nodes is a huge pain point.   Conversion - no conversion of existing nodes.  I have no idea how IPS expected me to manually move 49,700 content items into clubs.  Content is king, and clubs is not easy to transfer content in / out.   Delete and Move/Delete - In the ACP > Community app nodes, club nodes are not an option when using Delete or Move / Delete.  Node Settings - I, as root admin, don't have full node control over settings or permissions.  For example, in galleries I can't enable "only use albums".  I have no idea how or where these nodes are inheriting certain settings that are beyond even my control as a root admin, and that's a big problem.   I am asking a Club Leader to trust me to move his content, his members, and his loyalty over to me, yet these are the real challenges that I'm facing: his members aren't notified of new content; his members can't find content in 39 pages of albums; and his moderator and members can do whatever with whatever permissions they want because I can't control user, moderator, or node permissions.
  4. Like
    Cyboman reacted to A Zayed in Sliding Upcoming Events Widget [Support Topic]   
    Reviews, Comments & Suggestions all are truly required.
  5. Like
    Cyboman reacted to NeedCoffee in Enhanced Links Moderation   
    Hi @Adriano Faria - nice plugin thanks. Would you consider adding 'No of posts' as an option on this? That way a user has to be registered for X days and posted at least X posts. This would stop people registering dummy accounts, waiting a few days (depending on the limit) and then being able to post.
  6. Like
    Cyboman reacted to gavpedz in Inactive Members & Real Last Activity Supporttopic   
    Because members that are inactive for 60 days or more get both emails and tell us to stop spamming them and then tell us to delete their account if thats the kind of frum we are. So it kind of has the oposit effect. I want to give them a nudge and hopefuly in a proactive way bring them back rather than annoy them and they want to leave anyway. Think i will just have to do it manualy via the bulk email feature in IPS
  7. Like
    Cyboman reacted to Heosforo in Database Tickets / Support   
    ADD BAGDES (as request)
    pinned, closed, featured etc..

    If you have already installed this Database, just follow this step:
    1. Page Management -> Templates -> Open: Database Tickets Records -> Entry
    Replace all code with this new one:
    <div class='ipsGrid ipsGrid_collapsePhone ipsDataItem'> <div class='ipsGrid_span1 ipsType_light ipsType_center ipsPad ipsResponsive_hidePhone'>#{$record->primary_id_field}</div> <div class='ipsGrid_span1 ipsPad'>{$record->customFieldDisplayByKey('db_field_priority')|raw}</div> <div class='ipsGrid_span4 ipsPad ipsType_left'> <div class='ipsPhotoPanel ipsPhotoPanel_tiny'> {template="userPhoto" app="core" group="global" params="$record->author(), 'tiny'"} <div> <div data-ipsTruncate data-ipsTruncate-size='1 lines' data-ipsTruncate-type='remove'><a href="{$record->url()}" data-ipstooltip="" title="{$record->_title}">{wordbreak="$record->_title"}</a></div> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsType_medium ipsType_blendLinks'> {{if $record->canEditTitle()}}{{if $record->unread()}}<i data-ipstooltip="" title='{lang="calperm_perm__reply"}' class="fa fa-commenting-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{endif}}{{endif}}{template="userLink" app="core" group="global" params="$record->author(), $record->warningRef()"} </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class='ipsGrid_span2 ipsPad ipsType_light ipsType_left ipsResponsive_hidePhone'> <a data-ipstooltip="" title='{$record->container()->_title}' href="{$record->container()->url()}">{$record->container()->_title}</a></div> <div class='ipsGrid_span2 ipsPad ipsType_light ipsResponsive_hidePhone'> {{if $record->locked()}}<span class='ipsBadge ipsBadge_new ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_icon ipsType_center ipsBadge_warning' data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="locked"}'><i class='fa fa-lock'></i></span> {{endif}} {{if $record->isFutureDate() || $record->mapped('pinned') || $record->mapped('featured') || $record->hidden() === -1 || $record->hidden() === 1 || $record->hidden() === -2}} {{if $record->isFutureDate()}} <span><span class=" ipsBadge ipsBadge_new ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_icon ipsType_center ipsBadge_warning" data-ipsTooltip title='{$record->futureDateBlurb()}'><i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i></span></span> {{elseif $record->hidden() === -1}} <span><span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_new ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_icon ipsType_center ipsBadge_warning" data-ipsTooltip title='{$record->hiddenBlurb()}'><i class='fa fa-eye-slash'></i></span></span> {{elseif $record->hidden() === -2}} <span><span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_new ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_icon ipsType_center ipsBadge_warning" data-ipsTooltip title='{$record->deletedBlurb()}'><i class='fa fa-trash'></i></span></span> {{elseif $record->hidden() === 1}} <span><span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_new ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_icon ipsType_center ipsBadge_warning" data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="pending_approval"}'><i class='fa fa-warning'></i></span></span> {{endif}} {{if $record->mapped('pinned')}} <span><span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_new ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_icon ipsType_center ipsBadge_positive" data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="pinned"}'><i class='fa fa-thumb-tack'></i></span></span> {{endif}} {{if $record->mapped('featured')}} <span><span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_new ipsBadge_small ipsBadge_icon ipsType_center ipsBadge_intermediary" data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="featured"}'><i class='fa fa-star'></i></span></span> {{endif}} {{endif}} <span class=' ipsBadge ipsBadge_large ipsType_success'>{$record->customFieldDisplayByKey('db_field_status', 'processed')}</span> </div> <div class='ipsGrid_span2 ipsPad ipsType_light'> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsType_medium ipsType_light'>{datetime="$record->mapped('date')"}</p> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsResponsive_hideDesktop ipsPos_right ipsType_small ipsType_light'>{datetime="$record->mapped('date')"}</p> </div> </div> Done.
  8. Like
    Cyboman reacted to BomAle in Call to Action Popup   
    from suggestion: 
    <p> <a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image ipsAttachLink_left" href="https://i.imgur.com/2Q9nu8m.jpg" style="float: left;"><img alt="book cover" class="ipsImage" height="206" src="https://i.imgur.com/2Q9nu8m.jpg" style="width: 148px; height: 220px;" width="196"></a> </p> <p style="text-align: left;"> <span style="font-size:22px;line-height:1.5;"><strong>12 Proven Ways to Convert Abandoning Visitors into Subscribers</strong></span> </p> <p style="text-align: left;line-height:1.8;"> Over 70% of visitors who abandon your website will never return! Learn how to unlock the highest conversion revenue from each of your website visitors! </p> removed class ipsImage_thumbnailed, unset the border for attached image.
    <div id='bacalltoactionpopup' data-controller='plugins.bacalltoactionpopup' class="ipsHide" data-size="{$p->size}" data-modal="{$p->modal}" data-content="{$p->content}" data-title="{$p->title}" data-close="{$p->close}" data-close-on-click="{$p->closeOnClick}" data-open-on-click="{$p->openOnClick}" data-class-name="{$p->className}" data-transition-popup-show="{$p->transitionPopupShow}" data-transition-popup-hide="{$p->transitionPopupHide}" data-transition-modal-show="{$p->transitionModalShow}" data-transition-modal-hide="{$p->transitionModalHide}" data-exit="{$p->exit}" data-scroll="{$p->scroll}" data-unset="{$p->unset}" data-align="{$p->align}" data-position="{$p->position}" data-wait="{$p->wait}" > <div class='ipsPad ipsType_center'> {$p->msg|raw} </div> {{$form = new \IPS\Helpers\Form( 'form', null, \IPS\Http\Url::internal( 'app=core&module=system&controller=register', 'front', 'register' )/*, array( 'data-controller' => 'core.front.system.register')*/ );}} {{$email = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Email( 'email_address', NULL, TRUE, array( 'accountEmail' => TRUE, 'maxLength' => 150, 'bypassProfanity' => TRUE, 'placeholder' => 'Email' ) );$form->addHtml( $email->html() );}} {{$form->addHtml(\IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'forms', 'core', 'global' )->button( 'sign_up', 'submit', null, 'ipsButton ipsButton_primary ipsButton_small', array( 'tabindex' => '2', 'accesskey' => 's' ) ));}}{{$form = preg_replace(['/data-ipsForm/', '/<div class="ipsAreaBackground_light ipsClearfix ipsPad ipsType_center">[.\s]*<\/div>/'], '', $form );}} <div class="ipsPad" style="background: #d0d0d0;text-align:center">{$form|raw}</div> </div> removed {{if !member.member_id}}...{{endif}} from Template field, I suggest to adopt "Show to selected Group" option for filter by groups (so it's easier to manage and decrease confusion).
  9. Like
    Cyboman reacted to Bluto in iAwards   
    Hello.  Would it be possible to get a points field in the Main options when creating an award?  With so many people using points systems it would be great to have a separate field to list the number or point the person is going to get with the award.  
  10. Like
    Cyboman reacted to gavpedz in Inactive Members & Real Last Activity Supporttopic   
    I have several rules to send out email. inactive days 7,60,90,180,360,720
    What i am seeing in the logs is that members that have been inactive as far back as 2014 or logged as inactive for 7 days so are they going to get all the emails from each rule. In my mind that user should get the 720 days email rather that the 7 days. My 7 day email says we missed you this week so its not really going to make sense to those that have been inactive for a long time. 
    Just to update users have reported getting 6 emails now which suggests because they have been inactive for a long time they trigger all the rules and get all the emails. So it's seems my option is to only have one rule. Kind of defeats being able to have multiple rules. 
  11. Like
    Cyboman reacted to JEFF MACK in Classifieds System   
    There have been no updates since May.  The reason I posted this again is because my renewal for support is next month and at this point, i feel it would be a waste of another $20 if there will be no more development happens.  I have no problem paying for plugins or added features.  I just need to know if I should invest my time in this, look for outside development of this or just use a different platform all together.  This came out almost 2 years ago now and it's only improved marginally.  It could be a killer app.
  12. Sad
    Cyboman reacted to ibaker in Classifieds System   
    Personally I can't see much in how it could be improved, I think it's bloody brilliant the way it is
  13. Like
    Cyboman reacted to Genestoy in Classifieds System   
    What I would like to see is the current BUGS fixed--
    The email system to contact the seller does not work correctly
    some language strings wrong
    The days to expire on the front end do not match the ACP days to expire
    Deleting an ad in the list view with the IPS checkbox does not delete it in the ACP
    The sellers location should be on the list view also and not just the ad itself (very easy to add by the developer)
    There should be ACP "switches" for things like "ask a question" if the admin chooses to not use that etc
    I was one of the very first beta testers long ago when Andy Milne originally developed the classifieds so have been "around the block" with this app .
  14. Like
    Cyboman reacted to kmk in Classifieds System   
  15. Like
    Cyboman reacted to JEFF MACK in Classifieds System   
    What is the roadmap for this product?  I bought it when it came out and I haven't seen an major improvement in a very long time.  The updates have been minimal as far as feature enhancement.  Maybe most are happy with where its at. I am not saying it's bad product at all, this is not meant to be a negative post, I just want to know if there is more coming to it in any foreseeable future.  I would even be happy to pay extra for plugins for it, I am not looking for freebies.  Did the shipping tracker ever get created, how about integration with other marketplaces, how about proper multi-currency integration to where if you have a global forum, each vendor can pick their proper base currency, then the system converts it.  I can keep going if you are interested.  I would just like to hear about a v2.0 that will show there will be more to this system.
  16. Like
    Cyboman got a reaction from PrettyPixels in Download App Love   
    Additionally, this is what I'm missing in the downloads app:
    more choices how to display special files selections in the thumbnails preview slider bars
    Please let us have additional, new, flexible preview bars) on the downloads index page.
    Currently there are only unchangeable "featured files" / "newest files" / "popular files" preview bars, but this doesn't suit my requirements. I require

    # manually preselected files (editor's choice)
    # top paid files, top free files
    # special offers
    # sponsored downloads
      in the files details page, currently there is only the "screenshots bar" with the thumbnails images, but I think it should be more of a sensational shop with a BIG PRIMARY IMAGE or a banner. nowadays, users want to see EYE-CATCHING COVER IMAGES. For IPS, marketplace files functionality (text) might be the most requested information, but for other products (f.e. music or video downloads) users decide about purchases also by looking at images or video! Therefore, the layout looks pretty lost, lame, unspectacular.
      members (file authors) want their own / personal members downloads shops. Have a look at the classifieds app and the "user store concept". This should be realized for downloads, too, and connected to the user profiles pages. My file authors wish to have big profile banners for their downloads (with their commercial logos), introduction texts to their own shops and more
      an integrated reviews rating bar like in "downloads plus"
    # the downloads plus app looks great, but for my requirements (I have special code for missing EU tax features and this restricts me to install third party apps, so a native solution is required)
      an option where to store files per file.
    I want to transfer small files to Amazon S3, but bigger files (f.e. 1GB video files) should be stored locally to avoid high cloud transfer costs. I experience that my users download their files multiple times again and again and this becomes more and more expensive
    # maybe insert a restriction how often a single file can be downloaded
      make files versioning a choice per file or per default settings
    # if an author only changes any images or only adjusts spelling errors in his downloads, all followers are notified about file changes, BUT THERE IS NO FILE CHANGE!
    # stop notifying members if the files (in the proper sense -> the downloads, not the download descriptions) aren't changed
      more visual elements and effects onmouseover
    # this could also be a plugin, but a modern look should have a minimal stylish default behavior
      the categories box in the sidebar on the downloads main index page is a total waste of space (below the details info)
    # please make it at least concealable by default or by user choice or let us reposition it
      downloads require a downloads shopping cart for purchasing multiple file downloads at once
    # if members want to buy a lot of files, it's very annoying to checkout for every single file
      in the european union, you have to inform your customer that there is no refund for downloads possible. We may NOT have this information in our terms and conditions. It MUST BE DISPLAYED directly above the "buy now" button. Therefore we urgently require special and flexible check and text boxes. If there isn't such an information box, every purchaser can directly refund their purchased downloads and PayPal will refund without any further discussion. More info HERE.
      have colored marketing badges for the preview thumbnails
    # new, hot, recommended, reduced price, limited offer...
      free, but password-protected downloads
    # let us add a secondary security level, like password protected forums
      add commission levels per member group
    # one commission setting for all members isn't very good, I require to award members by status and hence adjust commission values individually
      a files wishlist
    # that reminds me of interesting files I might purchase one day...
      integration of a points system (preferred "members shop", @TheJackal84 ), where users can/must pay for file downloads with points (even free downloads, option enabled per file by download author).
    # below the real currency price, there should be shown a points price (virtual currency).
    as an alternative I could also imagine:
    # earn downloads credits with quality contents in the forums to be able to download "free files". this way members have to engage better to get free premium files.
    # or handle free downloads as "granted if you have a good reputation quota aso"
      the "download now" or "buy now" button requires more attention
    # some of my users just don't see it directly Dear IPS Team, you publish blog articles about monetizing our communities, so please help us to really make powerselling use of the downloads app. I think the current status is still very basic. The downloads app is really missing a lot love and isn't optimized for powerselling at all. Thank you.
  17. Thanks
    Cyboman got a reaction from SJ77 in Download App Love   
    Additionally, this is what I'm missing in the downloads app:
    more choices how to display special files selections in the thumbnails preview slider bars
    Please let us have additional, new, flexible preview bars) on the downloads index page.
    Currently there are only unchangeable "featured files" / "newest files" / "popular files" preview bars, but this doesn't suit my requirements. I require

    # manually preselected files (editor's choice)
    # top paid files, top free files
    # special offers
    # sponsored downloads
      in the files details page, currently there is only the "screenshots bar" with the thumbnails images, but I think it should be more of a sensational shop with a BIG PRIMARY IMAGE or a banner. nowadays, users want to see EYE-CATCHING COVER IMAGES. For IPS, marketplace files functionality (text) might be the most requested information, but for other products (f.e. music or video downloads) users decide about purchases also by looking at images or video! Therefore, the layout looks pretty lost, lame, unspectacular.
      members (file authors) want their own / personal members downloads shops. Have a look at the classifieds app and the "user store concept". This should be realized for downloads, too, and connected to the user profiles pages. My file authors wish to have big profile banners for their downloads (with their commercial logos), introduction texts to their own shops and more
      an integrated reviews rating bar like in "downloads plus"
    # the downloads plus app looks great, but for my requirements (I have special code for missing EU tax features and this restricts me to install third party apps, so a native solution is required)
      an option where to store files per file.
    I want to transfer small files to Amazon S3, but bigger files (f.e. 1GB video files) should be stored locally to avoid high cloud transfer costs. I experience that my users download their files multiple times again and again and this becomes more and more expensive
    # maybe insert a restriction how often a single file can be downloaded
      make files versioning a choice per file or per default settings
    # if an author only changes any images or only adjusts spelling errors in his downloads, all followers are notified about file changes, BUT THERE IS NO FILE CHANGE!
    # stop notifying members if the files (in the proper sense -> the downloads, not the download descriptions) aren't changed
      more visual elements and effects onmouseover
    # this could also be a plugin, but a modern look should have a minimal stylish default behavior
      the categories box in the sidebar on the downloads main index page is a total waste of space (below the details info)
    # please make it at least concealable by default or by user choice or let us reposition it
      downloads require a downloads shopping cart for purchasing multiple file downloads at once
    # if members want to buy a lot of files, it's very annoying to checkout for every single file
      in the european union, you have to inform your customer that there is no refund for downloads possible. We may NOT have this information in our terms and conditions. It MUST BE DISPLAYED directly above the "buy now" button. Therefore we urgently require special and flexible check and text boxes. If there isn't such an information box, every purchaser can directly refund their purchased downloads and PayPal will refund without any further discussion. More info HERE.
      have colored marketing badges for the preview thumbnails
    # new, hot, recommended, reduced price, limited offer...
      free, but password-protected downloads
    # let us add a secondary security level, like password protected forums
      add commission levels per member group
    # one commission setting for all members isn't very good, I require to award members by status and hence adjust commission values individually
      a files wishlist
    # that reminds me of interesting files I might purchase one day...
      integration of a points system (preferred "members shop", @TheJackal84 ), where users can/must pay for file downloads with points (even free downloads, option enabled per file by download author).
    # below the real currency price, there should be shown a points price (virtual currency).
    as an alternative I could also imagine:
    # earn downloads credits with quality contents in the forums to be able to download "free files". this way members have to engage better to get free premium files.
    # or handle free downloads as "granted if you have a good reputation quota aso"
      the "download now" or "buy now" button requires more attention
    # some of my users just don't see it directly Dear IPS Team, you publish blog articles about monetizing our communities, so please help us to really make powerselling use of the downloads app. I think the current status is still very basic. The downloads app is really missing a lot love and isn't optimized for powerselling at all. Thank you.
  18. Like
    Cyboman reacted to Gnuru in Newsletters   
    Hi @HeadStand,
    the issue with the content is also fixed running the support tool. Maybe it was because I already installed an older version of the newsletter.
    Everything is working now, but I get complains that the unsubscribe link doesn't work. Actually testing it myself it works. But when clicking on unsubscribe not beeing logged into the board, it will redirect to the main page.
    Would it be possible to show a confirmation message or redirecting to a special page when clicking on unsubscribe?
    Best regards and thank you for this great App
  19. Like
    Cyboman reacted to Jaymez in Members Shop ( Support Topic )   
    I love this—I love the gamble for points options. I don't think people will use it much. I cannot hype this up, without explaining why its awkward.
    1. When you lose points it does not say that, but rather says that you won. Its confusing and you have to do math to figure if you lost. 
    2. The results message (however misleading it may be) is a flash of an overlay. Its easily missed.
    Solution: Make losing and winning a big deal (YOU LOST X POINTS! or YOU WON X POINTS!) with a landing page we can customize (maybe from pages?) and an option to play again or return to shop.
    3. There is no landing page for anything and no way to put images in the default grid display that I saw. Just FA icons.  If I am going to give away a physical item (like a pair of sunglasses for example) for points I want to show them right in the grid.
    Solution: Allow for custom image per custom item that shows in the grid. (Like Super Grid)
    I think I could make custom pages and link to the games somehow as a work around, but I cannot make the win/lose message correct or exciting.
    And more gambling please! This could be a huge hit.
  20. Like
    Cyboman reacted to Grumpy in Tools & commands to diagnose problems   
    Well, I've seen quite a few requests for help in this forum now and I thought I'd gather a number of tools you can use to report your status. This will help others help you faster. :D That and additional ability to help yourself as well.

    Helpful information
    The following are information that's often crucial to diagnosing problems.
    What is the environment you are running your website from? IPB Hosting / Shared hosting / VPS / Cloud / Dedicated Server? If VPS/Cloud/Dedi, what are your cpu, ram and disk availability?

    The following are tools you can run in order to gather further data. These can be run from ssh and is only accessible for vps, cloud and dedicated servers for linux distributions.

    top - Top processes (very useful for any scenario) | top is usually available in all linux OS distros by default.

    top (this will constantly output your server's general status as well as top processes, default in CPU usage order) top n -1 (same as above, but will output your first stat instead of constant loop) If you'd like more colourful version. There is also htop (usually not available by default. Can get here: http://htop.sourceforge.net/ or rpmforge ) iostat - Input/Output Statistics (very useful in diagnosing disk usage) | iostat is part of sysstat package.

    iostat (this will output general stats regarding IO) iostat -x 10 5 (this will output extra information for 5 times total with 10 second intervals. First stat is always "since boot" and after is since last report) sar - System Activity Reporter (Displays system performance over time) | sar is part of sysstat package

    sar mpstat - Multiprocessor Usage (Displays system stats in relative to CPU) | mpstat is part of sysstat package

    mpstat Apache Status (Outputs the apache status) | apachectl status, as name suggests requres apache to get the stats. You will also need to have a shell browser to run.

    apachectl status (This outputs the simplified current status) apachectl fullstatus (This outputs the detailed current status. Please be warned that this will list all users and their requests. So, you will want to remove any IP address and further private information) Connections

    netstat -an | grep :80 | wc -l (This lets us know how many people are connected to your server on port 80 [http]) Uptime (How long you've been up)

    uptime vmstat - virtual memory statistics (This is actually not related to virtualization. This is about your swap)

    vmstat free (Shows your memory statistics)

    free free -m (In megabytes) free -g (In gigabytes) beancounters (Shows your limits) | Only for those with VPS/Cloud systems

    cat /proc/user_beancounters ifstat (Gives live information about network usage on each network interface)

    ifstat iftop (Similar to ifstat, but per user and top behavior)

    iftop mysqltuner (Gives information and suggestions about your current mysql configuration) | Available at below address Available at: http://mysqltuner.pl/ You can run the mysqltuner with perl (chmod to 755 and run or call with perl) and type in your administrative mysql user id/pass. mysqlmymon Available at: http://mysqlmymon.com/ Similar to mysqltuner, but lot more information about everything else too! This is mostly meant to serve as an all-in-one tool. MySQL Workbench http://www.mysql.com...ucts/workbench/ This is a GUI tool that helps you administer, diagnose and plan. (Complete) Monitoring Solutions Nagios (Everything - heavy learning curve) http://www.nagios.org/ Cacti (Network) http://www.cacti.net/ vnstat (Much more simple network usage logger) http://humdi.net/vnstat/ Useful to Know Settings MySQL settings | Only if you have mysql The settings are often found at: /etc/my.cnf Outputting your current information will help others identify problems. Apache/HTTPD settings | Only if you have apache The settings are often found at: /etc/httpd/conf.d/httpd.conf If you have WHM/cPanel, please look inside WHM instead. Outputting your current information will help others identify problems. Nginx Settings | Only if you have nginx The settings are often found at: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf Outputting your current information will help others identify problems. PHP Information (information regarding your current php build) | Available only to PHP users... for obvious reasons. To get full php information, there are 2 easy ways. One, make a php file with the below contents and save.

    <?php phpinfo(); ?> Or via shell

    php -i

    I'll add more if people suggest other tools.
  21. Like
    Cyboman reacted to MrFisc in TeamSpeak Integration   
    It's no secret that the current primary TeamSpeak Integration application is beginning to fade.
    With no updates in almost a year and a ridiculous price point of $60, it's time for something new.
    Click here for Something New
    Display members TeamSpeak status on their profile. Caching available for this feature. Send global messages to TeamSpeak clients. Automatically synch TeamSpeak server groups using both Profile Fields and Member Groups. Integrate a TSViewer as a widget. Multiple UUIDs for members. TeamSpeak Ban/Unban from ACP. Edit the TeamSpeak Server information from ACP. Manage member UUIDs through ACP. Coming Soon
    Synch forum bans with TeamSpeak bans. Integrate Reputation into the TeamSpeak Server TeamSpeak 5 Integration (once it's out) Option to require a TeamSpeak UUID to use the forum Notes
    It is highly recommended that under System->Settings->Advanced Configuration you enable either `Use Cron` or `Use Web Service` for the Task Method and set it up as instructed. This way, your Tasks are not relying on traffic to your site.
      Members can add their TeamSpeak UUIDs by going to their member menu on the top right, and clicking 'Account Settings'. Their TeamSpeak UUIDs can be found under the 'TeamSpeak Settings' tab. Additional Information
    You can access the TeamSpeak Query Admin class from anywhere using the following code.
    // Connect to the TeamSpeak Server // ( // If a connection has already been established // during this PHP execution session, the current // connection will be used instead of a new one. // ) if (! \IPS\ts3integration\TsAdmin\TsAdmin::connectIPS()) { $tsError = \IPS\ts3integration\TsAdmin\TsAdmin::$tsError; // end execution } // Example \IPS\ts3integration\TsAdmin\TsAdmin::$tsAdmin->clientGetIds("osNiXxOSdfgl5nVJdtBipg/a+E4="); (See http://ts3admin.info/manual/classts3admin.html for documentation)
    ts3admin.class by par0noid (License)
  22. Like
    Cyboman reacted to jinnie in Members Shop ( Support Topic )   
    A couple feature requests:
    1) I went back a few pages and didn't see this requested but have you thought about adding the option to use images instead of font awesome icons for shop items? I think this'll be useful especially when users are buying medals or trophies. 
    2) Is there a way you can set up a display option so the shop front page is just the list of the categories instead of the items + categories?  Preferably with the option to add an image header at the top.
  23. Like
    Cyboman reacted to Stormwolfe in Custom Notifications - Supporttopic   
    Thank you for your response.
    Here's a screenshot from Support.

  24. Like
    Cyboman reacted to All Astronauts in Spacious ACP/Widgets   
    PM me some screens.
    And the Similar Web widget is done for until Similarweb brings them back - that's out of my hands. HTTPS noted.
  25. Thanks
    Cyboman got a reaction from Nathan Explosion in (NE) Pinned Topic Enhancements   
    Great thanks, I will wait for the new fix then.
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